Sunday, January 15, 2023

Winter Weekend Catch Up

 Hi everyone. I hope your weekend is going well. It's a long weekend here in the US for some people. I know my husband has to work on Monday, so to me it doesn't feel like much of a long weekend. Of course when you don't go to work, every day is like the weekend (or so the hubby frequently reminds me.)

Let me start this post with a page for Mia's Add A Photo challenge at Art Journal Journey.  And since this challenge runs all the way through the end of the month, you still have plenty of time to join us.

My journal spread today is definitely out of season, well  the wreath and the St. Nick parts are. At least here in New Hampshire (and I know elsewhere) the snow is definitely in season right now. I made this page last month in a journal and then never got around to posting it.  Since it has a photo on it, it works for Mia's challenge. 

The background is a collage of paper scraps. I then stenciled some white paint and added all the paper images as well as the chipboard snowflakes. I also added a sticker bow to the wreath. I stamped a few flying birds and made a quote using some quote stickers. 

And here's some random winter photos I've taken over the last couple of weeks. We haven't had a lot of sunny days, so when we have them, I need to get outside at least for a little bit.  I know if you're in the cold and don't want to be in the cold you might not want to see more cold-smile.

And here's some drips in the snow.  I think it looks like abstract art.

These bird prints under some bird feeders  also look like abstract art too.

And these next prints end up all over my yard.

The dogs and I walked in to where my mother-in-law's house is last Sunday afternoon. The road was a bit icy, but at least at this time of year there are very few people around so I don't have to keep the dogs leashed. (They are trained to walk off leash so they do come back when called.) Luckily I put my grippers on my shoes so I could move right along even over the icy parts.

Because it's been warm, there is less ice than there had been a couple weeks earlier. You can see the open water right along the shoreline.

And even on the big lakes,  the ice comes and goes. 

And lastly, it's hard to get a good photo of both of these 2 goof balls.

I wish I knew what that bright green item is behind Mr. Pete's head. 

That's all for me. Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. A wonderful journal page Erika and you will have guessed I am am having a good catch up again. I loved the photos of the winter walks with the dogs and I'm sure they were really enjoying themselves off the lead. The last photo looked like they were trying to pose for the camera shot.
    Have a good week
    Yvonne xx

  2. Lovely journal spread, and snow and cold temps are still actual in many places. And I love the icy pics, and the ice abstracts you took, great shots. And your goof balls are evidently NOT in the mood to watch the birdy. I used to balance dog treats on my shoulders when I took pics f my woofies, that kept them looking up hopefully! Hugs, Valerie

  3. The houses or boat sheds around the lake edge look a delight. Great views, but a bit coolish in winter, I am guessing.

  4. Those winter shots are so beautiful, I love esp. the trees covered heavily with snow.

  5. Lovely page. Those icy walks scare me now.

  6. Brrr. Cold journal pages and cold pictures. The wind is biting today. I love the birdie prints. Stay warm!

  7. Loving your wintery pages! The layers with the snow flakes and images look so beautiful together ☺️. Your photos are stunning too, I love the snow covered trees and sweet bird foot prints. Of course Pete and Maddie stole the show, so adorable. Take care and happy weekend! Hugs Jo x

  8. I especially like the collage background. Sometimes I think the background is frameable as is.

    All that snow! It looks like the dogs had a blast.

    I thought the green was a tennis ball...

  9. It looks beautiful--both your art and Mother Nature's!

    The grippers are so great! We're in for a few days of ice this week, but it's black ice. I bought grippers 8 years ago and they are still on the cardboard hanger they were sold on, since they don't really work on the ice we get here. Who knows, maybe one day I will be glad I have them.

    Have a great week!

  10. Great art and photos. And I chuckled at you calling the dogs goof balls. (I have trouble getting my cat to stay still for photos. As soon as he sees the camera, he thinks he needs to walk toward me.) So far, we've been lucky where I am in CT, and gotten rain instead of snow. (I know skiers won't consider that lucky, but I hate driving in it, etc.) I saw that single winning lottery ticket was sold in Maine.

  11. Love your art (as always! :-)...) but the lake-pics steal the show!
    We´re in the plus grades but no sun, either. Depressing, a bit.
    Minus grades are on the way and 07:30 am the man who takes care of our heating will be here, huhhh, am I happy :-) Hugs

  12. Winter looks quite lovely where you are, Erika. The past few days here have been bright and sunny too. If only we could get a little more snow! Hugs - David

  13. A beautiful imaginative journal page! The suras are great in the snow and the photos, gorgeous on the water too!
    Happy week, hug Elke

  14. Thanks for taking us along on the outdoor walk, Erika, and I enjoyed seeing the show on the trees and the abstract patterns as well. Grippers are very good to have on icy walkways and we have them as well, even though there hasn't been much need for them this year.

  15. Once again I'm in catch up mode. What a great spread for Mia's theme. It was great that you could "recycle" it to this month's AJJ theme.

    Those drips look like they were created with a drone. Really clever use of your camera. Pete and Maddie look like they want attention. After all, I can only imagine all that pent up running and playing in the ice and snow.

    I think I need to invest in some grippers, but I try not to go out when there is ice. Some of those houses on the water are fantastic and dream worthy.

  16. Hi Erika, good week ahead to you. Quite a lovely background of stenciled scraps on your page and the quote stickers so cleverly grouped. I'm glad you remembered it to post, it's a nice winter spread, it complements your photos so well. Good thing the sun's been out, hope the sunny days help get you through. XOX

  17. You're right about the drips. It's beautiful where you are. I really am not winter's big fan, as you know -- but I love seeing photos of it!

  18. The winter photos are lovely and I wish I had managed to take pictures of some of the trees when we were way up high in the area around where we live the other day. There was no snow at the time but a hard hoar frost and the trees made it look like a true winter wonderland. Today we have snow.
    I loved the lake photos and the houses al along the edge of it, I've only seen houses like that in films before so it was good to see them in your photos. We have nothing like that over here, as far as i know.
    Your pages certainly are very wintry, you have certainly built up the background perfectly to portray a winter feeling to them.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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