Wednesday, January 18, 2023

A Tag with Wings

 Hi everyone. This week is once again flying by, and I was thrilled we even had some sun yesterday. This month the sky has been more grey than blue, but as you'll see at the end of the post, we had an amazing colored sunset on one of our dreary days. 

But first here's a tag for the latest challenge at Tag Tuesday. This time the theme is Things With Wings which I believe is hosted by Sandie. 

I inked a white tag, added a bit of paint stenciled deli paper. Then I layered some items I found in my scrap box. The butterfly was on a sheet of paper I tore out of an old magazine. I stamped the word eternal and also added a bit of thin washi tape along the bottom.

And I mentioned some sunset colors earlier in this post. This past Sunday had been dark all day, but it cleared out just a bit right around sunset (before it clouded in and started to snow by bedtime).

First the sky went purpley-pink.

And then it turned orange.

And no, I have not done any adjusting to either of these photos. 

That's all for me today. Hope you're having a nice week.


  1. oh Erika,
    if I saw an orange-red sky above the trees, I would immediately assume that bushfires were raging not far away :(

  2. Nice tag! I cannot differ Chinese from Japanese, but yesterday I had a Chinese document for our tram :-)
    Great purple sky. Here even sunny... wohoo.
    I just made my first Mac & Cheese - must be a good week :-)
    Hugs and hope yours is great, too!

  3. Ooh, you're tag is making me think of Summer. WOW! Awesome sunset photos. The sky was a weird light this morning. I think it was trying to be a red sky in the morning, but the cloud cover was thick. Did you have that weird light, too?

  4. Your tag is amazing. You put a LOT of effort into it and it shows.

    Those sky shots are incredible.

  5. Those sunset photos are gorgeous! Our skies are gray, temps are higher than normal, and we have storms predicted for later.

  6. Your butterfly tag looks adorable, dear Erika. And that the sky showed such wonderful colors without processing is a real gift!
    All the best, Traude

  7. Gorgeous skies, ours are purplish-black rain clouds today with a cold front moving in. xoxo

  8. Beautiful tag and what a fantastic sunset to get to see!

    So far I've been lucky where I am here in CT, with rain as the form of precipitation, for most of the Winter weather. Today and tomorrow: rain. Yay! (I'd rather have rain than snow. But we have a long way to go, before we're in the "safe zone" of Spring.)

  9. Butterflies are so pretty, especially this time of year when we don't see them. And those sunsets are glorious!

  10. Such a beautiful tag! Loving your photos of the skies, such amazing colours and the silhouette against them is so pretty ☺️. Take care and enjoy the rest of your week! Hugs Jo x
    p.s. Great T Day observation, we bought two of those moose mugs from a shop in Boothbay, Maine. x

  11. What fantastic photos of the changing colours of the sky.
    Lovely tag too, I like how you chose to depict the wings through that butterfly.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  12. what pretty skies you have! i have a life-long dream to visit the northeastern states one day, preferably for autumn colors. now as to your tag, it is perfect, you have so beautifully married the different colors and patterns, i love it! thank you for linking to tag tuesday! xo

  13. Your tag is just gorgeous Erika! Wow those photos are great. We are getting some night skies at the minute too. Thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday.

  14. A beautiful tag, Thank you so much Erika for joining us at Tag Tuesday x


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