Monday, January 16, 2023

T Stands for Making A Mess

 Hi everyone. It's another Tuesday and time for T over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

  Last week there were really only 2 things on my daily agendas.  I seemed to have appointments coming out  of the wazoo. The other thing that took up much of the rest of my week was pulling apart some of my art space and then putting it back together again.

And although making a mess and cleaning it up might not sound exciting, it was actually quite fun. And, much needed too.

You might remember that back on Black Friday I found this storage unit at Lowe's (a big box hardware store). They had them on sale, and I splurged and bought one for myself. Since we brought it home on Black Friday, this very awkward and heavy to move purchase had been sitting in its box in the garage. We hadn't brought it into the house because the  Christmas tree stood right near the sliding door, and we didn't think there was enough room for the box to get by the tree if we moved it through the door.

To make a long story short, we finally moved my new storage chest into the house. It took some ingenious maneuvering to get it up the stairs (we actually ended up rolling it end over end and then put the wheels and top on it once we had it upstairs.) 

That task was definitely a work out.

To put my storage chest in its new spot I had to move the plastic bins I had on this wall.

Then I went through my plastic storage towers because I wasn't very happy with the way I'd organized them last time I cleaned. Some of the items went into my new storage cabinet and some of them got reorganized elsewhere.

This was one of those cleaning  processes that meant I had to create a mess in order to get more organized. I guess if I didn't have so much "stuff" it would have been an easier task. Smile. I am happy to finally be able to make use of my purchase, and I'm also happy I could finally clean up some storage organization that wasn't working for me. 

And even though it meant cutting into my art making time, I did have fun reorganizing. And at least I refreshed my memory of what I actually have for supplies.  Smile.

After a busy day of running appointments and/or reorganizing, a late afternoon cup of something warm  was a welcome bit of down time.  (As well as this book which I am loving.)

One day I had coco and whipped cream made from a hot chocolate bomb. I got a box of these hot chocolate bombs for Christmas from my husband.

There were some different flavors in the box, and this one was peppermint. I really liked this one as it was just enough of a hint of peppermint and didn't overpower the chocolate.

And I ate the marshmallows that were inside the bomb before I gave the coco a squirt of whipped cream.

I give my husband kudos for finding this fun and tasty gift. And it is my drink to link up to T day this week.

That's all for me. Have a great T day and week ahead.


  1. What a cool drink-I don't get out to stores much any more so have not heard of these-sounds fun too.
    Loving your new storage piece-sometimes we need to go through things to remember what we have-that's what I did last year.
    now you are organized and ready to make art Enjoy your updated space
    Happy T Kathy

  2. Wow! I want one of those bombs! Looks and sounds good! I might go make me some hot chocolate right now. LOL As for your mess that is one benefit of reorganizing, to refresh out memory of what we actually have for supplies. Happy T Day!

  3. You do have a lot of creative stuff, so I guess it was really good to re-organize it and see what you have. I kind of like to re-organize, because I also often forget what I have and I also usually give something away when I see that I actually have never used it and probably never will. Your drink looks so delicious, perfect for winter. We have our daily portion of hot chocolate in the winter. Happy T day, Erika!

  4. This storage chest is great looking and seems there is a good space in it. I hope you will re-organize the room the way you like it to be. The drink sounds delicious with the chocolate bomb. I'd like to have some hot chocolate too...
    Happy T-Day!

  5. I NEED a drink like that right now! Sometimes getting things organized could be really would feel so GOOD after all things done.
    Have a fantastic day, Erika!

  6. Yes. That´s what I wanted to do, too! Re-organize, oh I could!
    I have too much stuff. You all here helped me and the "beginner-art-stuff" I even don´t need no more, it just eats up space.
    Darn flu, that.
    I am so glad we live ground floor, LOL. A work out like that must be "great" ;-)
    But your place now does look great indeed, congrats!
    And a happy T-Day, hugs

  7. If I'm having trouble making art (some call it loss of mojo), I reorganize, or I straighten a space that has gotten out of hand. You have a lot more real products than I have and you have so many rubber stamps, too! I hope if you didn't label everything, you at least drew a "map" of where everythng is now. If you don't, after a few weeks, you will be looking for something in the OLD spot and wonder where you put it.

    Your chocolate bombs look delicious. I've seen them at the Spice Merchant, but never thought to buy any. Thanks for sharing your organizing of your new cart and your chocolate bombs with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  8. I have been wanting to try one of those bombs - looks amazing! Congrats on the storage chest and straightening and finding a way to make it fun. I have fun when my Grandson helps me as he is always amazed at the things he finds (the young are so fun). Happy T-day and lots of hugz, Erika.

  9. Isn't it amazing how much of a mess you have to make when you're cleaning and organizing. Kudos to you for getting it done. The chocolate bomb looks amazing. I hope you get to enjoy the sunshine today. Happy T Day

  10. I've always wanted to try one of those bombs! And it sure does look good Erika! Straightening up my art space really gets my creative juices flowing! I see i'm not alone! How great you scored some new storage.. And yes going through my stuff really jogs my memory of what i have! i think that happens when you have too much stuff!! Guilty over here!! Hugs! deb

  11. Oh yes, I will join you for that hot drink. Yummmmm. I do remember when you bought that storage unit and I really like it. I am sure there is a lot of room in it. Have a lovely day today.

  12. Well done on the cleaning! Those chocolate bombs look wonderful, I have never seen them here. Happy T Day,hugs, Valerie

  13. That's a great storage unit but it had to be a bear getting it up the steps! I'm tired just looking at it. And yes, one feels so good after organizing!

  14. Fabulous and well done for getting your craft space tidy ☺️. Loving that chocolate bomb, looks like we both got hot chocolate treats for Christmas - so yummy! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

  15. It's good to sort out, clean and reorganise.
    That does look a fun and tasty gift from your husband :)

    Enjoy the new week.

    All the best Jan

  16. The chocolate bomb looks and sounds delicious! I bought a chocolate bomb making kit after Christmas on clearance for $0.90. I can't wait to make them!
    Loving your craft space and that Craftsman storage cabinet. It sure looks heavy duty. That must have really been a bear to move up the stairs. I hope you get to enjoy some creative time now that the cleaning is done. Disorganization is not usually a friend to creativity.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. Now my mess would still be there so kudos on completing the re-org! And your drink looks even more decadent than the german chocolate fudge Honey made last week. XOX

  18. How wonderful to have room for that kind of art storage and to have found such a great storage find!

    I've never heard of that kind of hot chocolate makings but will be on the lookout. I don't tend to drink hot chocolate (I forget it exists...), but my husband enjoys it and this would be a real treat.

  19. Kudos to hubby for finding those chocolate bombs, they look ever so nice and in a variety of flavours I am sure you really enjoyed them.
    The cupboard took a lot of man handling to get it to it's rightful place but I am sure it was worth all the effort. It looks good and sounds like a solid piece of kit. Happy organising.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. What a beautiful and sturdy cabinet! My husband had something similar (metal) for his tools. I can totally understand it is fun to have a good sort-out although it involves making a mess. I have that to look forward to soon as my craft room doubles as a guest room.And I have to tidy it before Tracey comes in February.
    I couldn't quite see what the book was, but it doesn't look familiar. I'm sure you will write about it soon.
    Have a great weekend,

  21. Hi Erika, last week didn't work out how it was intended so I am just getting here. That cabinet is fantastic - is it all drawers? I have an IKEA freestanding kitchen unit that used to be in my old kitchen but doesn't fit in this house so I use it upstairs in the craft room -like you getting it up the stairs was a bit of a challenge lol. Sometimes I fall asleep thinking about how to better arrange the craft room, I'm still not happy with it and there is still so much lying around on the floor which is making me crazy. Before writing this, I was actually thinking about going up there and moving something else, but I need to get this commenting done first! Chocolate bombs sound like the best kind! I'm very late to the party. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx


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