Wednesday, May 24, 2023

A Travel Themed Post

 Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week once again to you.

I know this has been said many times and is very cliche, but it is already almost the end of May. If time keeps going this fast it will be autumn in a blink of the eye. Oh no!

Today I have a page from my journal with some flowers for Aimeslee's challenge at Art Journal Journey. I had a sheet of imported paisley and flower paper from India, and that was my inspiration for my page.

My background is made with some watered down paint, some ink and also a brick design rubber stamp. Then I cut the paisleys and flowers as well as the elephants from my sheet of paper. After they were glued down and the glue dried, I used a white pen and added some bright pink sequins to them. The ladies (an ancient stamp in my collection) are stamped on white paper, cut out and then added without color. I did that so they wouldn't get lost in the background.  I finished by adding the stamped quote and also some small little confetti dots.

My other travel themed piece today is a tag for Valerie's Travel theme at Tag Tuesday.

I started with a white tag and a scrap of map paper. Then I inked the edges.  I used some scrap green trim for the top, and I also used this fun set of suitcase dies. I cut the suitcases on white paper and inked them in various colors before using a marker to finish off details. Finally I added a  couple of Art by Marlene punch outs. 

And I still have more photos from Magnolia Gardens in Charleston from my couple of weeks ago weekend travels.  I hope you're not sick of them. 😁Today let me share some of my photos from the swamp walk. The Swamp Walk was an Audubon Sanctuary on the garden property and was an add on entry cost. For Mother's Day (which was when we visited), the cost was 50% off so it was $5, and definitely worth it.

After all our alligator encounters at the actual garden, my friend especially liked the raised walking platform. I must say I was always looking around in all directions for gators too when we got off the platforms.

I just love the green plant scum on the water.

In the sun it was one of my favorite shades of that color.

And of course, one thing I didn't bring with me on the trip was my camera. I wanted to keep my packing light for carry on (rather than checking baggage), but I didn't figure on visiting such a fascinating place. My phone has a decent camera for what I thought I would be snapping photos of, but even though phone's camera does zoom,  it isn't like the lens on my actual camera. 
I'm writing this because some of my zoomed shots aren't the clearest.

I caught these lizards  in an intimate moment.

And since this post is getting long, here's just a few bird photos as this really green swamp area was a rookery for egrest, herons and anhingas.

I'll share more another day. Hope your week is going well.


  1. The Audubon Swamp Garden looks like my kind of place, Erika. I would have no trouble spending several hours there. It reminds a little of the Anhinga Trail in the Everglades where, more than once I have gone around twice, and made new discoveries on each circuit. Hugs - David

  2. Nonononono! Autumn is very far away (I hope).
    Then again... can´t wait for end of January to head off into Perth-summer :-)
    One suitcase pp only, though!
    Never sick of pics and learning and yups, better check for those gators everywhere!
    I think the pics came out very well.
    So far the week is "mixed", but today started off great with nice, helpful people! Hugs and to a wonderful day to you.

  3. Beautiful Tag and photo place 💐☺️
    Happy day

  4. Lovely page and tag! Beautiful gardens.

  5. Your travel page is pretty and I really like your tag. That's the way I start out on a trip and then try to skinny down what I'm taking. Very cool pictures of the swamp. I'd be looking for gators every which way too Another nice day for us to enjoy here. And no gators!

  6. Boardwalks are a great way into less accessible park spaces. Your photos are wonderful!

  7. Never sick of your photos -- though I have to say that every time I look at them (or others from the area) I am glad I don't live in the south!

  8. Those pictures from the swamp garden look so beautiful. I love both pages..the first one was kinda exotic.

  9. Love your beautiful journal page with the fun elephants in the background. And the tag is gorgeous, yesssssssss! Thanks so much, you have made me happy with it.
    I would so love to visit those gardens, so beautiful. TFS! Hugs, Valerie

  10. I love this journal page and this tag!
    The garden is wonderful!
    Hug Elke

  11. Your India inspired journal page is charming. Very zen. It's great for Aimeslee's theme at AJJ.

    What a great tag. I LOVE that die, Nicely done on the coloring, too.

    I was quite impressed with your photos of the Audubon Swamp Garden. If I had my choice between a camera and cell phone, guess you can tell which I would pack!! My camera is my right arm. Having said that, you did an excellent job with your phone. Thanks for these great photos from the swamp garden.

  12. Wow that is some place for a visit Erika!! You captured it well. I love your artwork and your gorgeous tag. She is so quirky!! Thanks for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday.

  13. Gosh, Erika, just imagine what that place is like now. It's gator mating season through June, lol. We're seeing increased activity like never before. One was just strolling down Beltway 8 feeder in Houston by the Ship Channel this week (10 feet long) and an even bigger one was strolling down a neighborhood street in far west Houston. I apologize for being so far behind, just now am feeling human enough to visit and comment. Thanks for linking up again at AJJ. I really like the Eastern/Indian vibe to this one and love paisleys. :) XXO

  14. A fantastic Tag, spot on for Valerie's theme.
    Awesome photos in your blog post too.
    Thank you for joining in with our challenge at Tag Tuesday x


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