Thursday, May 11, 2023


 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. 

I'm posting today for Rain's Art and Dinner Date .  Her theme this week is hats, so let me share a few with you.

First  I have this page out of my junk journal where this dancing lady is wearing a  traditional sombrero cordobes. 

I put the quotes too close to the left hand edge, and since this journal doesn't lay very flat, my photo is crooked so you could read the quotes. 

This page has a lot of flowers, so I am also linking up to Aimeslee's flower challenge at Art Journal Journey

I also have another tag for  Tag Tuesday  and Michelle's Hats challenge.

This lady was way too big for my tag, so I glued her down and then cut her to size. I've been wanting to use her in some art though, and this challenge has finally let me do that. 👍 She comes from one of those art paper pages you find inside Somerset Studio magazine, and I ripped her out while cleaning a small stack of magazines a while back.

I also have some interesting food to share this week for the dinner date part of Rain's challenge. It might look very familiar to some of you.  I tried a recipe that Jeanie at  The Marmalade Gypsy shared somewhat recently. She wrote a post on  making preserved lemons, and I thought they sounded really interesting.  I've never tried one before, and since I had  bought a big bag of lemons to make my lemon cake a few weeks back  I figured I might as well use what's left of  them. Plus I managed to  have some fun kitchen play.

I only made 2 jars because that's all I had for lemons.

I stirred them the other day, but they still need to sit for 3 more weeks. I'll let you know what I think once they're ready to taste. 

And thanks Jeanie for sharing this recipe.

That's all for me today. I hope everyone is having a super week.


  1. Lovely hats you shared. I will check out the preserved lemons

  2. Love the floral journal page, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who writes too close to the edge. Love the tag for Michele'ws challenge, too, really gorgeous. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Loved your art pages ✨️

  4. I LOVE how you created a new page for TADD. I didn't have time to do so. I love your stamped woman/girl and I really love those flowers. This is a beautiful entry for Aimeslee's theme at AJJ. Thanks for sharing it, dear.

    That's a really adorable tag. Most impressive and fun that it was a lady with a hat, too.

    I also remember Jeanie's lemons, so I look forward to seeing how yours turn out. Great photos.

  5. Great hats! I think the world would be a better place if there were more hats :)

    Your lemons look pretty. I look forward to hearing how they taste.

  6. ..preserved lemons are new for me.

  7. Wonderful hat creations ~ hard to pick a favorite ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Looking forward to hearing the report about the lemons, very interesting. It fascinated me in CA when I saw people with lots of lemons in their gardens waiting to be picked. Not the climate where I live.
    Love your ladies in hats and especially the one for AJJ with the little SPanish lady dancing amongst the flowers.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  9. I do like the lovely hats you've shared here.

    I'm sure your preserved lemons will be good.

    All the best Jan

  10. Wow your Art journal page is Amazing Erika ! Love the pretty image of this flamenca cordobesa (dancing lady) with her traditional hat and dress too, and with castañuelas in her hands. Lovely washi tape and flowers. Great quote.
    Your tag is also gorgeous, lovely background and image.
    This is a yummy recipe with lemons
    Have a very nice Friday and weekend
    Big hugs, Caty

  11. Even if we wear respectable clothing, there is nothing like an attractive hat to make the day a bit brighter.

  12. The pages are so lovely and I love HATS :-) I haven't made preserved lemons in years...should star a batch this year!

  13. What a fabulous page for Aimeslee's AJJ theme- I love the flowers around your beautiful lady! Loving the tag - must get one sorted! The lemon recipe looks interesting! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. Beautiful art and quotes! And I can´t wait to hear about the lemons! I´d like to give it a go if you give a go - hugs

  15. Thanks for the shout out! I hope you like the lemons. Don't forget to turn them over once a week! (I don't know why -- that's just what they told me to do.) Rick says a little goes a long way but as you experiment with them you'll find how tasty they can be. I put some in a packaged Caesar salad yesterday and they were a fun pop of flavor

  16. Enjoying all your art and those lemons are making me pucker up! lol I've asked Honey to make me a grapefruit icebox pie this weekend and I can't wait to try it. XOX

  17. Both pieces of art are fun, Erika. I hope your lemons turn out beautifully.

  18. Both your projects are gorgeous. Great take on the hats theme for sure!! I am dying to know how your lemons get on now, be sure and keep us posted Erika!

  19. Hi Erika! Your hat art is beautiful! And way to go on Jeanie's preserved lemons! I'm interested how they'll turn out!

  20. Your junk journal lady is cute, but my fav is your lady with the good heart ... love the quote :) I must have missed the recipe for preserved lemons. I love lemon in anything and everything, but not sure how I would like preserved lemons ... you will let us know what you think and also can you provide a link to the recipe? Thank you and Happy Mother's Day, Erika :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  21. I like both hats :) Especially the first one. :)


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