Saturday, May 20, 2023

A Relaxing Weekend I Hope

 Hi everyone. Happy weekend to you.

I'm hoping things will slow down a bit this weekend. Not that last week was a bad week in most ways, but there seemed to be a lot of things going on everyday.

The weekend is supposed to be a time to slow down a bit, so today I have a page from my junk journal with one way to slow down. One of my favorite weekend things to do, especially after a busy week, is to sit back with a cup of tea, put my feet up, read blogs or my book and relax. 
And it's even better if I can sit outside and enjoy the sunshine, watch the birds and see what's blooming in my gardens. They say rain later today for me, so I'm not sure that will happen.

If you'd like to join me and relax with  that extra mug of coffee or tea be my guest, as I am sharing 3 mugs on my junk journal page today.

I also think the weekend makes great gardening time, so you can see that I used some flower images. Working in the garden also lets you watch the birds and insects so I added a few of those also. 

I used parts of a birch bark designed gift bag and also some pages from a Japanese gardening book to create my background. Then I cut out images from some ripped out magazine pages. These included the mugs, the birds and the  colored flower images. The oval frame, the punched out buttons and the black and white stamped images and words are all left overs from my work table. 

I am linking up  my page to Aimeslee's Flower challenge at Art Journal Journey.

And for those of you who asked about replacement bees, sadly at this time of year the bees are not available to buy as their boxes have sold out. They only can split apart so many hives to make boxes for sale. I am getting reimbursed, but  I  hope the small hive will be big reproducers and will make enough new bees to survive. 

And to wrap up this post, let me share a few more photos from the Magnolia Gardens in Charleston, South Carolina that I visited last Sunday. And I won't share any alligators today either. Smile.

Have a wonderful start to your weekend.


  1. ...these images are gorgeous, the magnolia and the bridge reflections are wonderful. Make your weekend special.

  2. I love the various bridges. They fit into the environment without making a huge mess.

  3. Good morning, so sorry about the set backs with your bees, hope the ones you have will survive and thrive.
    The photos of the gardens are so beautiful, loving the bridges too. Loving your journal pages too.
    I agree have some days off to just relax a bit-I have been working in the gardens for a couple weeks straight now-so I am thinking I need to take today off.
    Happy weekend hugs Kathy

  4. It's a strange fact that even though I no longer work the weekend still seems like a time for relaxation and I don't need too much encouragement to indulge myself. Today rain is in the forecast so that probably seals the deal in terms of staying indoors. Miriam made more focaccia bread, I have three excellent cheeses and two good salamis in the house - and wine. If I have to hunker down with this, I will! Hugs - David

  5. Those photos from Magnolia Gardens are so beautiful, the one with white bridge particularly.

  6. LOVE the pics from mgnolia Gardens, what a dreamy and delightful place - especially without those scary gators! And I love your journal page, I'm sure Aimeslee will love it, too. Sorry you can't get new bees just now, so I wish you and your hive lots of luck! Happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  7. Lovely journal pages. Today will be a good day to stay inside to read and make art. Or to take a nap. Enjoy the day

  8. Beautiful pages and lovely gardens. Sorry about the bees.

  9. I'm reading backwards so will learn more about the bees but so sorry they cannot be replaced. How frustrating. But those gardens -- those are a gem!

  10. I sounds like we love the same things Erika. Today I finished another book, one by Karen Swan. And I enjoyed watching a load of starlings bathing in our bird baths
    Your page is fantastic, I love all the collage elements. And great photos too.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Lovely place.. wonderful photos

  12. Beautiful pages and I absolutely love the red bridge!
    Would you mind it hanging in our kitchen or living room? A no is OK!

  13. Beautiful garden pictures, Erika - that looks like a super lovely place.

    The journa pages are wonderful with all the details, tea, flowers and birds. I think I am going to go do a flower journal page right now.

    A bit a rain in our forecast today as well - I would love it to cool off a bit so hoping it comes.

    Giant hugz

  14. Happy Weekend, Erika! I enjoyed examining your junk journal page. I've been stashing pages torn out of magazines, but I haven't attempted anything yet. You are clever and creative in working in so many different things to make a beautiful piece of art. And the photos of the Magnolia Gardens are wonderful. It must be relaxing to spend time in a beautiful place like that. I've had a hectic week too, but things have slowed down. I had a massage this morning, and we're meeting wonderful friends of ours for dinner. They moved to Arizona last summer, and we have missed them so much. I try to make Sunday a "no expectations day" so I do only what I need to and can spend time doing fun things. Have a slower week!

  15. Your junk journal spread is AMAZING Erika ! Great images, washi and details.
    I´m sorry you can´t get more bees, but I´m sure the bees family you have will be happy in their new home and will survive.♥
    The photographs of the Magnolia Gardens are fantastic ! Thanks so much for sharing. The bridges are beautiful. Woulk like to walk there.
    I wish you a great Sunday
    Big hugs, Caty

  16. I think your junk journal spread is perfect for your weekend and I thank you for linking it up to AJJ. Since Honey retired, I still know when weekends are but frankly, one day bleeds into another here since I'm homebound, lol. He watches a couple of cable TV shows that only come on during the week, which gives me another indicator that it's Saturday/Sunday, because then it's golf or racing on TV. I've enjoyed seeing the azaleas as we used to have bushes of them in the front bed of our old home we moved from in 1998, and it's been a while since I've noticed some. I did spy that gator in one photo, hehehe! Have a great Sunday, XOX

  17. Hi Erika
    Those bees are keeping you beeezy

    i'm inviting you to Sunday Smiles at my Lunchbreak blog
    Happy Sunday



  18. What pretty flowery mugs :) I'd enjoy those gardens. Nice place for a walk, and the scent of the magnolias! You went at a great time of year.

  19. I was quite impressed with the various bridges and I see others were, too. I also LOVE the statues. Lovely flowers and greenery everywhere.

    Of course, I also really LOVE your latest spread in your art journal. You can't really call it a JUNK Journal! This spread is beautiful and I love the three cups with flowers on them. I also like the added flowers you gave us. This is perfect for Aimeslee's theme at AJJ.

  20. Thanks, Erika, for the update on the non-bee replacement and hope that you do have a good honey season even with a smaller hive. This is a catch-up week for me as we were also away visiting family in PA and taking a train ride in Reading, PA. Of course, details to be included in a future blog post (or a few). Thanks for sharing the photos of you Charleston, SC garden visit.

  21. Your collage page looks amazing! Loving how you put everything together, so beautiful 😊. How lovely to visit Charleston, it's such a lovely part of the world! Thanks for sharing your photos. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  22. Your collage page is lovely. Those gardens really are such a delight to see, great variety, hugs Chrisx


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