Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The Garden of Childhood

 Hi everyone. 

Today I want to share another page for Aimeslee's Flower challenge at Art Journal Journey.  I had no idea where this page was going to go, so I started by tracing circles with a stencil and a Sharpie.

I made this page in a bound journal. I decided I wanted some color, so a few of the circles became orange. I then took a similar  sized paper punch and punched out the circles from a book page with Japanese printing. I die cut the big flowers from orange and pink cardstock and used black pen and pink marker on them. It was only then I decided the background needed color so I used pink watercolor paint to give it a bit of a pop.

I added the house image and the 2 TH little girls. Once I did that I knew exactly what stamp I wanted to use for my quote. To finish off my page I used some felt birds (which needed a bit of enhancing) and some flower shaped sequins, both from my stash. 

And there you have it.  It’s a mostly rainy week so far for me, but I am having lots of art and reading time 😀, not really a lot of gardening time. Yet I know the  plants are just loving this good soaking.  When the sun comes back out, I know things are going to grow like crazy. Thanks for stopping by my blog .


  1. I thought our childhood garden was the biggest and most beautiful in the entire city of Melbourne. 25 years later I drove my own children to see the house and garden for the first time. We found the garden was still well cared for, but was it just average in size and beauty.

  2. Ah, the garden of childhood. Some of us are perhaps slowly sliding back there again! Hugs - David

  3. ...I wish that there is a garden in every childhood. That's the way it should be, but often it isn't.

  4. Another fabulous page today, and the quote is so fitting for it! Love the colours and pretty flowers and images. Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Thsee colors are happy -- and it's a very happy page!

  6. Oh Erika, this is absolutely beautiful. I love everything about it, and really like the addition of the watermelon color to the background. But my favorite part is the wonderful quote. It's so perfect here!! It totally reminds me of my childhood and spending time in my mom's and grandmother's gardens. They both felt like T"he Secret Garden." That's what your page reminds me of! Thanks for sharing it, and for stopping by my blog. Your visits are always very much appreciated! Hugs, Sharon

  7. An absolutely delightful page. Love the colours, love the various images and love the words you chose to illustrate it with.
    It took me back to a film I watched recently, "The Secret Garden". Oh how I did enjoy the film even though it was probably meant for younger viewers, it had such a lovely 'feel good' feel about it and the colours and animals in the garden were an absolute delight. Just as your picture was when I turned to it today.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  8. A wonderful page, so happy.
    I had one kindy-friend whose Birthday was in summer - such fun. If I find a pic I´ll share.
    Hugs and to happy summer-days soon!

  9. You have created a so so Gorgeous page Erika ! It is very happy and full of kindness with the little girls. I love how you have added every elements to it. Those birds are sweety, it´s a great design ! Hope we could have some rain by there.
    I wish you a very nice Thursday, and send big hugss

  10. Charming and delightful. Lots of color, too. I love the sentiment. It goes so well with the children. They are so lucky to have a special garden of their childhood. Thanks for sharing this with us at AJJ using Aimeslee's theme.

  11. Loving all the little details on this one, Erika. The house, grass, sequins and background color complete it so well. I'm like you sometimes not having a clue where I'm going, then it all comes together. I love surrendering to my muse. That's how I look at it anyway. lol Hope you are having a good week indoors. XOX

  12. I wish every childhood did have this.

  13. This is beautiful Erika, I love these colours. I remember the garden of my childhood and I'm sure the sun shone everyday of the school holidays and I wore shorts every day! Hugs, Chrisx


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