Friday, May 19, 2023

Unexpected Faces in Charleston

Hi everyone. Happy Friday to you. This week ended up being very busy for me. Seems like it was one thing after another. One of those things going on was that my other box of bees arrived. This box arrived with  over 95% dead of the bees dead. 😪 I feel bad and so did my postmaster. He told me he doesn't even like bees, but he had turned on the heat in the back room hoping maybe some warmth would revive them if they were just cold.

I left the unopened box in my sunny living room window for the day and added some food for them. The few that were left did revive, but of course the day they arrived it wasn't warm enough to add them to the hive. (Even though it has been warm every day, the one day they come it isn't warm. Figures.)
 I'm worried about how they will do as there are so few of them. When I did add them to my hive I loaded up the hive with extra pollen patties and food. My fingers crossed they'll make it, but they definitely need more bees. I am rooting for them though. 

The good news is my other hive is doing well. Here's a photo from that hive.

Since it's Friday it is time for Nicole's  Friday Face Off and Gillena's Friday Lunch Break. This week let me share some faces from my little journey last weekend. I flew down to Raleigh, North Carolina last Friday, and then on Saturday my friend and I had an early start. We were driving down to Charleston, South Carolina, about 4 hours away to spend the weekend.

Today I thought I'd share some photos from my journey, starting with this guy who decided to cross my path when we visited some spectacular gardens at Magnolia Plantation.

I was walking along, and suddenly Mr. Gator was just a few feet (maybe around 3 or 4)  in front of me, coming out of the water and heading across the path. He seemed to be minding his own business, and I backed up and let him cross. I must admit it was a bit exciting, even if it was a little frightening at the time.

I didn't know there were SO many alligators in South Carolina. The last thing I expected to see was as many as I did at these gardens. We saw so many alligators I lost count.

Magnolia Gardens are considered romantic gardens. I learned that that means they are not formal, and that much of the property was left in a more natural state.  This is what I go for at home, so this garden was right up my alley.

There were some azaleas still blooming, and the gardenias were blooming too. 

And then there were more alligators.

Part of the property is an Audubon natural swamp sanctuary, and we also visited that area. I saw more alligators there, as well as lots of turtles and rookery with wild herons, anhingas and egrets. I'll share those photos in another post, as well as more from the main romantic gardens. 

Let me finish this post with a few more photos. I took a lot here because this was definitely one highlight of the trip for me.

And if you look carefully at this next photo, you might find the gator that was there.

If I missed your post last Friday, I apologize. I tried to get to them all, and I think I did, but if you posted late I might have missed it.

I hope everyone is having a great week and has a lovely weekend too. Thanks  for visiting.



  1. found a lot of beauty, but alligators will never be favorites of mine. Enjoy your weekend, Erika.

  2. Gee, Erika, I feel so sorry for the loss of your bees before you even got started with them. I know of the various perils and hazards associated with hives, but hadn't even considered losses in transit. If it's not one thing it's another, huh? You might have better luck with alligators! Hugs - David

  3. What a gorgeous place. As you know my daughter and her husband live in NC and when I'm there we go to SC. Next time we will visit here. I love seeing the gators. Even though they scare the jaheebies out of me I still love seeing them. Thank you for sharing this wonderful place and the gators with FFO. Glad you had a good time. Have a lovely day today.

  4. Erika, so sorry to read that most of the bees did not survive and wondered if you would be able to receive any sort of compensation, like perhaps another delivery? On the positive side, it looks like your friend and you had a nice getaway.

  5. Erika, I am so sorry about your bees, how sad. Will you be buying some more? The photos from your visit to South Carolina are wonderful, although the gators are rather scary! But I loved the photos and hope you will soon show more, I never tire of scenes like this. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  6. I have never encountered an alligator so cool is that!

  7. Too bad about the bees. I'm rooting for them, too. Love the photo of the first crocodile. He's smiling as he crosses the road. Enjoy the sunshine, today

  8. Loved gettng to visit Charleston with you. Its a beautful place. Come visit Florida. We have 1.3 million alligators at last count, in all waters, even the gulf. I dont swim there any more:) I hate it about your bees. They are so important. Kudos to you for keeping them!

  9. What an adventure with the Alligators ... I fear them. Your flowers around are wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

    Hugs by Heidrun

  10. I am so sorry about your bees Erika, but I´m happy to see your first bees are enjoying their like. Perhaps you could ask for free box of bees, due to these circumstances.
    The photographs of your journey are wonderful, thanks so much for sharing them with us. I think I´d have afraid of this big alligator, oohh. Too much for me :) but this is a lovely place to visit.
    I wish you a great weekend
    Big hugs, Caty

  11. Didn't expect you'ld show a croc face.
    Nice surprise.

    Thanks for linking to AFFF


  12. I am so sorry to hear about the bees. It's never easy when that happens. I hope they do well. That must be so different than your home surroundings. What an experience. Visiting you from Lunch Break. Happy Weekend to you!


  13. Oh shoot, so sorry about your bee shipment, Erika. I'm glad the other one is thriving. Fab photos of your trip to those gardens. Yup, anywhere there is a swamp or bayou pretty much below the freeze line, there are gators. The Carolinas have some stagnant iffy waters, I know that. I remember reading in history that the stagnant waters killed many an English immigrant back in the 1600-1700's. We have some like that. Gators love that habitat. XXO

  14. That moss is just amazing.

    Oh, I hope the other hive thrives and perhaps the new ones will make it. I hope so. Can they join the other hive or do the bees take offense at interlopers? That's pretty sad.

  15. So sorry to hear about your bees Erika, I hope the remaining ones survive.
    Great photos!

  16. Fun photos of 'unexpected faces' and great nature shots!

    Wishing you good health, laughter, and love,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Not faces that I'd want anywhere near me, LOL!

  18. Kudos to you, Erika, for having a bee hive and trying to help with our bee problem. I'm really sorry that you lost so many of the bees in your shipment. I'm working backwards, and I was happy to see more of the beautiful Magnolia Gardens. I enjoyed seeing the alligators. They look prehistoric. When I was in alligator territory, I always gave them a wide berth. But what are you going to do if one appears in front of you suddenly? It looks like you had a marvelous time with your friend. Have a happy and creative weekend!

  19. Poor bees :( I hope they manage somehow.

    The gators are scary! They are quicker than folks realize, too, so I'm glad to see you giving them plenty of space.

    The gardens are lovely.

  20. I too am surprised at the number of alligators you saw in South Carolina. Is it not dangerous to run across an alligator crossing the road ... I mean, I have heard they can run fast and God forbid if it is hungry :( Anyway, that aside, the pictures are wonderful and it looks like a beautiful place to visit. I think I see the gator on a rock in the last picture, right? Looking forward to the next installment of your trip pictures :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  21. Sorry to be so late visiting. Friday was not a good day in my world. I'm not whining, just explaining that my GOOD hand hurt, as did the rest of my body due, in part to my inability to breathe due to the winds from the wild fires in Canada and in part from overworking at my friend Sally's house on Thursday when I brought in 200 lbs of cat litter she had ordered from Amazon.

    Your alligator photos are amazing. Scary, but amazing. Beautiful flowers and greenery, too.

  22. I forgot to tell you how sorry I was to read about your bees.

  23. lol, Mr. Gator looks quite happy, he is smiling. :)
    And, happy to see bees :)

  24. Such a shame about the bees, but I'm pleased to see your hive thriving now 😊. I thought you'd be starting again soon. How amazing to see Mr. Alligator! He is a handsome chap and the magnolias and flowers look so pretty. Hope you're keeping well. Hugs, Jo x

  25. So sorry about your bees, I hope the rest of your bees enjoy the Summer! I'm not sure I'd like a garden with so many alligators around! It does look peaceful though hugs, Chrisx


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