Monday, April 24, 2023

T Stands for a Spring Garden Tour

Hi everyone. Happy Monday night or Tuesday to you. It's time for another T day already. Where is this month going to? Next week on T day it will already be May.

I hope you like reading about gardens because my T day post isn't very exciting if you don't.

Last week I didn't have anything on my calendar, and I was happy to have a week to get some early yard clean up done. I did a whole lot of raking. I also spread some  bark mulch.  I haven't finished all my gardening for the season because it is still too early to plant things, but I did  finish what I wanted to get done. And I beat the black flies 😀 that come out en masse and make it impossible to do much outside for a couple of weeks. 

Here's what the leave situation was before I raked, even though I do rake in the fall. This garden  actually fills with the most leaves since the winter wind blows them here and they get stuck up against the fence.

Here's my big perennial garden after I raked it. 

It's great to see daffodils in bloom and the other plants coming back up, even if most of them are still really small. It is still April after all, and our growing season hasn't really kicked in yet.

After I raked my rose garden I bark mulched it. I don't mulch most of my gardens, but weeding in the thorny roses is not fun, so I do everything I can to keep those weeds at bay. Maybe this fall we will get the back of the house painted as it really needs it. 

The angel winged dog statue is there because I planted many of the rose bushes in this garden on the day we lost our dog Harley back in 2014. I'm not a sit and grieve person, and I put that sadness into doing something useful. I will always think of Harley when I look at this garden though.

I take my husband's truck to the garden center and have them dumped mulch into it rather than buying it in bags. This year I had enough left over to do this garden too. I also put out my little cement bunnies. By the time the plants grow up you won't even notice the bark mulch here. 

 One of the gardens I am still trying to figure out (after a couple of seasons) is this small shade garden that separates the lawn from the woods behind it. I want it to fill in so it makes a natural fence. I haven't quite got the hang of that yet.

I enjoy a bit of cryptozoology, so last year I bought this garden statue we named Little Cheeks. Actually my daughter named him that because she said he had nice buns-which sadly you can't see in this photo. Once the plants shoot up some more he'll look less like a statue on a base.

This garden had a bit too much shade so one other thing I did last week was cut down some of the small saplings close behind it with a hand saw. I didn't cut any larger trees down, except one pine tree which wasn't even too large, but I had my husband take that one down with the chainsaw. Most of our land is wooded and will stay that way, but every few years you have to cut back a bit of it to keep the trees from overtaking the  open land.

And other than the veggie garden, this next photo shows my last flower garden. I hadn't raked this one when I took this photo, as all the leaves blow right through it. I did rake it afterwards and that helped to clean up some of the winter bird seed you can see on the ground.  This is my bee garden, my newest garden.   The only plants really coming up here right now are my alliums, but there are lots of other plants just popping out of the ground. Most of the plants in this garden are ones I separated or pulled out from overcrowding in other gardens. By summer it will look (I hope) like it just naturally grew there. At least it did that last summer. 

 By next T day my bees will either be in transit or will have arrived. 

Last Friday night I had a visitor to my yard that had the dogs going crazy. Mr. or Mrs. Bear was ambling through looking to see if my bird feeders were still out. I move my feeders closer to the house so it's easier to take them in and out; luckily I had taken them inside for the night. Mr. Bear wasn't moving very fast, and he didn't care about the barking dogs or us in the windows. Either he'd had a run in with the electric fence around the bees already or he remembered it because he didn't go near the beehives. Thank goodness for that because bears can rip your hives right apart going for any honey inside.  There's a lot of honey (like 40 pounds) in my hives from last season. I decided I'd leave it to give this year's bees a head start. 

I never got a photo of the bear this time since it was dark, and I was afraid Maddie was going to bust out the window, but here's an old photo I took maybe 15 years ago. You might have seen this before, but I thought I'd share it again in case you aren't really familiar with black bears and bird feeders.

And that was basically my last week.

Since I need a T day drink, let me share this sign I saw the other day. Those who follow me know that Pop's is one of my favorite places to get food in the summer. They board up the windows, take down the menu and close early September, and so when they open up, I know the good weather is almost here.

You can see the coca-cola signs and the bottom on the opening sign, and that's my drink for T day over at BLeubeard's and Elizabeth's blog .

And that's a long enough post for me. Have a great T day and week ahead. 


  1. ...I have deer visit every day and I'm not looking forward to having bears visit.

  2. Hi Erika, I enjoyed the tour of your gardens very much, we have so many leaves here at the lake-it has been too windy to burn here-allowed in rural missouri-and way too many to compost-which takes forever too.
    One of the first years we had retired to the woods house, we were driving back to our home there-and we saw one of the small bears-I was so surprised to see one. back then conservation refused to acknowledge that Missouri had bears moving back in--they do now finally.
    I am thinking you can't wait for May 6th for one of your favorite foods-
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  3. Your garden looks like a lot of work, but very rewarding. Bears in the yard must be a bit frightening! They are really omnivores, aaren’t they? I can see why you lookforward to the opening of the local restaurant.

    best, mae at

  4. I love how much space you have for flowers and those bunnies are too cute!

  5. Looks like that you will have to spend lots of time in the garden :-)) I love blooming daffodils..simply beautiful!

  6. Wow. I do think having a garden is a joy and a pain at the same time.
    My parents had a small one and it was always my Mum (later Bro) who did the mowing.
    I dread when I´m due with the balcony already!
    To Harley - this is very (bitter-) sweet.
    OK. You made me look up "cryptozoology" - I had no idea! Interesting subject.
    Gosh. Glad I only have Peanut and Peanutta and not a bear! (one bear that killed a jogger was caught last week, Germany is too small for bears and wolves, who are back, also).
    To Pop´s! Hugs and a happy T-Day!

  7. Over several years now we have left all the leaves in the fall, and we still have to get out and do some serious spring cleanup, but the birds are very active tossing the leaves over and finding juicy morsels to eat. It's really fun to watch them at work. Thanks for reminding me that you have bears. Does that not pose a real problem, when the hives are full of honey? And good luck with your bees this year by the way. I hope you have banner production. Hugs - David

  8. Glad you are out enjoying your gardening

  9. I love seeing your gardening, since my space is so small and it's fun to see what you do with such a large area. I look forward to ongoing progress reports :) including with the bees. Exciting!

    Cryptids! You don't know how much I'd love to have an area-specific cryptid here. We have hauntings, but it's just not the same :(

    Happy T Tuesday!

  10. I enjoyed your garden tour. I especially loved hearing about the black bear. I love black bears. I probably wouldn't love them if they came in my yard and destroyed the bird feeders. I look forward to following the adventures of the new bees. Seeing Pop's opening a week from this coming weekend made me smile. Warmer weather finally arriving and I'll be in Ogunquit hopefully that weekend. Happy T Day

  11. Oh your garden is a really lovely place to work and it will be very beautiful I´m sure. Your daffodils are so beautiful. Love your dog with wings, great memorieum. Your bees will work well, this is the best honey we could get.
    Happy T-day ! and I wish you a great week, big hugs, Caty

  12. Sorry I am so late visiting. I now have four cats and two households to take care of, and last night I visited Sally at the hospital till they threw me out. She finally got a room late last night. Before that she was stuck over a day in the ER on a cot.

    I used to rake my leaves. Then I got smart. I have a mulching mower and make two passes in the areas where the leaves are the heaviest. Good for the soil and great for my back and hands (no blisters). If the leaves are TOO heavy, I add the catcher and spread the grass and leaves either in my veggie garden or add to one of my compost piles.

    For your shade garden, I have ONE word: hostas. They come in close to 100 varieties. Some grow as high as 3 ft and over 70 inches wide. Others are tiny and can be used for filler or grown in pots. I really love my three types I own. Not sure what your zone is, but most hostas are good in Zones 3 to either 9 or 10. They propagate easily, too. Within 3 years you will have more than you could ever want. I propagate mine in spring when they pop out of the ground and look like asparagus (not the plant, but edible asparagus). Most require full shade or partial sun. Most do NOT like afternoon sun. Guess that was more than one word, huh?

    Nice take on your drink reference today. I am sure you will visit Pop's at least ONCE this year. Thanks for shariing your garden, the bear, your various sculptures, and Pop's sign with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  13. What a fun post - statues, flowers, leaves, hard work, bees, bears and more, wow! Your garden is a lot of work, but you do everthing so well. I am not good with plants, and I don't know what I would do if I had a bear on my balcony! Happy T Day, have a rest, hugs, Valerie

  14. Your various gardens look fabulous. I love how you have them grouped into roses, perennials, shade plants etc.. Your statues are beautiful and I love the dog angel in remembrance of your Harley. The bunnies are cute too.
    Looking forward to seeing some pictures of lobster rolls this season!
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. Your Harley dog angel is so sweet. Happy T Day!

  16. Lots to see in your garden ...
    I always like it when the first daffodils bloom.
    Thankfully we don't get bears here, just cheeky squirrels, birds and the occasional duck!

    Wishing you a Happy Tuesday and a happy rest of the week.

    All the best Jan

  17. Wow - a bear that close. Very interesting! Looks like things are warming up if the Lobster roll place is opening in two weeks! Can't wait to see the pictures. Sounds very interesting where you are, Erika. Happy Tday! Hugz

  18. I like your garden tour and enjoyed every bit of it with these photos. Lovely flowers too. I hope it will look better soon with lots of plants and flowers, specially with beautiful daffodils! It also sounds scary when a bear appears in the garden.
    Happy T-Day!

  19. Thank you for your visit yesterday, I love to see your garden, it looks as if you have a lot of land so it must be hard work keeping it tidy but I like the different areas you have.
    You sound very calm about the bears passing through but I guess you do sort of get used to it!!
    Have a great week
    Jan S

  20. You have a lot of garden to tend. Well done, Erika. That looks like hard work -- both the cleaning out and then the later tending. The bear thing is a little creepy. I'm glad you have the fence. Winnie the Pooh and his Hunny Pot isn't a story you want to enact in real life! And yay, Pops!

  21. You have a lovely garden and it's great to see everything growing again after the snow has gone.
    The bear visit must be very scary. I don't want to meet a bear. Good you had an electric fence around your bees.
    I love your little stone bunnies.They are cute.
    It's nearly time for Pops to open and you can have your lobster roll. (start saving up).
    Happy belated T-Day,

  22. Your garden is clearly a lot of work but with the promise of all those new plants growing it is also exciting. Pleased to know that Pops has an opening date! I wonder how long you will wait before you go! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  23. What a lovely welcome to summer is almost here is your Pops!
    Gosh, was the bear this tie the size of the one you showed us? How scary to me but I guess you just accept it.
    Love how you are caring and preparing your garden - especially the statues and most especially the little bunnies.
    Have a good week.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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