Monday, January 2, 2023

T Stands for Holiday Walks

 Happy New Year to everyone who joins Bleubeard and Elizabeth for T. It's our first post for 2023.

Last week I managed to take a few interesting walks, and after all the holiday nibbling many of us do, I thought you'd all love to burn a few virtual calories by walking with me. Smile.

Walk one was when my husband and I went to my mother-in-law's home. She isn't there, and the house is closed up for the winter. But after our holiday severe wind storm, my husband wanted to check out the house as well as his boat which he leaves there for the winter. (Everything was OK.)

The storm created  a mess with lots of small branches down on my mother-in-law's property. On the road there were several big trees down, but luckily people who live on the road year round had taken care of them so we could actually drive in, at least most of the way.

And my husband was happy his boat made it without any damage.

On another day I needed to go to Portsmouth, and I had some time between getting my morning allergy shots and meeting my husband for lunch. It was raw that day and not one that was very inviting to walk in, but I persevered and went walking at the Urban Forestry Center in Portsmouth (New Hampshire). 

I discovered this old cemetery, and I went over to check it out.

This walk wasn't the longest though because it was cold, and the car was a much more comfy place to be.

The next day however felt like March with temperatures around 40 degrees (about 4.5 degrees C), wonderful sunshine and no wind. I met my walking friend at Odiorne State Park in Rye (New Hampshire), and we took a long walk.

I think this seagull is used to being fed as he//she didn't move a muscle as we walked towards him/her.

And just to remind us it wasn't March but actually just after Christmas, there was this great decorated tree along the road and pathway.

And here's a tidbit of New Hampshire history (that can be read if you enlarge the photo).

After our walk my friend and I went out for a late lunch at the local 99 restaurant. (The 99 is a New England based restaurant chain.) We decided to celebrate an early New Year, and we each had a drink. My friend ordered a white wine, and I ordered a glass of red sangria that was HUGE and very festive.

Here's my drink link for T this week over at Bleybeard's and Elizabeths blog.

We had  an early toast to a happy 2023.

I hope your new year has started off well, and Happy T day to you.
As always, thanks for visiting.


  1. Wow your sangria drink is beautiful. I enjoyed the walk along with you-I don't do real cold well much any more it really gets to my breathing more now that I am older-but I think it would be a nice walk as not many people around.
    Glad your husband's boat made it through the storm-that would have been sad otherwise.
    Enjoyed your post Happy T and the new year hugs Kathy

  2. Wow! That is some sangria! Very festive indeed!
    Love the photos of your walk.
    I bet you were relieved there was no damage at your MIL's house (and hubby's boat).
    Happy T-Day and Happy New Year,

  3. That is a huge sangria, and it looks delicious. Back in Germany we sometimes made sangria ourselves, but not too often. I haven't had one for ages - I think I will have one this year! Your walks sound beautiful - even in the cold. It feels so good to come into the warmth after that, isn't it? We have had a lot of rain here (thankfully), but New Year's Day was mild, sunny and dry, so I did a lot of work in the garden. I am always happy when I can work in the garden.
    Have a great week and a happy T Tuesday, Erika.

  4. Have a great year in 2023!

    best… mae at

  5. That Sangria looks fabulous. I love a good Sangria! Fun.

    Your walks look so beautiful - the scenery is ALMOST pretty enough to make me get out in the cold but guessing I wouldn't make it long (well, maybe if I knew the Sangria was next - lol).

    Happy T-day, sweet Erika. Hugz

  6. I am going to be in Waterbury CT later this month for work - I was hoping it would be close to where you live but I see it is not - I am so bummed!!!!

  7. We enjoy our daily walk too and 4-5C, no wind and sunshine...a perfect weather for a walk.

  8. I'm not a fan of walking in the cold because of my arthritis (born with a rare form). But I love to walk in spring and autumn. Enjoyed seeing the Christmas tree at the beach. Someone left a clever and memorable Christmas icon. I was especially happy to read your MIL's property was not damaged and your husband
    s boat was still in excellent shape.

    That was a HUGE sangria, Erika. I would have been under table if I had drunk all that (grin). It is certainly beautiful, though. thanks for sharing your three walks and your sangria with us for T this Tuesday.

    Had to laugh at your comment about the cup Ian signed. Actually, I DID wash it because it had coffee spilled on it as I was getting in the car after the event. The nice thing is, the plastic cleans up nicely with a bit of soap and water and because Ian used a Sharpie, his message is still in perfect condition.

  9. First Valerie calls him "Bluegrass" and now you call him "Bleybeard." Pretty soon this poor cat is going to get a complex. OK, that is a JOKE!!! He will answer to anything if there is a treat involved.

  10. Yay to the boat! And the seagull. Believe me, this or next year I will see some for real again, too.
    Love that Christmas tree, too.
    Big WOW on that HUGE drink, LOL - love the glass and it looks real yum!
    To more walks and yum, happy T-day and hugs

  11. You had a great walk, love the memorial stone and the Christmas tree. Happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  12. Cheers to the new year :-))) and all the best for you, especially a lot of energy to implement the ideas.
    Great hike you guys had. We also had wonderful tours in the forest on New Year's Day and the following day... and you wouldn't believe it with an unusual 15 degrees Celsius... Spring was in the air at New Year's Day.
    Hug of Viola

  13. Glad everything was OK with your MIL's home and hubby's boat! Beautiful walks--the beach photo reminds me of a small town we used to live in here in Co Donegal. Happy New Year!

  14. Some great walks, Erika, and kudos to you for not letting a little less than perfect weather deter you. It's good to get out and enjoy fresh air and exercise - and of course you had to free up a little room to make way for a great lunch and a "huge" sangria! Now that's motivation! Hugs - David

  15. Good to read and see that there was not too much damage other than the downed tree limbs, Erika. Your walks were a great way to start 2023. We had considered a First Day Hike but found out that many of the NH state parks close by had advance registration and were full😕 The unseasonably warm weather has meant lots of muddy trails, so were were not overly disappointed as ice and mud are not my favorites to walk in.

  16. This was a much easier virtual walk than my usual cardio video walks ;) I'd love to wander that area. It's a much different environment than anything we have here.

    What a pretty drink. I'd feel festive with that in my hand :) Happy T Tuesday!

  17. A lovely walk and a delicious drink!

  18. Erika that Sangria looks amazing!! as do all your walks. Thank you for taking us along this T day! Hugs! deb

  19. Glad the house and boat were safe and sound. I would have enjoyed the beach walk and the walk in the cemetery. Your sangria is very pretty and festive. It looks like a liquid fruit salad. Happy T Day

  20. The photos from your walk are lovely. I am feeling the cold! But that beach scene is stunning!!
    Sounds like we had the same winds that you did. That is a lot of tiny branches to pick up. That would be a great chore for the little ones as that would hurt my back. Haha.
    Your drink is colorful and full of citrus. Yum!
    Happy Tea Day,

  21. What a wonderful time you had and I loved the festive tree with the nature backdrop - perfect! That sangria looks amazing and I'd love to try some 😏. So glad you had fun and Happy New Year! Wishing you a very Happy T Day too! Hugs Jo X

  22. Just gorgeous photos. However, that drink is one of my favorites. Looks so good. Have a wonderful day today.

  23. Your walk are beautiful -- I love seeing the baubles on the bushes. I had my first walk in months and made it a mile. Hurting like crazy when I got home and not great today but it felt good to do it.

  24. Looks like some really lovely places to go for wintery walks. I love that someone decorated that tree and that you also managed to photograph yourself in the bauble! That sangria looks delicious. I couldn't face a cold drink at the moment, it's too cold. I am drinking lots of decaf coffee though! Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  25. Huh, I got a "whoops that's an error" message when I tried to post my comment but I see that it posted anyway. Something weird going on with google I think.

  26. What a nice park to walk in and you have decorations on your trail, just like mine. I like to walk through old cemeteries, too. I must tell you that drink looks delicious. Happy New Year & Happy T Day.

  27. Happy New Year, Erika, the Sangria looks inviting! xoxo

  28. Good to know that MILs house and the boat were Ok! Your walks look interesting but not so good for a cold day. The Sangria looks fabulous though! Happy New Year, hugs, Chrisx

  29. The Sangria looks wonderful, very thirst quenching and all that delicious fruit to eat.
    My goodness, it certainly looks like your MIL is tucked away in the forest, so glad everything was ok following the storm.
    Good to know that the weather took a turn for the better and you were able to enjoy that walk with your friend. It looks ever so lovely where you went, bracing sea air, and that decorated tree? How unusual to find something like that, or is it?
    Hugs, Neet xx


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