Friday, May 12, 2023

Lots of Faces

 Hi everyone. It's already Friday and almost the middle of May.  We've really greened up this past week. I love that spring has arrived.

It's time for Nicole's Friday Face Off, Gillena's Friday Lunch Break , and also a page today for Aimeslee's Flower challenge at Art Journal Journey.


This page is a bit of a mess.  I was cleaning up the last of the scrap pieces of my work table, whether they had anything in common or not.  I used them all to create this collage, and as you can tell, there are several faces on it. I'm not sure the Egyptian scarab works with the rest of the images, but it's better to use it rather than throw it out.

I'm also a little early, but I also want to wish everyone who is some kind of mother a Happy Mother's Day this upcoming Sunday. Your children might be human, canine, feline or another species (or maybe they are a combo of multiple species); I don't think Mother's Day should only be for human offspring because pets certainly become our children too.

And I know those of your from Great Britain celebrated Mothering  Sunday back in March  so let me wish you a very belated Happy Mother’s Day .

Here's a spread I recently made in my small (4x4) spiral journal. I had several of these vintage human baby images, and I thought I would use a few of them. You can obviously tell there are even more faces  in this spread.  

I am also going to link this post up to Aimselee's Flower challenge at Art Journal Journey since you can probably see all the tiny flowers I added around the background in this little spread, as well as the flowers in the first journal page.  

I may or may not get around to visit everyone's blogs as quickly as I'd like  because I'm off this afternoon for the weekend. I'm finally going to visit my friend down in Raleigh, North Carolina who I tried to fly down and visit in April. At that point I was thwarted due to canceled and rescheduled airline flights. Keep your fingers crossed that isn't an issue this trip.  

I have a couple of hours at the airport with a  layover though, so I'm hoping I can do some visiting while I'm sitting and waiting. 

Have a great weekend.


  1. ...there are faces everywhere, but too often smiles are in short supply. SMILE!

  2. The trees went suddenly from branches to leaves in my yard. Looks like your yard too. Fun page. Love those bunnies. Have a safe trip and a fun weekend. Happy Mother's Day to you, too.

  3. You really have greened up and it looks good. I'm so glad you have been able to reschedule your trip to Raleigh. Let's hope all goes well with flights this time!

  4. Very springy and relaxing! Have a great time in Raleigh, Erika.

  5. Luv the collage; it is very interesting.
    Thanks for linking up at AFFF


  6. Wonderful face art and Happy Mothers Day!

  7. Sweet faces and lambs are extra sweeties 😍
    Happy flight, and enjoy the trip👍
    We celebrate Mother's Day this weekend.

  8. Love your art and photos too
    Happy weekend and Mother's Day
    Hugs Kathy

  9. Hi Erika... nice faces! happy weekend

  10. I hope you have a great time visiting your friend in Raleigh, Erika! Special friends are one of the best things in life. The words on your first collage are, "Everything is interesting," so that would encompass a scarab for sure. The babies and lambs are delightful. Your spring is a little ahead of ours, judging by the leaves. We've had an unusual amount of rain in the past 30 or so hours. Right now we're under a flood watch. I want to get down to the creek to see what the creek bed looks like. Don't worry about the visits ~ We all do the best we can. Travel safely!

  11. Oh your yard is really beautiful Erika ! Love to see the trees blooming.
    Wonderful Art journal page too, love how you have recycled everything, and yes, I like to see the Egyptian scarab on the page, it is perfect ! Lovely and tender your spread journal
    I wish you a great weekend, and trip to Raleigh, enjoy it.
    Big hugs, Caty

  12. I´m sorry Erika, I thought I was one of your followers, but wasn´t (lapsus , don´t know why) but now I AM, AND i LOOOVE your blog and all your gorgeous artworks .
    Happy weekend again dear,
    hugggsssss, Caty

  13. Oh I don't think the post is a mess at all. Your art is beautiful. I wish I was going to NC with you. My kids don't live too far from Raleigh. Have a great time there. Thanks for sharing with FFO.

  14. Both journal pages are very creative ~ well done ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Well, I love your page and everything on it. Thanks for all the pages to the challenge this month. Your yard is the poster child for Spring, looks wonderful! And hoping you are enjoying your trip - have fun! XOX

  16. Wonderful journal pages, love all the faces. Happy Mother's Day to ou, too, dear Erika, and enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  17. Great creative journal pages, love them all!
    Have a nice visit with your friend and hope you get home safely.

    Happy day, hug Elke

  18. To a happy Mother´s day! My mouse got 2 and 1/2 years old.
    I would love to have a sheep! Very cute work!

  19. If only I had that view to see in MY back yard. What fun and beauty, too.

    I love your collage. The scarab looks like an angel looking over the children and animals. I REALLY love the background. Nice large flower for Aimeslee's theme at AJJ, too.

    Happy Mother's Day to you, dear Erika. Love the children in the small journal.

  20. Everything really has greened up there, Erika, and it all looks quite wonderful. Same here. I led a fully day's outing yesterday for a group of enthusiastic birders and most trees were fully leafed out. Black flies were too! Hugs - David

  21. I'm having sooo much trouble getting pages to load on my laptop :( I'd love to sit in that lovely space against those trees :)

  22. I'm loving this collection faces and flowers! Yes, our Mother's Day was March in the UK. Happy Mothers Day to those remembering Mothers, that are celebrating their Mothers and those that are Mothers, hugs, Chrisx

  23. I am glad you are finally getting to visit your friend in North Carolina. I know the airlines have been a mess lately so fingers crossed that you make it this time. Love your trees and I'll bet you get a lot of birds in those trees. Nature is a wonderful place to retreat to when your are tired or overwhelmed and even just to take in because it is so peaceful. Your art work is awesome as always. Those kids look like they are off to school with Mom watching them leave and an angel(scarab) watching over them. So you see, you did tell a story with your collage :) Love the smiling baby faces too ... are any of them family? Have a safe trip, Erika ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  24. Hope the trip comes off.
    Lovely page with all the rabbits. The children look as if they are off on some kind of adventure and mother is obviously keeping an eye on them so all should be well.
    Those are great pages too with all the baby faces. A really happy page.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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