Friday, December 30, 2022

Hammond Castle (part 3)

 Hi everyone. Happy almost end of 2022. 

 I hope if you celebrated any of the winter holidays they were lovely. 

This past year went so fast . I wonder if it did for you also. 

For my post today I am going to share more photos from Hammond Castle in Gloucester, Massachusetts. You might remember I shared some photos in a couple of Friday posts earlier this month. If you missed the first 2 posts, and/or if you are curious, you can find them here: Part 1 and here :Part 2 .

I have lots of faces to share since I am linking up with Nicole's Friday Face Off  . I am also joining Gillena for her Friday Lunch Break.

I know it's been a bit, but you might remember in my last castle photo post we were in the wing that was filled with European treasures that Hammond had collected on various trips.

Here's the rest of those treasures in that wing.

Our tour guide told us about this not so old statue in the next photo. This is Hammond; he actually had a statue made of himself naked. The guide said he liked to put this outside along the road going by the house, and move it around a bit like you can do with Elf on the Shelf.

Whoops, here's a body with no face.

And someone is about to lose theirs. Ouch.

I even managed a face in this photo. I don't know who this man is, but he was touring the castle like we were.

I have some photos of the actual rooms in the house, and I'll share some of these next Friday on my last Hammond Castle post.

Have a great end of 2022 and happy start to 2023 to you!


  1. That is certainly an interesting place to visit. I have to wonder if the artist made "Hammond the statue" more muscular than he really was.

  2. Happy New Year 2023, Erika 💖, and tank you for this year 🥰

  3. Yes, this year sped by! I wonder how? I sat for hours under the sun-umbrella and it whizzed by.
    That place is really beautiful (well I would not want to lose my head for that, LOL).
    Looking forward to more!
    If I wasn´t that dumb I would have a great end of 2022. Ran to the city twice and am sick again. Dumb and sick. I still think I´m 20, LOL...

  4. This is a beautiful serie of pictures. I wish you a happy new year

  5. ...Erika,it looks like you took us to jolly olde England, thanks for taking me along. Stay warm and well in the new year.

  6. Wonderful photos from Hammond Castle Erika.

  7. The castle looks really beautiful. Happy New Year, Erika.

  8. 2022 did seem to fly by way too fast
    Such a unique place thanks for sharing and Happy 2023 hugs Kathy

  9. Hammond certainly collected some amazing things and his castle provides a cool backdrop. Enjoy another warm day

  10. Very interesting castle. Thanks for sharing

  11. Fascinating! That's a site well worth touring.

  12. I want to thank you for always showing and sharing the most interesting art with faces for FFO. I so appreciate it. I can't wait to see what you have for next year. Speaking of. Wishing you the very best for 2023.

  13. Great photos of a magnificent place close to home ~ glad you got to visit ~ Xo

    Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Happy New Year to you and yours, stay safe and healthy! Hugs!

  15. I really do have to remember this place if I make it east in the new year. I'd love visiting that!

  16. This is a really unique castle. I enjoyed seeing akll the artifacts ad scuklptures, but I admit I would never want to live there. Have a fabulous New Year in a few hours, dear Erika.


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