Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Making a Journal

Hi everyone. Happy Wednesday. 

I'm back today with the start of a new project. I've wanted to make a journal to keep track of this year's bees as well as including some bee themed art, and I finally got around to making it.

I am linking this up to Bleaubeard's and Elizabeth's Recycle, Reuse or Repurpose challenge at Art Journal Journey.

It started off with 2 items to recycle. One of those items was this shipping bag.

The other item is the cover of an old book. You can see the back cover on the right in this next photo.  I almost hated to cover it as the plant cell design on it is cool, but then I decided my bee journal would be cooler.  Smile. ( I'm keeping the innards of the book to use on other art.)

When I removed the pages from the old book, I also cut the 2 covers apart. I did this to make covering them easier, and also because I wanted my journal to be thicker than the book happened to be. 

I use a combination of some super sticky red line tape as well as a glue stick to stick the new cover on the old cover.

Once covered, I used some bright yellow paint. The envelope I used was slightly padded so when I painted it it came out with this cool textured effect. 

I then used some tissue paper scraps. I thought this hexagon pattern looked like honeycomb. (Obviously it does.)

To cover up the edges the outer edges of the book, I used some solid black tape. I used cloth book tape for the binding. I could have also used duct tape for the binding, but since I had black book binding tape, I went with that. I also had some metal book corners in my stash, and I decided I would use them here. They'll help keep my black edging tape more securely on the cover over time. 

Here's the outside at this point.

And here's the inside.

Then it was time to make my signatures and bind them to the book.  I made 3 signatures, using white, tan and black papers. 
I used a white marker to mark where I wanted to bind those signatures in the cover, and then I used both my Japanese screw punch (with a small tip) and my awl to make holes for binding.

I also marked those points on my signatures so everything would line up.
As I used my awl and created  my holes in my signatures, I used these little clamps to hold them in place. As you can see I also used my clamps to hold my signatures together once they were punched and before I went to stitch them.

I have a couple of spools of waxed book binder tape that I bought ages ago. Luckily one was yellow which worked perfect with my black and yellow colored book.

And then I stitched in my 3 signatures and also stitched them into the cover.

I didn't like the size of this inner gap between signatures once I got everything sewed together.

I decided to make 2 more small signatures and put them in this space. 

Here's my finished stitched book.

Now I just need to decorate the cover, fill in the inside and do something with all the strings.

I still don't know quite how I want to finish off the outer binding, but it will come to me.
Hopefully in the next few months you'll be seeing lots of bee themed pages.

Thanks for reading this far. Have a great middle of your week too.



  1. I´m looking very much forward to your bee-project.
    Very cool book so far! Hugs

  2. Good morning, wow your journal is amazing-I enjoyed reading about the process-never would have thought to use those thick package envelopes for this-looks great-I think I personally would not have covered up that cool scene for the back cover and saved for something else--but I love the outcome and perfect for your bee journal. I am never quite sure how to sew in the signatures.
    thanks for sharing the tutorial- happy mid week Kathy

  3. ...this is a skill set that I don't have!

  4. Wow what a creative project, as so many of yours are, Erika. I wonder how many folks would think to reuse the Amazon packaging. I hope that you have a successful bee season to record in your journal.

  5. What a wonderful recycling effort. The padding of that Prime envie added to the texture and looked like both honey and comb. This turned out great.It's great you left the strings long. I foresee bees (metal, ceramic, etc.) buzzing around on those strings in the future. This is an awesome cover, Erika. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Bleubeard's and my theme.

  6. Good grief, Erika. You have bears and NOW I learn you have deer that attack the hostas. You can't win, can you? Do deer like Day Lilies? Even when not blooming, the foliage is lovely and would probably cover the base of that statue.

  7. What a great journal. I really like the "honeycomb" tissue paper and the yellow paint together. It does look like honeycomb filled with honey. The sun is out today though maybe a pop up shower. How about you? Are you getting some sun today?

  8. That plant cell design _is_ cool, but I like what you did here. The bees are a fascinating project.

  9. I wouldn't have even known where to begin! I will look forward to many bee-themed posts - that will be a real pleasure. Hugs - David

  10. You are way more committed to projects like this than I am but I'm impressed. I especially like the honeycomb paper -- perfect for a bee journal. I was interested in that Sketchbook Revival make your own sketchbook thing and wish I'd watched it twice!

  11. I enjoyed your tour of how bookbinding is done! Your resulting journal looks great.

    best, mae at

  12. Hi Erika, your book is fabulous, and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes into it. I'm sure it will bee fabulous. Have fun, hugs, Valerie

  13. I love this idea. Tim and I will make zine covers with pages inside and I just love that. Though I've never bound the pages this way before. Love it though. Looks so fun.

  14. Your journal already looks stunning, Erika. I am curious to see how you will decorate the inside pages. Kisses, my friend.

  15. Wow, what a fabulous make! Your bee journal looks so amazing, I love how you recycled the book and created the cover and pages - perfect 😊. I hope you are keeping well and sending you happy and creative wishes! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  16. I am looking forward to seeing the beautiful book you have made having its pages decorated. This should be great, will it be like a diary of your bees and what you do and what they produce etc? I hope you have lots of bee pictures. The bee is part of our city's coat of arms and a few years ago we had a huge exhibition of lots of bees that people painted. I will look to see if I can find some pictures - although I have probably deleted lots of them there might be some in my album.
    Hugs, `neet xx

  17. What a genius you are! Love every inch of this. And great way to repurpose those bags, too. xoxo


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