Friday, April 7, 2023

Friday Face Off

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday to you. 

I'm here today with a spread from a recent junk journal I made. It's made from a recycled journal page, scrap paper  and recycled magazine and book pieces.  I am linking up to Bleubeard's And Elizabeth's Recycle, Reuse and Repurpose challenge at Art Journal Journey

 It also has faces on it so I am linking up to Nicole's Friday Face Off. And since it is also Friday so I'll be joining Gillena for her  Friday Lunch Break.

I had an old journal page that I didn't care for, so I cut it apart. You can see a lot of that page on the left side of the spread and also a bit on the right. ( I loved the background but didn't like what l did with it. Now I can just use the parts I like. 😀)  I also used some bits from an old Japanese book, as well as some scraps of polka dot paper. The rest of the page is made with  some faces, the heart flower vase and the quote that all came out of an old magazine. 

I noticed  on the heart vase there were a few small white flowers with yellow centers. I had  some similar small foam confetti flowers  so I decided to add those to my ladies hair or outfits.(although not all of the ones I added had yellow centers).

I've had a "busy" week watching the snow melt out in my backyard. It's melting quickly too. Hurrah for that. I can't wait for things to start greening up though. I'm more than ready for all the snow to be gone for good, which it is not quite yet, but almost.

But  in a spot where it is gone,  my alliums are coming up.❤  Can you tell these are right under where one of my birdfeeders spend the winter?

Last weekend we took a drive to my mother-in-law's home; her house is a couple of towns north of us. I took a walk, even though there were still a couple of muddy spots on her road. I like walking the dogs there at this time of year because no one is around, and I can let them run off leash. (They are trained to walk off leash and come back when called.)

If you look closely in this next photo you can see the Eastern phoebe sitting on the fence post. It's not a good photo, but it's all I could do with my phone.  Every time I stepped closer the bird flew to the next fence post. The summer birds are coming back so it has to be spring, right? This year spring is reminding me  more of the way springs used to be rather than how they've been the last few years.

And here's my mother-in-law's driveway. You can't drive into the house yet, but then, since no one is staying there, the driveway hasn't been plowed all winter.

Keep thinking spring so this snow finishes melting. Smile. 
That's all for me. Have a great start to your weekend.


  1. ...that road is my kind of road! Happy Easter Erika.

  2. If only it was so easy.
    I think you learn with age. And education (bummer, huh). And love.
    Great, encouraging page.
    I think this would make a wonderful huge mural on some public place.
    A great reminder.
    I also love the polka dots (of course).

    And the plants coming through, yay for Spring, finally, hugs and a Happy Easter!

  3. Wonderful sentiment for your recycled junk journal page. Pete looks like he's enjoying his walk. Love the bird on the fence photo. Spring it's on its way. Personally, I like going from Winter right into Summer.

  4. I love the page so much. And so true...we are all human beings, why not just nice to each other.

  5. Thank you for linking to Art For Fun Friday.

  6. Erika, I absolutely love this page. It is something I say and think. Can't we all just be nice to everybody? You know how much I love the photos you share of your walks. So glad the snow is finally melting for you. It's still cold here at night so no garden time for me yet. Even the Easter Lilies that normally come up by now are still not blooming. I am hoping for a long summer. LOL Have a lovely day today.

  7. A lovely colourful page for Elizabeths AJJ theme! Love the sentiment! Glad to know that Spring is on it's way for your! Today started very cold but the sun on our balcony is wonderful.Unfortunately I am on catch up in our shaded office area! Hugs,Chrisx

  8. A beautiful journal page, and the message rings so true.
    So nice to see some sprouts coming up. Yes! to spring!
    Looks like a wonderful road to stroll down.
    Happy Easter, Erika.

  9. Your journal page is lovely and the quote is, too. It's always nice to meet nice and kind people! Glad spring is on its way at last. Nice that you could let the dogs run free, they must enjoy that! Hugs, Valerie

  10. Wonderful collage art and lovely nature photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. I love what you did with this repurposed page. I especially like the sentiment and the foam flowers you added to the women. This is a great entry for Bleubeard's and my theme at Art Journal Journey, dear Erika.

    Wow. The snow is still not melted at your MIL's place. Nice photo of the bird and Pete in the road. In case you don't post again before or until Sunday, have a lovely Easter, dear.

  12. Yay for melting snow. Aliums are one of my favorite and I'm seeing the stems pop here, too. Coming soon!

    Happy Easter week!

  13. Your art is happy art, and looks like a wonderful place for walk.
    I took part in art friday.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  14. Signs of spring are all around, Erika, a welcome change for all of us. Eastern Phoebes have returned here too - they are always the earliest flycatcher to arrive. Such a delightful little bird. It's great that you have access to a road like that to let your dogs run free. Miriam and I were out and about yesterday and it seems that everyone else was too, and some dog owners just cannot resist letting their dogs run free in areas where they should be leashed or not be present at all. Hugs - David

  15. I forgot to say that I appreciate the sentiment too. Under the skin we really are all the same so let's stop letting the wrapper ruin everything.

  16. Hi Erika! Isn't is amazing that just a little bit north can look so different?!! Your photos of your mother in law's home are so beautiful and peaceful, and yes, there is still lots of snow there. I believe that it will melt before you know it. I also love the photo of the spot where you alliums are coming up!!! (And yes, I can tell it's right under one of your bird-feeders!!!) And I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love your art journal spread. I really like how you reused an old art journal page that you didn't like and made it into something beautiful and meaningful. I love how you added flowers to the 3 faces, and I especially love the sentiment. Wouldn't the world be a better place if everyone considered this? Thanks so much!!! Happy Spring. Hugs, Sharon

  17. Well, I do love how you re-did this spread, Erika. The areas you pointed out that you kept are gorgeous. Love how you repeated the little flower motif and a Richard Simmons quote is always good. :-) I have been sending you good melty wishes and will continue. Our rain and cloudiness continues. Was 55F last night! LOL I know you think that's a heat wave, but I got chilled. My perpetual summer wardrobe might maybe had something to do with it. heehee XOX

  18. You are spot on with this post ... so what is the answer? Why can't we just be nice to everybody? Beats me ... but there are some who just don't get it and I am guessing that is why there is so much vitriol in our world. But, back to your lovely journal page ... love it, love the message. And, LOL, I have seen that post winter pile of Sunflower seed hulls in my yard, so I knew before I read your explanation, exactly what it was :) Your MIl lives in a beautiful place and wonderful for your dogs to enjoy an outing. My dog was trained to walk off leash as well, but it was illegal in our community so she seldom had the opportunity. I am smiling and yes the snow is melting and spring is here ... almost :) Happy Easter, Erika ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  19. Finally I managed to get here, tried this morning then the phone, door bell and then visitors arrived (always on my day off!!) Great quote on your journal page, really lovely layout with the chinese(?) script and the faces are very unique. Always a better day when we are greeted with kindness.
    I too hope the snow melts for you soon, plants can be so resilient even with the harshest of Winters. We are still having morning frosts here in my part of the UK. HUgs Tracey xx

  20. Spring has been here for weeks, of course, but I'll be happy with warmer and sunnier and dryer days. It's dreary here, damp, with highs in the lower 60s.

    I like your walking road there. Great bird-watching!

  21. That's a fabulous spread and quote Erika, and great photos too!


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