Saturday, April 8, 2023

Flowers and Bees

Hi everyone. Happy weekend to you. 

Today I want to share a journal page for Elizabeth's and Bluebeard's Recycle, Reuse or Repurpose challenge at Art Journal Journey. I am also linking up to More Than Words and their Being Green challenge.

I started my page by stamping this big cool background stamp in blue.  This page is in a bound journal I am using at the moment, and it has the graph paper lines on it already.

Back when I retired I spent a day giving my classroom a huge purge. I had a lot of old reference books that I knew my replacement wouldn't use. The kids would rather find images online and print them rather than looking through a book. (That would be too much work for some of them.)  I didn't want to throw all of these books out (and because it was when we were in early pandemic shut down and that was really my only option), so I took several  home. I figured I could use images from them and also use the covers on some of them for making journals. Many of the images on my page in this post come from a couple of those books I brought home.

The first thing I added to this page was a picture of some magnified plant cells that I cut out of a botany book. Under the microscope these cells look really fascinating , and even if you aren't into plant cells, make a great pattern. Then I used a science dictionary I brought home to get  the plant images and also the definitions. 

The daisies and the bees are die cuts on white paper that are then colored. I also use some little torn pieces of scrap deli paper that I had been putting down to protect my table top when I paint or use markers to outline an image. I added these bits around my page to add a bit of color and texture too.  I've also been hooked on using a stamp set that I have with these kitty faces lately.  I stamped and fussy cut one kitty because he just seemed to belong on top of the definitions.  And finally I stamped the quote.

I also have a tag to share at Wendy's Spring Colors/Yellow and Green challenge at Tag Tuesday.

 I inked my tag and drew the stem with the leaves. I colored those with markers and watercolor paints. I also gave my tag a spray of yellow-brown ink. The bees are stamped and colored, and I added white paint pen dots. Finally I stamped the quote in black and outlined it with  white pen.

There you have all my art for today. I hope you have something you love on your agenda this weekend. And Happy Easter if you celebrate also. Enjoy.



  1. I certainly understand that kids wouldn't be interested in looking in old textbooks, but I find them both fascinating and useful. It's always interesting to see the progression of research and knowledge and to read what biologists and scientists were writing at the time. It is often really helpful in adding context. Hugs - David

  2. I'm sure you realize the first thing I saw when I looked at your journal page was the cat! That was brilliant. Old textbooks and reference books are priceless when it comes to mixed media. I love the flowers and plants, and reading the definitions, too. This is a wonderful entry and anything under a microscope is fascinating. Thanks for this great entry for AJJ using Bleubeard's and my theme.

    Your tag is lovely, too. I like how you focused on bees. I sure hope yours survived this winter.

  3. I love that black kitty at the background...and the spring with green and been looks so beautiful!

  4. ...I wish you a Happy Easter.

  5. Hi Erika, love how ou put the cat into the mixture! A fantastic journal page, and a good way to use up images from books that you don't need any more. And I LOVE the gorgeous tag with the bees and the lovely quote. I will never bee young and beeautiful again , but hey, who cares! Happy Easter to you and your family and the dogs!

  6. You had me at the black cat on your page. 😻 Pretty tag, too.

  7. Those blues remind me of beautiful washed denim dear Erika! Plus the striking yellows just screams easter and spring at the same time, perfect colors! Happy Easter to you Erika and so happy to be back here!

  8. I love how the cat's paw hangs out! Yes, that happened when I retired, too. There were things that were getting pitched from our art room around that time and they were just in bins to go by the trash -- including some really great supplies (Ph Martin watercolor inks, for example!) I asked and they said, "take 'em!"

  9. Gorgeous journal page and tag art ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Your page is so much fun and I know you must have had fun making it. Not the same but similar is that I have so many accounting business supplies from my tax business still. Used them in my art for a while and then got tired. I should give it a whirl again when I get a chance to do some spreads. Happy Easter, xoxo

  11. Beautiful art, and I love that black cat.

  12. Such fabulous art! Loving your page, it's a lovely way to recycle those books 😄. Your tag is beautiful too, I bet your bees will be ready for spring soon too! Sending you happy wishes this Easter weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  13. Happy 🐰🐥Easter to you as well, Erika, and hope you have a wonderful day however it’s spent. To answer your question in a vlog comment, I found Fly Girl very interesting and learned a lot about flight attendants thanks to Ann Hood. I know she has authored other books, but our local library didn’t have Kindle editions, so I may check out the hardcovers on the next library visit. I have a hold Ann Glencommer’s newest book. Currently reading a new Vera Stanhope work by Ann Cleeves, Thr Distand Tide.

  14. Fascinating design using the plant cells, my MIL (Retired Biology Teacher) would love them. You page is a grand collaboration of recycled papers and things others may regard as unusable. There is beauty in everything!!
    Your Bee tag is adorable, I hope your Bee's have kept warm during those snowy cold days.
    Wishing you a fabulous weekend and a very Happy Easter to you and yours.
    Hugs TRacey xx

  15. I love your art journal page and tag-I am loving the sweet kitty too.
    Happy Easter hugs from the lake

  16. Microscopes are interesting.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  17. Wonderful works, you are so creative!
    I love that cat especially and I do hope for many bees to help my strawberries along.
    Sad kids ignore books mostly, reckon that´s the way life goes... well done, hugs!

  18. Me again. I forgot to comment on your tag. I posted mine today and have been going around to the others leaving comments. I love everything about it, especially your hand drawn art! XOX, Aimeslee

  19. How wonderful to have those old reference books to use Erika!
    Your page is stunning and I love your tag.

  20. A fabulous journal page and tag Erika, love both of them. Thank you for sharing with us on Tag Tuesday.Have a super week, hugs Wendy.

  21. Bee eautiful - Have A Delightful Week Ahead


  22. Your Tag is awesome, bright and beautiful, a work of art,I love it.
    Thank you so much for playing along with us at Tag Tuesday x

  23. I love your cute layout with the little cat peeping over Erika! Wow your take is super gorgeous, a real pop of spring colour and beautiful sentiment!! Thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday this fortnight.

  24. Hi Erika! I love your beautiful page and gorgeous tag, too! I know all too well how kids really don't like to look through books anymore. I remember LOVING old reference books and pouring through them. I also loved old atlases! It's definitely not as fun looking things up online! Your plant references and daisy & bee dies are beautiful, and I really like the addition of the adorable black cat! Thank you so much for joining us at More Than Words this month!! Have a great rest of your April! Hugs, Sharon


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