Friday, May 5, 2023

Faces-The Bees

Hi everyone.  Happy Friday. 

I actually see some blue sky this morning-hurrah! 😀
And thank you to everyone who wished my husband well. It will still be a bit before we hear about his mole removal, but our trip into Boston yesterday went very well. He needed to have his annual visit to the transplant center to see if if his new kidney is still working as it should, and it was.  Of course it's not really new as he had the transplant 6 years ago now. I told him of course it was working well since he got such an excellent little kidney-smile. For those of you who weren't stopping by back in 2017, I was a match for him and I donated him one of my kidneys. 

This week my first order of bees shipped. I ordered 2 boxes this year for 2 hives from 2 different places. And I've ordered 2 different varieties too. My second box had a shipping delay and won't ship until the end of next week.

These bees arrived Wednesday, but it's been raining and too cold to install them. It should be in the 50 degree range (at least 10 degrees C) but it's only been in the low 40's (about 6 degrees) for the last couple of days.  I gave them some food yesterday, and they definitely perked up, and today they'll leave the shipping crate and go into their new home. 

You might remember one day last week I showed you the journal I made for keeping this year's bee information and also making a few bee arty pages in between. Here's the journal before I went and worked on the cover.

I've put some designs on the cover, although I'm not sure it is done yet. It might need some words.

The big image with the bee on it in the middle is a rubber stamp I had. I actually stamped it twice so I could attach the whole image to start with and then so I could cut out the bee from the second image and then attach him over the first image. That makes him pop up a little bit. I used paint and some glitter glue to make him look a bit fuzzy. I also gave the bee some better eyes and added some bits of ephemera from my stash. 

I've had the metal flowers for a very long time, and I'm glad I was finally  able to use them. I added a random button to one and to the other one I added a little painted metal B sticker that I found in my lawn. My guess is that this sticker was on something my husband had in his truck, and it fell out onto the driveway at some point. I'm glad I discovered it while raking because I think it works perfectly for the cover of my bee journal.

I like the little scrap of measuring tape cloth trim that I had. I was happy it had a 23 on  it since it helps mark this year.

I'm linking up this page to Nicole's  FRiday Face Off , Gillena's  Friday Lunch Break  and also, because it has those metal flowers on it, to Aimeslee's Flower challenge at Art Journal Journey.

As I mentioned, my first batch of  honey bees arrived the other day. They were shipped through the US Postal Service. I let them know at the PO that they had shipped, and I received a phone call a couple of days later that they were arriving.  I drove up to the PO and met the mail delivery truck. 

Last year one of the boxes of bees (because I ordered 2) ripped open in transit and  when it arrived in my town there were bees flying out of it. The postmaster was  very relieved that this year the box was tightly sealed. He and I had a good laugh about last year when I showed up in my bee suit and with my smoker going trying to get the packing case closed. 

Here's the box in the back of my car. I lost a few bees that you can see on the bottom,  but considering there are around 12,000 bees in the box, it isn't anything to worry over.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and I'm wishing everyone a very happy weekend.



  1. ...we would be in terrible shape without bees!

  2. I really love the bee art and most of all seeing the bees. I do enjoy your bee adventure and so glad you share it. Have a lovely weekend.

  3. Glad to hear the Boston trip went well. Fabulous job on the Bee Journal cover. Good luck with the hives this year. I had thought about starting hives, but I'm allergic to bees so I vicariously follow your journey with interest. Sun just came out. I hope you have sunshine, too. Enjoy the day

  4. All the best to your hubby. Lovely bee page Erika.

  5. Lovely collage journal page ~ for the bees ~ You are Braver than I am ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Love your bee art, the bee in the middle looks almost real. Glad all is well with hubby's kidney, that's good. As you said, it was good quality! My Kidneys are not in good shape, I need to be very careful! Nice that the bees arrived without the box breaking open, good luck that all goes well. Hugs, Valerie

  7. Loving your bee journal pages and wishing you good luck with your new shipment of bees-hopefully third time will be the charm.
    good news for your husband's kidney transplant still doing well-and also good results for the other.
    Happy Friday and weekend
    Hugs Kathy

  8. Haven't been visiting your blog that long ago, so i did not know about your husband's transplant. Good to know he is faring well.
    Luv the bee art. Thanks for linking to AFFF
    Stay Safe; Stay Healthy.


  9. a wonderful post. I like bees. They are interesting creatures and I am always drawn to them when I walk in nature. Thans for sharing!.

  10. Didn't know that you donated your hubby one of my kidneys. The bond between you two must be very strong. The bee page looks excellent, Erika.

  11. I am glad that you have received your first consignment of bees for this year, Erika, and I wish you great success. I know that recent years have been a real challenge for bee keepers with considerable mortality. Maybe this year will turn it around and you'll have lots of honey. Hugs - David

  12. I am kinda sad my Teamleader had to give up he bees cause they were "too loud and dangerous".
    Glad you do this, it´s important and your art just tops it big - hugs!

  13. A fascinating idea with the flowers and the bumblebee with the great background
    Have a happy weekend, hug Elke

  14. Oh that bee journal is coming along so nicely. I cannot wait to see it evolve. LOL, I remember last year being worried about you and those bees. Now I guess I'm okay with it, lol. You be you. I'm chuckling being a fly on the wall at your post office, I bet everyone was relieved with this year's shipment. Wow, did not know about the kidney situation with either of you. I just lost a long time friend to that disease. He is truly blessed, so happy it "took", yes it was the BEST one he could get. XOXOX

  15. A great post Erika. Glad the bees arrived safely this time, and that hubby is ok.
    Your bee art is beautiful.

  16. I'm glad everything seems fine on the health front.

    I'm sooo excited about the bees!!!

  17. I am very glad that everything went well with your husband, and that you are both well, that is the most important thing.
    I love the beautiful cover that you have created. The bee in the center is amazing, and I like the details that you have been placing, everything looks great.
    I am sure that your bees will live very happily in their new homes in the middle of nature. You are doing a great work Erika! Bravo!
    I wish you a nice Sunday, and I send you big hugs

  18. We need bees ... pleased they arrived safely.

    I love your bee art.

    Enjoy your weekend, we watched King Charles III Coronation, it was wonderful.

    All the best Jan

  19. Wow, I learned a lot about you today. I am so impressed that you donated your kidney to your husband. It was certainly a blessing that you were a match. You two are connected in ways that most of us will never know.
    And BEEs, I love bees and I love that you are a Bee Keeper. Our bee population has suffered so much loss and our futures are so at risk without them. I have a good friend who has Bees on his farm and I hug him for it every time I see him. So consider yourself Hugged, Erika ... You are even more awesome that I already thought you were.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  20. Nice to read about your husband's kidney check up. SIX years? No way. Seems like maybe three years, but not six! Time sure slips away.

    LOVE this latest entry for Aimeslee's theme at AJJ. It's a wonderful bee inspired entry and the metal flowers are the perfect additions.

    That's a LOT of bees. Glad the first batch are now safely in place.

  21. Pleased to read the news about hubby. This is an exciting time, I hope all goes well! I love your Bee Journal cover - I always have tussle over 'words or no words' ! Hugs, Chrisx

  22. What a wonderful thing you did for your husband. I am so pleased everything went well.
    Love seeing the bees, and hearing the story about the escapees last year. Glad the box is intact this time. But oh what a lot of bees to control. Do any escape?
    I never knew there was so much to this bee keeping, very interesting and you bring your art into it too. Love the cover of the journal. Fabulous!
    Hugs, Neet xx


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