Monday, January 2, 2023


Hi everyone. Happy January 2 to you.

It's time for Second on the Second today over at  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog. It's time to republish a post that you had on your blog in the past. My second look today is all about something so many people do at the beginning of the new year

 Do you make resolutions or pick out a word? I have a couple of word ideas in mind for 2023, but I haven't picked out a specific word  yet. However,  I am thinking of what goals I want to have for 2023. I like using the word goal because a goal can be long term, can be accomplished in segments, and can take more than a year to complete. I know the experts say you should set time frames for  goals, but I guess it comes down to who you are and how immediately important the results of a specific goal actually are. 

To me, a goal is  more of a morphing and developing idea, and a resolution is a hard fixed thing. As everyone knows sometimes on the way to meet a goal you hit a wall, and so the goal has to change a bit or take longer than you hoped. That's why I like the idea that goals are more long term wishes you'd like to accomplish.

And in my way of thinking, if a goal doesn't get accomplished, it wasn't that high on the "goal" priority list, or it just isn't  the right time to get to it. And yes, I am a goal oriented person so goal thinking is right up my alley.

Here's my goal page that I made in 2021 and which was posted here: Jan. 14, 2021. This is my link to Second on the Second.

2021 was the first time I drew my goals. I can't say the idea of drawing my goals was my own because it was a lesson on Creative Jumpstart that I was participating in that winter. 

I really liked this idea  though. Instead of writing them down or making a mental list as I have done in the past, I drew them again in 2022. I've never posted this next page before, but I thought it not only worked with today's post, but was a good way for me to go back and see how successful I was with my goals during the past year.

In 2022 I accomplished some goals and not others. For those I didn't accomplish, some were out of my control, and others, I just didn't end up completing because on the "goal" priority list, they either  weren't that important or something else (like not enough time) knocked them back down the list. Of course the good thing is that if they are still important, I can just add them to my goals for 2023. 

I'm working on goals for 2023.  Do you do anything similar?

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Hi Erika, first of all I love your drawings. I love the idea of drawing your goals, I don't think I've ever done that before. I do decide on "goals", make resolutions, or plans at this time of the year, I don't know why it has to be now, since it can really be any time but I guess I'm conditioned to make them at New Year lol Happy New Year! Did you reach your 100 book goal?

  2. I retired from work in Jan 2019, just as Covid was about to break out. So with no work and NO outside activities during lockdown, I found myself sitting on my bum for 3 years. I still found it easy to research lectures and blog pages at home, but we didn't have a single soul in the house during that time, nor did we visit people in their homes - no dinners, no picnics, no evenings at the cinema.

    So my resolution for the New Year is to rejoin the human race: have the children and grandchildren for dinner every Friday night and to go out to the cinema/restaurant/music event one night a month. In 2024, I will add going to two academic conferences in the year.

  3. Less stress and enjoy the day if this can counts as a goal...

  4. Thanks, Erika, for sharing both your 2022 and now 2023 goals (not resolutions😉) in a very creative way, as it was very unique. To answer your question, I also posted about goals today, avoiding the R word as well. But, I had not thought of a word, until now. I think it will be nonfiction because I have been reading an overload of fiction the past couple of years. And, today, I added a number of nonfiction titles to my library wish list.

  5. A great way to visualize your goals!
    Fun, creative and sure a huge reminder if you have it on the fridge or such!
    Looking forward to 2023´s!

    Mine havent´s changed, so... I cannot join you.
    To 2023 hugs!

  6. Lovely artwork. And I like your perspective on goals.

    Happy New Year! (And thank you for your kind comment on my blog post.)

  7. I used to make resolutions but don't now. I've never chosen a word. I like your drawings to illustrate your goals.

  8. Lovely 2021 goal page it seems so far away now. I don't set resolutions and tend to not plan too much, take things as they come

  9. Your drawings are such fun. I don't make goals, I never get them done. I'm planning on gettin better and learning to say 'no'this year! Hugs, Valerie

  10. I'll start with your second look, which I remember well. I love how you documented your goals in hand drawn images as well as words. It appears many of your goals were accomplished. Thanks for this amazing and remarkable entry you gave us as your second look on the 2nd.

    For your 2022 goals, it appears you have accomplished a lot of them. You knocked a lot of the baking off your bucket list of baked goods, you and your husband completed the studio you dreamed of, you got your cold frame so you could start your plants early, and you got your bees. Not sure if you read 100 books, but I suspect you tried. I would say you had a very productive 2022, dear. LOVE this.

    Every year I share a retrospective of what I have accomplished and what I hope to accomplish in the coming year. Mine is NOT colorful and well donoe like yours is, though!

  11. Such a colourful way to display your goals :)
    I haven't made any New Year Resolutions for quite a few years now.

    Sending my good wishes for a happy and healthy 2023.

    All the best Jan

  12. Creating a list of goals makes far more sense than coming up with resolutions you pretty much know ahead of time you will not achieve, being doomed to failure almost before you start. A goal is something you intend to do, not something you are committed to do. The one goal I think is most laudatory and easily achievable is to commit at least one act of random kindness every day. The world would be a much gentler place for it. Hugs - David

  13. How fun to draw your goals. Happy 2nd on the 2nd

  14. I like your new banner. And it's fun seeing how you welcomed in the new year and plans for it in those years!

  15. What a great idea to draw your 'goals' rather than just write them down. Must confess i long time ago stopped making resolutions and now I just live life to the full, well as much as i can. Not to say I don't admire those who do but on reading your post here I agree - goals rather than resolutions.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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