Saturday, April 22, 2023

Happy Earth Day/Weekend Art

 Hi everyone. Happy weekend to you.

Before I get too far into this post, let me wish Elizabeth a very happy "bearthday".  And Happy Earth Day to everyone  else also.

Today I have another page to share for Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's Recycle, Reuse and Repurpose challenge at Art Journal Journey. My page is one that works for earth day as long as you stay away from all kinds of toxic chemicals, invasive plants , and you recycle all those plastic plant containers most spring plant purchases come in.

I've been trying to do a lot of garden prepping this past week, at least as much as the weather allows. Tomorrow the weather people predict  that we'll have a 100% chance of  rain, but actually it will be really nice to have a lazy day inside. However today I'm heading back out to try to get some more garden chores done. I just love spring and being able to get my hands dirty.  I am having lots of fun and getting lots of exercise so chores may not be the best word for what I'm doing.

Most of the images on this page come from an old kids gardening book. I die cut the flower pot and the flower I put in it (that I then painted). I also used an old trim punch to make the flowers along the bottom., as well as stickers and some scrabble letters (these were cut out of some old magazine pages) to make my quote. My page's background is made with the reading parts from a couple of old book pages, some gesso and some green paint as well as green spray ink. I sprayed that ink into the gesso while it was still wet.

I also have a tag today for the new challenge at Tag Tuesday This time Pinky is hosting and her challenge is Anything Goes.

I made much of my tag using up scraps on my work table. There's a bit of printed paper, some scraps of painted  deli paper, thin paper edging leftovers, and a quote that I had stamped and planned to cut out and use but never did.  I decided to  just add it on as it was.

The piggies and the pink quote are from a set of clear stamps  I recently bought. I just fell in love with the little piggies. Last winter I discovered an art store about 45 minutes away from my house. Luckily for my wallet it's in a direction I don't often go. However I did go by there back in early March when I actually needed something, and  that's when I saw this piggie set that I couldn't resist.

And speaking of art stores, when I was in Belfast last weekend, I discovered this store which was right across the street from the diner where we stopped for  breakfast Saturday morning.

Half the store was fabric and sewing supplies and the other half was art supplies. I told my husband I wanted to go in, and he said "Take your time."

The sun glare made it hard to get a window shot, but I actually really like this photo.

The store opened at 10 AM, and it was like 10:05 when I went in. There were at least 5 or 6 customers already inside. And I can see why. This store had a great collection of interesting supplies. I only snapped one photo because I got too busy browsing, and well, doing a bit  of shopping too.

 This store made the art supply store that is 45 minutes away from me  seem pretty empty.

The funny part of this story is how I mentioned that my husband told me to take my time inside. Ha ha. Take my time as long as it was quick. Around 10:20 he came inside, and I know that because I heard him say  to a clerk "Oh no, my wife is going to be in trouble in here." 

I must have made a face, that was noticed by a woman near me. At this point she turned to me and said, "I drive over an hour to get here. I hope you live close enough that you can back sometime by yourself."

I was in heaven, but sadly heaven is a 3 hour drive away.
I did manage to treat myself to a few interesting supplies,  even if I never made it into the half that was the sewing store.

It's a good thing this store is 3 hours away because that is probably just as well for my wallet. Smile.

Enjoy  your weekend.


  1. Stores like that one are really dangerous. Husbands don't understand how long you can stay there. We have a wonderful art store in town, and I can really get lost there, good that they have a coffee bar! LOVE your beautiful garden spread for AJJ, and I'm glad you enjoy gardening outside as well, it is surely good exercise. The tag is beautiful, too, thanks so much for supporting Pinky's challenge at TT. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. And I love your window shot - fabulous!

  3. Finding a shop that was half full of fabric and sewing supplies, and the other half was for art supplies, could be problematic. If I had to choose between art supplies and fabrics Vs the family's dinner, I am not sure how I could choose.

  4. Half the store was fabric, you say? Miriam might still be there! And speaking of fabric, we once deliberately detoured in New Hampshire so that she could visit a well-known fabric store called Keepsake Quilting. It's in Center Harbor if I remember correctly. Perhaps you are even familiar with this place. Have a great weekend. Hugs - David

  5. ...Fiddlehead looks like a great shop! Happy Earth Day.

  6. Both pages are super cute and beautiful! I like that window shot too.

  7. NOw THAT is the kind of store I would love to be in! It reminds me when I went to Sennelier in Paris and Rick waited outside for me. And waited. And waited! When you see a wonderful selection you just have to go with it, especially when it's not in your normal path! Love your page and hope your gardening day is a successful one.

  8. What a lovely store! Nice art and Happy Earth Day!

  9. I love those piggies! Such a great story about being told to take your time in the art supply store. I love the comment from the other shopper 🤣 Enjoy playing with your new supplies while it rains today and tomorrow.

  10. oh pens! I really would be in trouble, sounds like a great shop. Your purchases look interesting too - is that origami paper under the sashiko thread? Happy Earth Day, love your gardening page Erica.

  11. Wow what an awesome store find-I would love visiting this store-how fun!
    I love your recycle page very much, and your tag too.
    Happy Earth Day Erika
    Hugs Kathy

  12. Good to read you have been able to get in the garden, I've been trying to do the same when time allows in between the showers & life stuff but it's all looking a lot tidy now, unlike the inside of the house (dont talk about the craftroom..!). Fab page to highlight the greatness of gardening.. I LOVE IT! I'm laughing at the art stores, I can feel the excitement just looking through the window and the smell when walking in.. Looks like you treated yourself to great things, I love black watercolour paper, metallic watercolour paints sit really well on it. Hope to see what you create with it all soon.
    You are going to have so much fun.
    Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Love the wee piggies :)

  13. What a happy garden piece :)

    What a great store, truly something for {almost) everybody.

  14. OMG! That store looks like soooo much fun. I just love it.

  15. Wonderful collage art for Earth Day ~ so creative ~ and art supplies stash ~ lol ~ I can relate ~ I have too much stuff and no energy to clean it out which it is time to do soon ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. I don´t even know where to begin!!!

    Great reminder I need to buy fresh soil. Maybe I will not dance as I plan to buy real much ;-)
    The pigs made the two in my windowsill happy!

    Dangerous places, those art-stores!
    HAHA to your hubby! Sounds familiar....
    THREE hours???
    As dangerous as bookstore Graff - which is 20 minutes... on foot!

    Big YAY for you to buy "local" and not online, I try the same... hugs

  17. I KNOW I left you a comment, but apparently I didn't because this post was still on my top bar today.

    Love your garden inspired entry. Lots of wonderful recycled art in it, too. I was reading the various soils needed and the different minerals in each, which I found fascinating. These are all wonderful images and the entire entry is perfect for Bleubeard's and my theme at AJJ.

    Those pigs are adorable. They make a great tag because they are SO cute.

    OH WOW on that artisan supply store. I would have trouble there between my love of fabric and my love of art supplies. I have recently discovered Posca pens and I am in love with them. I see you are, too. And what a great find on that black watercolor paper. You will love that. I was gifted with two sheets of it and I have been very frugal with mine.

  18. I do like your garden piece and that store looks and sounds fantastic.

    All the best Jan

  19. This is wonderful. Be happy. Nice tag.


  20. I wish we had a craft store like that here Erika, sadly not. Everything online!! Your pig tag made me laugh out loud. It's so brilliant!! Thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday.

  21. What a treasure your husband is letting you have a free wander in that store. But what a store! It looks wonderful and you chose some lovely arty things to take home with you.
    The journal page is an interesting one, especially as it ties in with what you have been busy doing - some great images there that you found.
    I also like (no, I love) the pink piggies and the quotes that are with them. A great piece for your challenge.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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