Monday, May 15, 2023

T Stands for Boston

 Hi everyone. Happy T Day.

Today (Monday) I came home from my trip to visit my friend in North Carolina. It was fun to see my friend, as I haven't seen her for a while.  We  took a trip down to Charleston, South Carolina, which is a city I've never visited but was on my bucket list.  I did take lots of photos, but you'll have to wait until everything gets unloaded before you can see those. Smile. 

Instead for T this week let me share some more photos from almost 2 weeks ago when I went with my husband into Boston. He had a doctor's appointment, and I was game for some scenery change.

You never know how long a drive into the city can end up taking, especially when you have to leave during the morning rush hour traffic. It should take us just under 2 hours, but Boston traffic is not very reliable. We left early and made a pit stop at McDonald's on the way down for a potty break and breakfast. Not that we really like McDonald's, but it's fast so we could eat as we continued our drive into the city. You can see my half eaten sausage biscuit as well as a diet coke. 

This is my ticket to T this week over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

It was a foggy and damp, even wet at times, day. I snapped these next couple of photos from the car as we drove over the Tobin Bridge.

Those ship masts in the above photo are Old Ironside, also known as the USS Constitution which is part of Boston's National Historic Park. 
These next 2 photos show the excitement going on next to the hospital's parking garage.

Of course we arrived with a little over an hour to kill before we had to be there for the hubby's appointment so, as some of you have already read in a post from last week, I dragged the hubby for a walk in the Beacon Hill neighborhood near the hospital. Let me share some photos I snapped as we walked.

One thing about cloudy days is that they really accentuate the colors in photos. I hope you enjoyed the views.
Have a great T day and week ahead also. 


  1. ...Boston is a happening place!

  2. There are a few cities I can't see enough photos from -- London, Paris and Boston, so thanks for these! Have you ever toured Old Ironsides? I did it years ago -- and it was well worth the time and money!

  3. Would love to visit Boston thanks for the photos.

  4. I enjoyed the photos-loved that stained glass window-I couldn't live in a city-too many people haha
    thanks for sharing Happy T Kathy

  5. Awesome that you had a great time with your friend! I love that red brick house!

  6. A sausage biscuit at Maccas? Nothing you can get here! And fast is a word that does not fit here either for them! Once I had to wait so long the employee wanted to give me an ice-cream, but as I don´t like sweets... the man was truly confused, LOL
    Those trees look like they might fall any minute!
    Yes to the colors on cloudy days (also you don´t need loads of sunscreen).
    Happy T-Day and hugs

  7. Lovely photos of Boston and enjoyed the note on the door! Your sausage biscuit sounds good and I am hungry! Glad you were able to get away for a weekend! Happy T Day, hugs,Valerie

  8. Those photos are very intriguing: little snaps of the real local look of the neighborhood.
    best, mae at

  9. Happy to hear you enjoyed your visit and are back safe from your trip. Your photo montage of that part of Boston is interesting. Cobblestone/brick pavement fascinates me. There are still a few areas in very old Houston neighborhoods that have them or their remnants. Nowhere near like Boston and NYC. I know they were built at a time where only feet, horses and buggies were the weight on them, so they aren't that practical for today. But they are so pleasant looking and evoke nostalgia. And also historic. Boston seems to have more than their share, bless 'em. XOX

  10. Nice to see `photos of Boston, our son and DIL lived there for 18 months, twenty years ago, we had a two week visit while they lived there, our first visit to the USA, never thought America would be like our second home although in San Francisco.
    Happy T Day
    Jan S

  11. I would love to visit Boston and see all the sights. So many sights to see!

    Happy T Tuesday

  12. What a lovely visit to Boston. I was really enthralled with your photos. I loved the architecture in Boston, but felt the people who live there were rude and aloof. I agree about a cloudy day adding to the beauty of colored shots. These were wonderful. What amazes me is in Kansas, ALL streets begin in the 100 block, no matter what direction you are headed. I see Boston has number under 100, like they have in Europe.

    I have never been a fan of McDonald's, but if it meant that or staving, I wouldn't turn it down. Thanks for sharing your incredible photos of Beacon Hill, your sausage biscuit, and your diet coke with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  13. Lovely city and beautiful photos, the colours are fabulous. Glad you had a great time there and also visiting your friend in Charleston I only know it from the movies but would love to see it, can't wait to see your pics. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  14. It's always nice to explore a part of a city when you have some time to kill. Interesting that some of the trees are full with leaves and others are still bare. The cobblestone is wonderful and remind me of Europe - only riding your bike across it is quite horrible - ouch! I'm not a city person at all anymore, so I'm not sure I will ever go there. I did, however, enjoy your photos. Have a lovely T day, Erika, and a wonderful week.

  15. Fab photos and so appropriate. If the doctor gives me the all clear on Monday I can meet up with my friend's son who lives in Boston! He flies back on Thursday so it is tight that I get to see him before he goes home.
    I love the photos especially the one with the note on the door.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. I can't remember the last time we had a Mcdonalds - just thinking, why would I? It was probably one of those needed something so we could get back on the road - they have their uses! Loving the Boston pics, hugs, Chrisx


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