Monday, April 17, 2023

T Stands for 2 Road Trip Surprises

 Hi everyone.  It's already time for T again so Happy T day to you.

Last week I had something going on every day, and when I was home, I was trying to get some yard work started now that the snow has finally melted in my backyard. I'm hoping this week I can get a lot accomplished outside too, especially since I don't have anything on my schedule. They are saying we  have chances for some rain, which is what we had today, so I will have to wait and see how much I can actually accomplish.

Last week my husband called me during the day on Tuesday and said he had to go to the  mid-coast area of Maine for a business meeting on Friday.  Would I want to come along?  I didn't have to think twice about saying yes, and so we left early Friday morning and didn't come home until Saturday evening. We  brought the dogs with us and found a dog friendly hotel for the night. 

My husband's client's representative owns his own little  4 seater Cessna plane, and he asked if we wanted to go for a flight. I didn't have to think twice about that either. After business was wrapped up for the day, we climbed into his plane, and he took us out for some sightseeing from the air.

Here I am in the backseat. We had to wear headphones to talk because since it's a small plane, the engine noises are rather loud. And the next photo  is  where our pilot/host sat. I actually find all the gauges really interesting.

And then we were airborne.

The coast of Maine is not only one of my most favorite places on the planet, but it is also really geologically and physically interesting. We took off from Belfast and flew out along the coast, heading northeast, although the compass said south. Our pilot says that fact still  confuses him since we are flying in the direction of Canada, which is definitely north. 

In this next photo we are looking down on Bucksport, Maine.  You can see the Penobscot Narrows Bridge. This is one of only 4 bridges in the world that has an observation deck on top, and the only one in the US. It is 42 stories tall, which makes it not only the tallest observatory in Maine, but also the tallest bridge observatory in the world.

 Just in front of the bridge is Fort Knox. No, not the fort where the US money is stored. This Fort Knox was built in the mid-1800's (although never 100% completed) and used during the Civil and Spanish American Wars. It never did see any military action and is now a state park.

Here's another view of the bridge and the fort. (Yes, I know, you're a few thousand feet up so they aren't the most obvious.)

And here you have my husband's shoulder as I snap a photo out of the front window.

This part of the Maine coast is jagged and filled with islands. Out of the 50 states, Maine ranks 39th in size but 4th for states with most actual miles of coastline if you include all the islands and bends and curves. (Granted not all of the states actually have coastlines.) It's really obvious from this airborne view why. 

And even though in most of these photos you can't see out onto the open Atlantic, this is all coastline. The tide was even partially out as you can tell from the exposure along the shore.

In this next photo you can see more open ocean out beyond the islands.

I loved watching the shadow of our plane as we were heading in to land.

And that was just our first pleasant surprise of the day.  After we landed and were back in the car driving, my husband's sister called. We knew she was on a weekend get away with her husband, but we thought she was further south along the coast. When she called she asked us where in Belfast we were. We said we were just heading into town because even though it was after 3 in the afternoon, we hadn't had lunch yet.

She informed us that she and her husband had to come to Belfast to try out a brewery, so off we headed to meet them. They were literally about 5 minutes away. Who thought we'd meet them on this trip?

Here's the brewery sign.

You can see in the next photo that the brewery was built right on the wharf and closed in for the winter still.
It was even a dog friendly place, so the pups came in and joined us. They also managed to get a lot of attention too.

I couldn't decide what to drink so I ordered a flight. This is my link to Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog    for T this week.

Here are my 4 beer choices. My favorite was the Seance Saison which had a bit pumpkin in it.

And even though I forgot to photograph it, I had a cheese flatbread pizza with it. The pizza was good, but the beer was far better.

We had a great couple of days away. I have some other photos I can share another time, but this post is long enough. Thanks so much for visiting, and have a great T day and week ahead.


  1. are a lot more daring than I am. I like both foot on the ground.

  2. Hi Erika! First off, your link leads back to Elizabeth's blog not yours! OMG, what a fabulous trip you had, I am delighted with your beautiful photos even if I am a bit envious! Wow, that flight was really something special. I'm looking forward to seeing more of those photos. And then a visit to a brewery to top it all, fantastic. Great pic of you in the plane, too! Happy T Day, hugs,Valerie

  3. I completely agree with you about the coast of Maine. I loved it so much when we were there in 2007 (and crossed that bridge when it was still quite brandnew). The coast is breath taking and all those islands! I can understand that this is one of your favorite places in the world; it is mine as well.
    And isn't it exciting to see it from a small plane? So different from a big one. Twenty years ago I had the opportunity to fly in the 2-seat Cessna of a friend, and I will never forget that. Seeing the Northern California coast from above was exceptionally beautiful. Have a lovely T day, Erika.

  4. Thank you for taking us on a lovely plane trip above the coast of Maine! It’s really fun to see the landscape from above like that. We have only been on similar rides twice — once in a helicopter in Hawaii which was spectacular. The bridge you described looks remarkable.

    best, mae at

  5. Wow how fun to go on a plane ride-when my husband was in his younger days he flew planes like this one. He always loved flying. me I would be super motion sick for sure but the views are amazing-thanks for sharing with us.
    that's pretty cool way to try out different beers-the winerys do something similiar-cool to be right on the water too.
    sounds like a very fun couple of days. Happy T hugs Kathy

  6. What a great trip! We loved our trip when we flew into Portland and drove up the coast. We stayed in Belfast, and then went to the museum in Searsport ME. We also visited our son who lives near Skowhegan. You didn't mention lobster rolls! Besides our son, our other favorite things in Maine are lobster rolls!
    Thanks for sharing your lovely trip with the plane ride and the surprise meet up with your sis. Happy T day.

  7. Wow! It sounds like an exciting few days. Thanks for taking us on your plane trip. The views from the sky are wonderful. I am sure it was a memorable experience. The brewery looks interesting too.
    Happy T day!

  8. wow That's just too cool! Those ocean shots are absolutely amazing, Erika.

  9. Road trip: Any time. Tiny plane. Please no! ;-)
    Ingo would join you, though, especially as you look so happy (love your glasses, too).
    Very nice cockpit.
    Ack. Ingo booked the flight. I already feel sick. (Perth)

    Big WOW on the bridge (again I would wait "downstairs" and enjoy your pics later).
    Oh, the islands! And the shadow.
    After 3 and no lunch?! I would "starve". A beer, pretty please! Interesting opening hours? I like them.
    Pumpkin-beer? Now I really wish someone had invented that beaming and we could´ve joined you for a bit. And pizza? I´ll have an old banana.... I´m a wee bit jealous.
    Happy T-Day and hugs!

  10. You have a wonderful and exciting trip, I see!
    Thank you for sharing this fun and enjoyable photos with us.
    Have a great day also at home xx

  11. Oh goodness you are a daredevil! And how neat you got to meet up with relatives. I think it's so funny how the data looks comparing state shorelines using the NOAA method. I was shocked that Louisiana beats Maine, but then I remembered the wetland/swamp areas created by the Mississippi River. Two very different terrains to be sure. XOX

  12. Such a great break from your usual routine, Erika, with much to remember. Sometimes things just work out. Hugs - David

  13. What a great day you had! The views from the plane are spectacular. Did you notice you have a 42 in the number of stories tall the Penobscot Narrow Bridge? Very cool. My favorite photo is the shadow of the plane. How cool to meet your in-laws in the same area. Fun serendipity and a Happy T Day

  14. Wow Erika what a splendid outing complete with plane ride!

  15. You know how to have fun! Being open to spur of the moment suggestions is A Good Thing :) Happy T Tuesday

  16. Now that sounds super fun, Erika! And I'm so glad you had your camera with you -- what a treat! And the photos (and info) are great. Dinner looks good, too -- and how fun you got to spend unexpected time with family, too. What a great break in the action and sorely needed after winter. I think Belfast is where Sketchbook Wandering is from. DO you follow her? She hasn't posted in a long while.

  17. how wonderful. To be invited to a flight on the Cessna plane. Only once I have made a similar trip, it was during a vacation in Costa Rica. I loved it!

  18. This sounds and looks, from the photos you shared like a great trip . Meeting up with family as well would have been a real bonus.
    I've enjoyed my catch up today.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Lucky you! I used to have a friend with a Cessna. He would often take me up in it. One day he told me he was selling his plane and asked if I wanted to buy it. There are times I sometimes kick myself because I almost did and this is one of those times.

    I was really pleased to learn about the bridge and the coastline. I often say I learn something new every T day and today I was really impressed with so many interesting things I learned.

    So nice your husband's sister was close by and you four could have lunch together. You KNOW my favorite would be the Sea Level Stout. I would go for it first and probably want nothing else. Thanks for sharing your trip in the airplane and the restaurant with the various drinks with us for T this week, dear Erika.

  20. I loved seeing your photos from the plane, it's SO beautiful! Looks like a fun weekend.
    Happy Tea Day,

  21. Lucky you! What a fab couple of days! Yes, I would jump at the chance too to fly in a Cessna. And on top of that you met up with your sister-in-law purely by chance. How cool is that!
    The Maine coastline really looks stunning. Thank you so much for sharing the photos.
    Happy T-Day (belated)

  22. Canada PR News You have shared wonderful information hope you will publish more content.

  23. What a fabulous surprise trip this turned out to be. Imagine being taken up in the air to sightsee. Marvellous! And then to get to see relations - and the weather looks so lovely too.
    A great time for you to enjoy.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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