Thursday, January 19, 2023

Collage for Rain's Art and Dinner Date

 Hi everyone.

It's Thursday, and that means it is time for Rain's Art and Dinner Date challenge challenge. 

This week Rain's theme is collage. The collage I am sharing today  also works for Mia's challenge at Art Journal Journey where the challenge is Add a Photo.

For my page I collaged lots of bits of various papers. I also added the old vintage photo (from a TH photo set) as well as some little assorted colored plastic dots and some old buttons. I decided to title my page Modern Girls,  because even though it is 1927, I'm sure these two  feel very fashionable and modern in their fancy coats and hats. And to make it a little different from the usual I wrote the title around each side of the photo. 

As far as food goes this week, there's been a little bit going on in my kitchen, besides the usual daily food making.  First of all, I made a batch of 14 bean soup.

I soaked my beans overnight and used a box of chicken stock as my base. Here's my other ingredients except for the onion I had already chopped and added to the stock in the pot before I thought of taking this photo.

And of course here's the beans. I used one of those bags of 14 mixed beans. I love the colors and assorted textures in this bean photo.

It was yummy.  And almost like stew. Looking at this I think I really need to make some pea soup next.

There were also 2 bananas left over from our Costco purchase that I mentioned last week. They really needed to be used. I used this recipe from an old bread cookbook I have, The Tassajara Bread Book. It makes a yeasted bread that calls for 2 ripe bananas.

I probably should have cut the dough into 3 pieces instead of 2 because this loaf in the foreground is gigantic.

This bread is really delicious and has a subtle banana, cinnamon and orange taste (as you add some orange zest to it also).  It's a great recipe, but I don't think this section of the cookbook is set up the best. If you're a  newbie at bread making, I think it might drive you crazy. I had to go back and forth between the base recipe and  the banana bread recipe, but I had it figured out. Smile. I also made some cinnamon butter to put on the bread which was a great pairing. 

Thanks for visiting, and happy rest of your week and weekend ahead.


  1. Be sure to give me tour address, Erik? I'll be right over! Hugs - David

  2. Really lovely art. Ohhh there is nothing like 14,15, or 16 bean soup. Rotel is my go to as well. Your bread looks soo good. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  3. Nicely done art Erika. The bean mix looks very interesting to the eye :)

  4. Lovely photo collage and that yeasted bread is interesting. Love bean soups

  5. Those assorted beans look so lovely! The bread turned out really great, Erika.

  6. I love how you composed your collage. And yes, those young women were undoubtedly fashionistas of their day! The bean soup looks amazing too.

  7. Fancy is always hip :-) Fun collage.
    Soup would be great now, it´s cold!
    And oh! I got dry yeat from bloggy frind River from Adelaide!
    What do they do on page 34 for that bread? Is the bread very sweet? I like the thought of adding cinnamon!
    Ah, no, wait... newbie here! But it looks yummy :-) hugs!

  8. 14 beans! That's a lot! Bet it was great with your bread! And I really love your piece today.

  9. I like all the buttons.

    Bean soups are some of my favorites, and yours looks delicious. I've never added green beans to mine.

  10. Fabulous collage page! Loving the squares you layered together and the wintery colours 😊. That soup looks amazing with all those different beans and I'd love to try your homemade bread, they sounds yummy! Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

  11. Love how you have used a minimum of colour in the collage, just the right amount which is picked up in the watch faces pieces.
    I am not a banana bread fan but those beans look fabulous. I had no idea there were so many different types of bean. Love the photo.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  12. Ro-tel is a great ingredient for vegetable soup or stew! The bean mix looks very entertaining as well as good to eat.

    best… mae at

  13. Look at you! You crated a NEW collage for today. I think you are an over achiever. That bean soup looks wonderful. And it is always so colorful and healthy, too. Thanks for yet another great entry for AJJ and Mia's theme. And thanks for tipping me to this theme at Rain's today.

  14. Oh Wow, i had eaten the 3 bean salad. But the 14 bean is yummylicious.
    Some great collages
    Have a nice weekend Erika.


  15. What a great collage and your bean stew looks so delicious and your bread! Happy weekend, hug Elke

  16. Oh, your collage was so busy it took me a few moments to find the photo ... then it all fell into place. And I love your 14 Bean soup ... Yummmm and speaking of Yummmm, your bread sounds great. A little scary, how big it got ... I pictured it pushing through the top of your stove :) Fun stuff, Erika ... Never a dull moment at your house :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  17. Your collage is fabulous, Erika. I like it all comes together.
    That's a lot of different beans - I didn't even know they can be so colorful. Your bread looks like it wants to hop out of the form! I'm glad it was delicious.

  18. Your "Modern Girls" collage was awesome, Erika! I think we all feel like "Modern Girls" in our heydays! I couldn't help but laugh at your giant banana loaves. This is the kind of thing that happens to me a lot ~ lol! But all that matters is how it tastes.

  19. Hi Erika, the food looks delish and the collaged page quite interesting the way the papers are arranged. Hope your weekend's going well. xoxo

  20. Your bean soup and the bread look good.

    All the best Jan

  21. Hi, your collage brought me back in time when there was not soo much colors everywhere. :) I almost expected to find my parents in there :)

  22. I'm all for GIANT bread Erika!!! Lovely! And your 14 bean soup, that photo of the beans, that's a work of art in itself! What lovely colours! They actually reminded me of pebbles on the beach! ☺ Beautiful collage! ♥


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