Sunday, March 12, 2023

My Word of the Year

Hi everyone. I hope you're having a lovely weekend.

A few weeks back I finally picked my word for 2023. I always wait for the right word to find me, and this year it took a while for that to happen.
I knew all along the general theme I wanted, but the right word hadn't come to me. Then, when I was in Florida back at the end of January, the word just appeared in my brain, practically screaming itself at me, clear as day. (Funny how that can happen.) This year my word is Venture.

Here's the dictionary definition of Venture:
to start a new activity, start thinking in a new way, or start doing an activity in a new place:

And here's another dictionary definition I found:
dare to do something or go somewhere that may be dangerous or unpleasant.

This type of venture (or adventure) is NOT for me.

I picked my word because I am ready  to do some new things and be back out into the world after a few  years with all the covid restrictions. I'm not sure how risky or dangerous anything I might do will be because I am not going sky diving or anything like that.  (Of course some days in our present world just going to the grocery store can be a risky or dangerous undertaking.) 

This is more my style!

It's time to broaden my horizons and step out of my comfort zone.  I am definitely someone who can get into a happy and comfortable rut (for lack of a better word because I don't think  I am in any form of a rut), and because I enjoy doing all my usual home things most of the time, I could just continue on as things are. Sometimes I even get a bit anxious about doing new things, and it was easy during covid to give in to those anxieties. 

Since last year when I started getting back into the swing of the pre-covid world, I did a few  "risky" things (like going to the movies-who would have thought going to movies might be risky?) without coming down with some horrible illness.  
I need to stop saying "I'll wait another year or until another time." 

A scary face?

 Sometimes when one thinks of the word venture it implies something that might be risky or unpleasant. Let's face it,  risk or unpleasantness is really a matter based on our own views of the world. I know when I was teaching one day the therapy dog (who visited school every week or two) came to my room. This big  lab pup was a sucker who loved the kids fawning over him, but I had one student who wouldn't get up and visit him. Ever. Then  on this particular dog visit, he finally stood up, inched his way forward and slowly reached out this hand to the dog. He explained to me he was bitten by a dog as a kid and had developed a great fear of dogs since then. It took a lot of courage on his part just to come close to the therapy dog, and that might seem crazy to some of the kids who were comfortable around dogs. 

This student had ventured out of his comfort zone. That's what I hope to do in 2023, even if it is in my own small way.

One of these things I want to do is to stretch my art wings.

The other day I pulled out my packet of oil pastels and a canvas panel. I don't know why I decided to play on this canvas panel and not play in my journal. I spent about an hour sketching and coloring this piece below. I also used a bit of acrylic paints and some water soluble pencils. I don't (and didn't) want it to be perfect and exact because I am also trying to be less fussy about my use of details.

After a couple of days  of looking at it, I went back and did a bit of finishing using oil pastels, more acrylic paint and also my water soluble pencils.

The perspective might be off (oh well), but I particularly like the tree and the boat in the water. and even more important, I had a lot of fun making this piece. Perhaps it's the fun I had that  I see when I look at this piece.

It was also time for some color to brighten up the late winter gloom, so I went and picked up a relatively inexpensive frame (because finding a cheap frame I like seems almost impossible) and put my art up on the mantel. I've never framed one of my own pieces before, maybe because once I frame  it, it means it is actually finished.

I like how it looks in the frame. And doing this actually made me think about framing some other of my pieces. Don't ask me why (because I'm not sure I know exactly why), but framing this piece makes me feel a little more like a real artist. 

Not that  I didn't feel like an artist before, but  one reason I retired was to have more time to make and to follow whatever artistic whim hit me. And framing my piece is one flap of those artistic wings. 

I am guessing  I can link this piece up to Valerie's Anything Goes challenge at Art Journal Journey. If making this on a canvas panel means it's not really art journaling, I'm sure one of my admin teammates will inform me. 

Have a super  rest of your weekend, and thank you for visiting my blog.


  1. Once again catch up complete and I've had a great time reading your posts Erika. I like the word of the year you have chosen and the framing of this canvas shows off your art so well. Yes get it up on show with some of your other pieces and you will have created your own art gallery.
    Have a good week.
    Yvonne xx

  2. venture is like changes, maybe more like's getting out of the comfort uncomfortable, but the result might be well worth it. Hope you enjoy the journey, Erika :-))

  3. Good luck with all your new ventures, Erika. May you break out of your cocoon and fly on new wings. Remember that venture is a large part of the word "adventure" and I hope some of those will be on the horizon. Don't go crazy but a little risk-taking is good now and then. The sooner you can start the better, because the older you get exciting challenge becomes lurking danger. Do it now! Your mind is lucid, your health is good. There's not time like the present! Hugs - Your therapist, Dr. David.

  4. You sound like my teamleader.
    So reckon you both are right.
    After 3 years we´ll be out and abou (for 2 days).
    I fear that a lot (the driving).
    As my PIL´s boxer - I will have to face her soon, too.

    But, as you and teamleader said... step out of that comfort zone!

    Love your art and how the giraffe looks at it!

    To a great Sunday! Hugs

  5. I like your word it sounds like 'be adventurous'. Beautiful framed art. Framing works.

  6. Venture sounds like the perfect word. Have fun on your adventure. Enjoy the sunshine today before the (last of the season, I hope) snow.

  7. My word for 2023 is "epic". Not a new word by any means, but a new aspiration perhaps.

  8. I enjoyed reading this post. Your artwork looks great in the frame.

    In weather news, it looks like I might be having a white Saint Patrick's Day this year. (NOAA says 5" to 10" of heavy snow Monday night into Tuesday night.) I hope you're not in that same forecast. :-(

  9. As it happens, our recent trip to see the whales in Baja California was on a ship called the National Geographic Venture! And I just read a story about the clothing/equipment company Patagonia, which is headquartered in the city of Ventura, California. A place where I have spent a little time. (Ventura is from bonaventura meaning good fortune). So it’s a GREAT word!

    best…mae at

  10. Your paining is fabulous, and I'm proud to have it linked to my challenge, thanks so much. Great idea to try new things and venture forth, that's the spirit - don't wait till you're old and sick like me, do it NOW! I have a lot of my pics framed - here, at the clinic, in various people's homes and in a bank, and it's always a great feeling to see my pictures hanging, so go for it! Hugs, Valerie xxx

  11. A great word Erika, and a very good idea to frame your beautiful art!
    Hope you're having a good weekend.

  12. Erika, go with it and get out and travel! This year we will be doing a lot of things we haven't done before, covid not withstanding, but certainly a factor in limiting travel. This fall we will be going to Italy (Sept) and Ireland (Oct) and it will be our first trip abroad together, so quite the adventure awaits. We have 8 years left on our renewed passports so there's a lot of places to see!

  13. Venture is a great word to isn't boring as long as we keep venturing!

  14. Hey, of course a canvas panel is ok to art journal on! Y'all accept my decos, right? Pretty much same thing aka loose leaf journaling. I want to know about it if it's not allowed and everyone who loose leaf journals needs to be quizzed as to their intent...and that's whack, so. Anyway, good for you framing and displaying your art. You're gonna love it, every time you pass by it. I have several of mine up in the hallway and it's so cool revisiting them, ha! Plus, I have an art corner in our living room. It really is empowering. XOX

  15. I am risk-averse, and covid did put a stop to my non-risky behaviors like restaurant- and movie-going, so it's been a slow few years. Good for you for venturing out!

  16. I love your art piece. Really love it. And yes, it's good to step outside of our zone and get back in the world. I'm doing that too a bit. And with the Sketchbook Revival coming up next week, I'm sure I"ll be out of my art comfort zone and that's a good thing!

  17. Love your choice of word! Maybe you will venture a meet up in Portsmouth, NH. I promise I am not intimidating in the least! Love your oil pastel. Really fun and great colors. Good for you for framing it. Email me if you want to meet up,


  18. What a fabulous word for 2023. I know you are far more adventurous than I, since I still wear a mask at the grocery store. I look forward to your new ventures, Erika.

    If you check the rules at AJJ, "Canvases, fabric, and digital art are welcome, too." Therefore, this is a perfect addition to Valerie's theme at AJJ.

  19. I think the painted picture is beautiful, I love it and it doesn't matter if it's wrong from the perspective. It doesn't matter, mainly you enjoyed it. Great your trip out let's go further afield.
    Gosd week, hug Elke

  20. Don't try sky diving. I did this 40 years ago and have suffered ever since. A badly broken ankle ("you landed like a bleep bleep ballet dancer" was the cry from the instructors) on my first ever (solo) jump which put paid to my many adventurous activities such as orienteering abseiling etc.
    Much better you explore the world of art. The piece you have done is great and looks ever so good now it is in its own frame. Be brave, be adventurous and go girl go. Have faith in yourself and see what you can achieve. Use all those sup[lies that have built up over the years and most of all have fun! Believe in yourself.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  21. I must say you have started out so well with your first venture! It looks great. Experts say that doing something new helps reduce the risk of dementia in later years. Covid, quite rightly made us wary of mixing with others, but at some point we are going to have to get on with it. We are still cautious in large groups. Hugs, Chrisx


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