Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Spring Garden the Last Few Days

Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. Another week is going by very quickly, isn't it?  We've had a lot of grey skies and rain the past few days, and although I was getting antsy for a walk outside, it's been a good art week. Plus I finally managed to get my seasonal clothing change over finished too. Hurrah for that chore being done. It sounds simple but always seems to take me all day as I always need to straighten out my bureau and closet when I do it. 

It has also been a tough week in some ways since  one of my good friends fell and shattered her shoulder so I've been worried about her. Also my husband had a sketchy mole removed from his back, and I'm nervous about what the test results will come back as.   Today we need to go into Boston for an unrelated appointment for him, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that goes well.

Today Rain's Art and Dinner Date   theme is embossed, so let me reshare with you a card that I also shared  this past Tuesday. It has some embossed blue paper fish on it.

When the sun has been out, I've been doing a few things outside. 
   The garden is already greening up. A lot. The oak trees are flowering, and leaves are starting to pop out on the other trees. Other than the black flies which are rather annoying, it's a very exciting time of year. 

I needed help moving the cold frame into the garden, but it's there now. I also planted some greens (lettuce, kale and spinach) seeds in it.
And my rhubarb is getting bigger too.

The daffodils are at their peak right now, with more blooms still coming. 

The hyacinths are in bloom also.

This  next plant is sweet woodruff. It is a ground cover herb that likes shade. I was pleased to see how large it has grown since I planted it last year.  I put in a few of these over the last couple of years, and I'm very happy with how much ground cover they produce.

I bought a trellis for my climbing rose. I used to have  one made out of birch logs that my husband built for me, but it rotted away. This one that I bought was a redwood shade, and I wanted it white so I painted it.

My climbing rose is so huge I think I needed 2 trellises. And it hasn't really started to grow yet this year. In this photo you can see how I cut it back last fall. 

I had a broken flower pot, and I added some of the shards into my birdbath. I might need to remove a few, but this is a favorite spot of the bees to come get a drink. The shards give them a place to land without them falling into the water and drowning.

And I put my crazy head back into the edge of the lawn by the woods. I'm still waiting for the forest floor to green up, but I really like how this photo of the head looks. You can see the dogs' trail on the right of it. They like to stand on this little mound and survey the woods.

And these are about the only buds and flowers that came on my weeping cherry tree this year.  I was disappointed to say the least. Usually it is  full of flowers, but this year it went basically right to leaves. I'm not sure why.

I took these final photos last Saturday morning, which has been the only sunny morning for several days.  I love the light the rising sun produces in my yard and gardens.

This building is my husband's tool shop as he likes to putter. It was already there when we bought the house, which was a bonus feature, especially for him. If it had heat and water (it has neither) it would also make a good art studio. 

And I won't bore you with more garden photos, but I know some of you enjoy them. Have a great rest of your week.



  1. Hope all goes well for your husband today Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  2. Just imagine, Erika, there are parts of the world where there is no such thing as seasonal clothing and the only decision would be which blouse to wear. As a person with relatively few clothes it's not a major chore for me anyway. I hope the biopsy on the mole on your husband's back reveals that there is no cause for concern. A friend of mine recently turned the drive shed on her farm into her art studio and she is quite thrilled with it. She insulated it well and has a couple of space heaters, but it doesn't have water. Works well for her in any event. Stained glass is what she does mostly. Hugs - David

  3. Fingers and toes crossed all turns out well with your friend and Hubby!!!! Big hugs!
    Love the fishies.
    To flowers. And your roses. And bees! The last Die Maus" was all about bees, I thought of you :-)
    Wow to the building, Ingo would LOVE that.

  4. Lovely embossed card for the theme! Enjoyed your garden post.

  5. Fingers crossed for the test result! The hyacinths are really pretty.

  6. You have to love a husband who putters :) Wish him well.

  7. I hope your trip to Boston goes well and your friend is doing better. Your garden looks fantastic. I really love your Easter Island head. That is so cool. Hopefully, better weather for the weekend.

  8. Your garden is looking good, it's a lot of work for you.Hope you get good news about your hubby and your friend. Had my oral surgery today, now it just needs to heal ! Hugs,Valerie

  9. I hope that your husband's mole turns out to be without any concern. I don't blame you for being worried, though? I'm glad I don't have that many clothes that I need to do a seasonal clothes change, all the clothes I have fit into my closet and dresser and just stay there year round. I love the fish card, lovely colors. And of course I love seeing your garden pictures and wouldn't mind to see more of them. Have a great weekend, Erika!

  10. What a wonderful card Erika! I really like those blue fish, they look happy. I hope the test results come back okay, and that your friend gets better too.
    Your garden is perfect, and I really like how you have thought of the bees with the drinker. I hope they go to their hives in your garden soon. The flowers you have are very beautiful. That head has made me smile.
    I also think that the booth next to your house would be a good place for your art studio.
    I wish you a very nice Friday and weekend, and send big hugs

  11. wow, I love your tool shop. Such a beautiful old house. One I would love to explore :)

    And your embossed fish is great too.

  12. Hope all goes well for your husband, keeping you both in my thoughts.

    Your garden is looking very good, nice photographs you've shared.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  13. Looks like spring may finally be arriving in your garden, but very slowly in NH, overall, Erika. Hope your friend heals and that your husband’s results are nothing bad. Yes, it would be fun to meet up again and I have already bookmarked Pop’s website. A weekend trip would work best as the hours are longer now, so we will keep that in mind.

  14. Wonderful embossed card and your garden looks beautiful. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Wishing her a speedy recovery and all good news for your husband.


  15. I enjoyed the photos! How fun to survey your grounds and new growth. Hope your appt. went well and prayers for a good report for your hubby and your friend's recovery, XOX

  16. We had rain early yesterday and overcast skies the rest of the day, but it's sunny today. Our daffodils and tulips are gone, and the irises are in full swing now.

  17. Moles are always a worry, but if this one has been removed, he should be okay ... just keep an eye out for any more. Also wishing him well on his next appointment. Love your early flowers and OMG your climbing rose almost looks dangerous. Thorns ... as much as I love roses, I hate the thorns. Love your idea for getting water to the bees. We need to nurture our bees as they have been put in danger by people who should know better. I love your head sculpture and what a perfect place for it. I want to see it again when the forest is green and full. I think you are a little behind us in terms of spring, springing ... my apple tree has been in full bloom for over a week. Sorry you didn't get many cherry blossoms, they are so beautiful. And, garden photos are never boring ... so go for it, Erika ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  18. I read the posts in reverse. Now I just have to remember what I read. I hope all went well with the mole and your friend gets good PT. Sally has a similar problem.

    I always love your garden photos and your cold frame is well worth it. I also love your landscaping and that head is awesome. If sweet woodruff grows and overwinters where you live, it should also overwinter here. I guess I need to get some for my front yard. Thanks for these garden shots, dear.

  19. Forgot to mention, I am also in the process of change from winter to summer clothes.

  20. Erika,

    Thanks for visiting! Tulips and daffodils are blooms of the past in east Tennessee. We didn't get to take in the pretty flowers like we wanted during the blooms peak. Everything has leafed out again. The hillsides are covered with a lush green carpet with the trees & bushes dressed for the warmer seasons. Your property looks so nice. The storage shed is a nice bonus. We hope to find property that's suitable for extra storage. It's so darn expensive to buy/build. Have a doodletastic week, my friend!

  21. Erika I LOVE your scary head!!! Love it! And your cold frame too. I've been trying for years to build a cold frame that would be functional. Do you mind if I save your photo to my computer as a reference?


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