Friday, March 10, 2023

March Madness-No Not Basketball

Hi everyone. Happy second Friday of March to you. 

At least this week in New Hampshire we aren't on the snow watch every day. And I haven't had to shovel for a few days either-BIG smile!

Today I'm joining Valerie over at Art Journal Journey for her Anything Goes challenge. I'm also joining Nicole's Friday Face Off and Gillena's Friday Lunch Break with this playful journal page.

And last but not least, I'm linking up my March madness journal page to this month's Creative Artiste Mixed Media Challenge.

If you read the quote about a little madness in the spring, you could say I went a little mad with all the painted pink "circles" on my page. Smile.

My page's background is made with some old book pages, some liquid watercolor ink, some acrylic paint and also bits of recycled deli wrap that I had been using as scrap paper to work on. I also took a brown ink pad and rubbed it over parts of the page. 

Before I added this lady I used light pink paint and painted some circles. You can see I outlined them and added the little foamy flowers to some of them.

The girl's body is cut out of a page from an old Somerset Studio magazine. If you're not familiar with the magazine, they have these artist pages you can remove and use. This girl had a bird head, which I didn't really like, so I chopped that off and added this magazine face. I also colored in the clothing on the body because it had no color.  Once I added the quote I decided this girl also needed a crown. 

You might also remember I showed you my jar of tulip bulbs that were blooming beautifully.

The flowers have since passed, but what's left is photogenic and has an interesting motion "feel" to it.

And even the bulbs don't look too bad.

That's all for me today. Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog. 
And most importantly, I hope you have a happy start to your weekend.



  1. Even when the blooms have gone, those tulips were great photo subjects, Erika. Hope the bulbs bring future blooms too.

  2. I always, always seem to hang onto tulips till the petals are almost completely gone. I find them fascinating as they age and take on new shapes. These aregreat pix!

  3. Lovely page and beautiful flowers ohh

  4. Well that is a whole lot of art! Your page is wonderful and Mother Nature did a great job, too (though I am always sad when flowers need to go....) Hugs and to no more snow!

  5. Luv the March madness page. And the flowers, oh and the bulbs too.
    Happy you linked to Art Fir Fun Friday.


  6. Good to see new shapes in faded flowers that most people would discard and never look at.

    best… mae at

  7. The movement and color in the tulips is really nice. Inspirational for other art work too. I like how you pulled all the elements together in the piece with the woman and those lovely pink circles :-). I never though about using old book pages for some mixed media work. I think I can find some so thanks for the idea!

  8. That is a fun journal page, I'm excited! The tulip photos are great, even though they are wilting they are still beauties!
    Happy day, hug Elke

  9. Love the flower photos, it's always wonderful to see how they look when they wither, so fascinating. Love your fun journal page, too. That's a fun girl you created. A bit of madness is always good! Have a great day, and thanks for linking to my challenge at AKK, much apreciated. Hugs, Valerie

  10. Lovely page as usual :) Lovely flowers too

  11. Fun page. The girl doesn't look like she's very happy. She must have just heard the weather report with the Nor'easter coming Mon- Wed with snow in interior areas. Oh, wait, that's me! Have a good weekend

  12. I really do love your March Madness. All that lovely pink. Your tulips are amazing. Thank you for joining FFO and have a lovely day today.

  13. Great collage work and beautiful floral photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Fabulous Two Part Post - Way Cool - Happy Friend My Friend


  15. I love how you painted your background with pink circles. I think your background was as important as the lady you Frankensteined together. This is a stunning entry for Valerie's theme at Art Journal Journey. And those dying tulips are amazing. Yo8u captured some incredible textures.

  16. I do agree that even when the blooms have gone, the tulips still look interesting to see.

    Happy weekend wishes.

    All the best Jan

  17. When the tulip bulbs in the jar were blooming at their peak, the colours, shapes and stances were perfect. Just like human beings really, handsome and well shaped at 25, a bit droopy and wrinkly at 65.

  18. Really like maroon color of tulips. The mix media art is great. The lady holding bird cage is just right touch.
    I shared my art.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  19. The artwork is lovely and the tulip photos are fabulous! I think I like the faded flowers even better than the blooms at their 'best.' I loves the swirling curves!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  20. I guess this proves that even a dead tulip is better than no tulip at all, Erika! Hugs - David

  21. Colorful bright journal page and great photos. I received a lovely arrangement of cut roses in a teacup and saucer for my birthday and am hanging onto it after 10 days because of the wonderful smell and the pink ones are still pretty but the white ones have a vintage-y brown edge now. I kinda like it, lol. XOX

  22. A fabulous page Erika! Tulips are beautiful too.

  23. I don't know that I've heard that quote before. Cool! The tulips are lovely.

  24. I often keep tulips until they have gone past their best. They are the perfect blooms to give off wonderful shapes as the petals take on some organic looks. These were and still are a lovely colour too which makes them even more interesting.
    That is a great page Erika. The background is perfect for the subject and there are some lovely colours there providing a backcloth to the young lady. Wonder if our new King knows of this saying. We might see a different picture of him after the coronation. Who knows.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  25. interesting piece today. Can´t help it but I love the dress :)

  26. Really love the quirkiness of this journal page Erika, how you used the magazine image added colour to the outfit and changed the doll head, she looks like Zendaya :) A great composition full of fun, I really do love it.
    March sure has been the craziest of months especially for me with so many care appointments & referrals to keep up with, sorry I've not been around this month, I'm hoping April will be a little better.
    Thanks so much for sharing @ Creative Artiste always a pleasure to see you there sending Hugs & best wishes Tracey xx
    P.S Always love how tulips branch out and be who they really want to be after they have finished blooming, amazing flower...


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