Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Stepping Back into Childhood

 Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week. 

Today my page for Art Journal Journey is made with some vintage Victorian images that I've had for quite a while and wasn't quite sure what to do with. I did notice there were flowers on the images though, so after some time and thought, I finally came up with this page.

These ducks are pretty cute, and  not my usual style. Yet they do work really well with the inked background I made. 

I extended the tree pole for the bird house, and I also drew and then painted most  of the clouds. I wanted them to blend in  with the cloud that was already with the double duck image on the right. 

I used a couple of scalloped dies and some various papers to make the border along the top and the bottom. And then I took a couple of punch out quotes from an Art by Marlene booklet to finish off my page.  It seems like this finished piece took no time to make compared to the time it took trying to decide what to do with these images.

And wow, did it green up at my house over the weekend while I was off visiting. 
Here's a few photos from the end of last week.

And here's some from yesterday.

Plus my ground phlox are coming into bloom.

My hostas are just popping up. I used to have them in the far back garden, but the deer would feast on them as soon as the leaves arrived, so now they are a bit closer to the house which seems to keep the deer away; fingers crossed it stays that way.

In the far back garden(that is supposed to seperate the lawn from the woods)  I'm finally getting some nice growth. It's taken me a couple of years of trial and error. My Japanese ferns (and the weeds) are all coming up now.

My sweet woodruff is getting buds and coming into flower.

And my native ground pachysandra Vinca/ periwinkle is blooming. It's the first time both of these ground plants in this garden have flowers. 😀

In another few days, it will all look totally different again. 

Thanks for visiting. I'm still working on catching up on some blogs, so if I haven't been by, I will be soon.
Enjoy your day.


  1. Isn't it wonderful to see greenery everywhere? This interval before the biting insects is always something to look forward to. I am pretty sure that what you are calling pachysandra is periwinkle, non native and not easy to remove once established. Hugs - David

  2. I think the page is super cute! The blooming phlox look so beautiful.

  3. ...I love your pair of owls!

  4. Lovely page and it looks fabulous outside

  5. My creeping phlox had about 3 blooms. I have no idea what's wrong with it, as it looks healthy otherwise... Your woods are my favorite :)

  6. Cute page. Loved those pretty stone owls

  7. That is quite a difference in green between the photos. I'm always amazed how quickly everything changes once spring is on her way. That plant looks like a periwinkle, very invasive. Unfortunately my neighbor has it in his garden and it's making its way over to mine. I love your stone owls, they are gorgeous - I wouldn't mind having something like that in my garden. Beautiful page, by the way. Have a good middle of the week, Erika.

  8. Looks like spring has sprung in your garden 😊. Those Victorian images are super cute and I love the page you created, the wording is so true! Take care and happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  9. Sweet page and spring has arrived. How are your new bees?
    deer love hostas it is a favorite food of theirs-the deer come out of the woods and feast on our one neighbors hostas here at the lake-she gets so upset with them.
    take care, happy midweek

  10. You did a great job handling the images, adorable page! Enjoy your emerging Spring show! Thanks for linking up to AJJ, xoxo

  11. It's such a wonderful sight when the greenery just explodes. You have planted lots of flowers and I'm glad to see them doing well. You have a huge garden so it must be a lot of work. I love the beautiful journal page with the vintage images, so pretty and happy! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  12. My limit is also my arm still, LOL... well, "LOL". But I know what you mean, of course!
    Yes, all green here, too! Tomorrow I get new soil and plant for the bees! Hugs

  13. Isn't it wonderful when the garden starts to awaken? Love to see all the new green shoots popping up all over the place and not being a stalwart gardener it is a surprise to see what some of them really are. I had forgotten some things in our garden.
    Love your journal page today - those little figures are so cute and take me back a long time to when I last saw something like that. Mabel Lucy Attwood/Atwell springs to mind. Her chubby little figures and all that.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. It's all coming on, isn't it? And it's looking great. My neighbor's allium have popped but mine are a bit slow. But I see blossoms on the strawberries. I might get enough for -- a snack! -- this year!

  15. Ooh your Art page is Wonderful Erika ! Very funny and happy, love the colours, and the great quote. Gorgeous!
    I like very much to see your garden, and the bee hives, I hope they are fine and happy at their new houses.
    Your garden is growing so lovely.
    I wish you a great Friday and weekend
    Big hugs, Caty

  16. Happy pages.
    Lovely garden,green and blooming 🌱🌷💚

  17. Oh these ducks are cute aren't they? Definitely a fun page for AJJ! Loving the garden pics. Periwinkle plants spread really well. Hugs, Chrisx

  18. That is a very sweet and happy page. All the green looks amazing!! Enjoy!


  19. Your yard certainly did explode with spring after a slow start and the same has happened here in Nashua, NH. Glad to read that you had a nice getaway too. Catching up on things at home including blog reading always takes time, but life always takes precedence.

  20. Lovely page and Photos from beautiful green garden!
    Hug Elke

  21. Really enjoyed this post! Thank you.

  22. Lovely photos of your garden, and that's a sweet page Erika!

  23. I'm also playing catch up. It hasn't been a good week here. Those animals are cute, but not cutesy. Just adorable for Amislee's theme at AJJ.

    LOVE your green spaces. My vinca vines will soon have little flowers on them, too.


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!