Sunday, May 28, 2023


 Hi everyone.

It's Sunday. Here in the US we're celebrating a long weekend. It is Memorial Day on Monday, a day to honor fallen soldiers.  I should write more about that, but there's a lot to post about in the next few days so excuse me for only briefly mentioning the holiday.

This post is my last entry for Aimeslee's Flower challenge at Art Journal Journey. I'm posting it today because there's T day tomorrow, a new challenge at Try It On Tuesday on Tuesday and the new month bringing a new challenge at Art Journal Journey on Thursday. 

My husband not only has tomorrow off from work, but he's on vacation for the next 2 weeks. 😀 We are also heading out for several days on Tuesday. This time we're not going to warm places but to colder places.   (And I know some of you will be thinking I am probably nuts-smile.) More about that in another post.

Before these other posts,  I definitely want to thank Aimeslee for joining us as our host. It was a super month. I loved journaling with flowers. I hope Aimeslee you'd like to join us again at AJJ as a host also.

Let me also thank everyone who joined in with flower pages. There were a lot of lovely and creative pieces being shared. 

My last journal page is in the drawing journal that I keep hidden under the couch. Sometimes at night if I watch TV I do some doodling. On this page I drew and colored in this rather haphazard hexagons before I decided this page could work for something more. 

To actually make a journal page from it, I stamped the Xs many times on the page, and I also used a grey ink pad on the background. Then in the center of my page I used a bit of white gesso to tone down the color. I added in a couple of ancient paper frames, some die cut flowers, a crow I cut out of  a sheet of paper and then colored in to darken, as well as the stamped quote. 

And there you have it. 
You still have a few days left to join Aimeslee at Art Journal Journey since May is not quite over yet. I hope you decide to join us if you haven't already.

And thank you Gillena for mentioning your Sunday Smiles link up. I'm joining there also. 
Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. Gorgeous page, i like all elements usted🤩👏👏👏💐 congrats
    Have a great day
    Saludos desde Chile

  2. can never have too many!

  3. Your "haphazard hexagons" turned into a really nice page.
    Happy Sunday Erika.
    Thanks for linking to SSs


  4. Fun page and I like the quote. Enjoy the time off with your hubby and your adventures.

  5. An inspiring and beautiful page. Enjoy your getaway with your husband, Erika.

  6. Fabulous page, one of my faves! Have a wonderful time out and enjoy your vacation! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Beautiful blog, I love so much.

  8. Why is your work under the couch? I adored my labrador, Rudy, but I wouldn't have trusted him to leave the journal intact.

  9. So cute the style from the journal page, love it!
    Have a great Sunday, hug Elke

  10. Erika, this is just stunning! I love all your freehand drawing and coloring and the frame in center is a great centering. That quote is so true. I hope y'all have fun this week. Thank you so much for asking me to guest host at AJJ and I would love to do it again sometime. Hope the weather behaves for y'all, XOX

  11. Yesterday, by mid afternoon, it was almost 29 degrees here, so I would gladly join you on a trip somewhere cooler, Erika. We will all look forward to getting all the details later, but enjoy yourself wherever you wind up. Hugs - David

  12. Happy vacation! I look forward to seeing where you end up.

  13. Fantastic! I love this page Erika! x


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