Sunday, April 16, 2023

When Life is Messy

Hi everyone. I hope you're having/had a great weekend. Mine's been  busy  as we had taxes to finish, my mother-in-law to visit, and there was also a roadtrip. Luckily we saved the taxes for Sunday morning when the weather wasn't as nice. (Although in truth it was just major procrastination because doing taxes is never fun.)

This is just a short post today as I want to share a recently made spread for Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's challenge at Art Journal Journey.

When life gets messy, make yourself a cup of tea. Coffee would work too.

I used my bound journal for this spread. I started by taking 2 sheets of deli paper. I'd been using these sheets to  paint and outline on. I ripped them into random pieces and then glued them down on my page. The big black scribble on the left was just a scribble on the deli paper from when I was trying to get my Sharpie cleaned off.

I then added these 2 people that I cut out of one of the magazine pages I wanted to recycle. I colored in their tea cups and added some brown steam coming from their hot tea. I also added a few little foamy flowers to the ladies top to dress it up a bit. 

I used a very old set of Stampington tea and coffee words and some grey ink to add the words to the background. And then I stamped the quote on some white paper, used the same grey ink to color it in and cut it out. I outlined it with a black Sharpie and added it to my page.

There you have it. 
That's all for me. Have a wonderful start to the new week. 


  1. This is a gorgeous spread, I'll take a coffee, please!. Things like Taxes are never fun, and I think we all leave them to the last minute! Hugs, Valerie

  2. ...if life is messy, it still beats the alternative.

  3. I've been ripping up Stampington mags left and right, since I can't seem to find anyone local to give them to and they're too expensive to post. Loads of inspriation. I really like this page == it's a fun one. Tea for me!

  4. You are so right, Erika, in that taxes are NEVER fun and like yourself we also finished with them this week. And, yes please, a cuppa tea would be appreciated!

  5. My husband has to also do the taxes...really boring stuff. The page looks fun! Have a fantastic week ahead, Erika.

  6. My W was shocked.
    He invited me for a cup of coffee.
    I said, "oh, I would have to start smoking for that..."
    It was a joke, but he didn´t get it and even would´ve allowed me to do that!
    When we all smoked coffee was big. I quit smoking some... 20+ years ago (25?) and suddenly also could not take coffee.
    To tea and alternatives :-)
    And .. I hate taxes. (haha, who does not) - still wait for being told off for the last one.
    Hope you are done by now, hugs!

  7. Same here with taxes, lol. And internet probs, so I've been behind on visiting and had a quick catchup here. Nice spread and the crafting spread too. Sorry your bees didn't make it. Glad you are getting out from under all the snow. XOX

  8. If there is one thing the citizens of many countries have in common it's that we do our taxes at the last minute! At least something unites us all. Hugs - David

  9. Fun page. Tea solves all sorts of problems and moods. Like the gloomy day today.

  10. Putting the kettle on is always a good idea. I wish taxes were easier, and they would be if the tax prep companies didn't invest so much in lobbyists :(

  11. There was a power outage in my neighborhood and I have been without power for nearly 24 hours. Sorry, but that's why I wasn't by sooner,

    What a fun, fun spread. I love the man and woman. I also like the different tea and coffee word stamps you used. But most of all, I like how this came together for Bleubeard's and my theme at AJJ, dear Erika.

  12. Love your two figures! What a great spread this is and I do like how you used so many different pieces to fit in with Elizabeth's theme at AJJ.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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