Wednesday, March 15, 2023

More of the Edison and Ford Winter Homes-and a Snow Report

 Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week. 

 Yesterday we were dumped on with snow, but not as much as they got out in the western part of the state where my daughter lives. Some towns had 32 inches/81 cm of snow by late afternoon yesterday, and the snow wasn't done falling at that point. I wrote this post last night so I can't tell you what our final snow amounts are until I  get out of bed and check this morning. 

But here's what it looked like around 6 PM last night when I went out to do my last back deck shovel of the day.

The snowy fence next to the bird feeder is my entrance into my veggie garden. Who knows when I'll be able to get into my garden, but I bet it's not going to be gardening season too soon. 😕

FYI-today's post is rather long and photo heavy.

In my last post (yesterday's T Day), I wrote a brief introduction to the Edison and Ford winter estates in Fort Meyers Florida. Today let me share some photos as well as my Florida journal pages I made based on our visit back in January.

I had read a book in 2022 about Ford's and Edison's friendship called  The Vagabonds by Jeff Guinn. That book was about many road trips these men took together, along with Harvey Firestone (of Firestone Tires) and also John Burroughs (an environmentalist). Having been told about these historic homes and also having read that book had made me want to visit their estates in Fort Meyers.

One thing that I heard about before we visited the winter homes was the amazing banyan tree you see when you arrive.  This tree was planted by Thomas Edison about 100 years ago because one thing he was experimenting with was finding another source for the plant latex used to make rubber. (It turned out that rubber trees still have the best plant latex for rubber production.)

Banyan trees are related to fig trees, and they grow  all these prop roots down from their branches. As you can see in both of the above photos, it looks like you are in a forest of banyan trees, but this is actually just one tree with many many prop roots. It's huge.

I wasn't sure how to show this in my journal, but I really like this abstract style page I ended up making.

Edison and his wife were also both big into gardening. And of course Edison, being a prolific inventor, also had a very large well stocked lab to work on his experiments during the winter when he was away from his home lab in New Jersey. That inspired me to make this next page in my journal.

In honor of the Edison's love of plants and to also help raise money to maintain the estates, there is a great garden center where you can buy plants and other garden supplies. Good thing I was flying and  not driving home because I could have gone crazy otherwise.

And here's some garden photos from on the estate itself.

These next 2 photos are banana orchids which I found really fascinating.

And I love all the bamboo textures, colors and designs.

And let me include some of Edison's studio photos also, including this fun statue outside the entrance to his working space.

And I love this vintage lab.

And finally, here's my journal page I made about my lunch after we left the estate. I shared this restaurant with you yesterday.

I'll share more photos from my visit in this weekend's post.

I'm linking my trip journal pages up to Valerie's Anything Goes challenge at Art Journal Journey

Thanks for visiting.


  1. This is absolutely fascinating, what a wonderful place to visit. I have never seen trees and plants like those you showed, wow. A bit creepy, but good. And thanks so much for linking your beautiful journal pages to my challenge at AJJ, much appreciated.
    So sorry about the huge amounts of snow again, and it's the middle of March! I hope you don't need to do too much shoveling! Hugs, Valerie

  2. You beat us for snowfall, Erika, I'm nor sure that's a record you care to hold but we gladly cede it to you, generous, considerate Canadians that we are! I hope you will be able to get out to the bird feeders to make sure they are topped up. Our feathered friends will need a little help after a dump like that. Happy shovelling! Hugs - David

  3. YIKES to the snow for all those who have to leave the house!
    Tempting book! I may click at Amazon....
    Amazing trees, really.
    Love the journal pages (of course :-)...)
    Esp the bamboo is beautiful and great statue - want!

    Do friends pay for food and drink there? Great post, hugs

  4. Your snow dump was a bit more than here in Nashua, but what a pretty snowfall while it was happening. Of course, as apt dwellers, we do not have the “joy” of shoveling anything (sigh) but do recall doing so years ago. Hope your digging out is not too hard. Yes, I heard of the vagabond group with Edison, Ford, Burroughs, Armstrong and others but the book you mentioned was not in our local library. Their FL homes look amazing, especially the lab area but those banyan trees would have capture my photo interest for sure.

  5. Our low last night was 29. When it gets that cold I find myself thinking it's not right that we so rarely get snow to go with the cold. And then I see your photos and the news coverage. So much snow! Wow!

    Those trees are amazing! I like your artistic representation. The garden center would be tempting, though I lost so many plants I'm hating to spend much to replace anything. That lab is _huge_. It's interesting to see the space.

  6. We didn't get nearly as much snow as you. Up in the route 2 corridor some towns got 30 inches of snow. Did you get that much? I don't think the storm was as bad for my area as first predicted. I'm going out now to measure how much we got and to clear the car. The garden pictures are so much nicer to look at than the snow pics. The banyon tree is amazing.

  7. Lovely art and photos...bring spring on already!

  8. You got SNOW!! Lots of it. I was watching the radar this morning and thought about you and CJ.

    I couldn't believe that was ONE tree at first. Goodness it's huge. Your abstract painting was a fun way to memorialize that tree.

    As much as I enjoyed the plant areas, including where you can buy them, my favorite was the incredible lab. Wouldn't it be fun to work there, if only for a day?

    I was going to ask if you were allowed to keep one of those Ford coasters, and there it was in your art journal. LOVE it. All your art is perfect for Valerie's theme today at AJJ, dear Erika.

  9. I was wowed by your snowy pictures, lovely to look at but oh, all that digging! But then I saw the banyan tree and was blown away, how fantastic is that! Eerie to see in real life I expect.
    Fabulous photos from the Edison Ford Estate - both inside and out. That must have been a fabulous visit.
    Great journal pages resulting from your visit and I love the sign at the end.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  10. I am catching up on reading posts-I really enjoyed this one-thank you for sharing. I didn't know before that he had this estate in Florida-what an amazing place. Loved the gardens-what a great way to raise money for the estate.
    wow I keep reading about the snow coming down in your area-craziness! hope it melts off soon hugs Kathy

  11. Where to begin? First, wow -- you DID get a dump, and if that wasn't "as much" then I feel for the rest. Your poor bees. I hope they are hunkered down. And the estate -- wow. It looks like a wonderful spot to visit and an excellent addition to anyone's itinerary. I loved how you interpreted things in your journal as well.

  12. What a snowfall with you and so much, I hope you are doing well with it...
    Great photos I love it and your journal page looks fabulous too.
    Hug Elke

  13. What a treat(sorry I know snow isn't a treat for you) this post is. I loved it all, the snow, the visit to those houses and your wonderful journal pages that record your visit. Those trees are amazing! Hugs, Chrisx


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