Friday, June 30, 2023

Faces and Signs

 Hi everyone. Happy last day of June. Wow.  It's been a busy week and a very wet week for me. Finally yesterday we saw the sun. πŸ˜€

And it is Friday.It's an extra long weekend for my husband and many other people.  Well sort of a long weekend for me because I'm still working Monday and Tuesday mornings at the lake. :) That is if it's not raining again.

Today I am linking up to Nicole's Friday Face Off and also to Gillena's Friday Lunch Break.

My husband is someone who likes to travel, but also someone  can't get excited about a trip until it's actually happening.  I'm glad I don't wait for him to plan trips or we'd never go anywhere other than on his boat. (I think his boat is only thing he really gets excited about early.) Smile.

These next 3 photos for Friday Face Off are him showing me how excited he is. The first one is when we boarded the plane, the second one is when we were getting close to landing, and the last one is when we were in Iceland.

And I'm always interested by signs when I travel, so let me share some from Iceland with you today. I am still going through photos, so some of these need a bit of straightening out or a bit of lightning up which I  have yet to do. Yet showing them as they are only adds a bit to the spontaneity of travel.

And this next sign was actually crooked so my photo is straight.

I tried some of that ice cream too, and it was very delicious.

Below, a whale tail sign in Husavik, the whale capital of Iceland. This one definitely needs some lightening.

And as you can see, as long as you can read English, you should be ok most places.

Icelandic poem plaque on a bright orange lighthouse.

We did a lot of backroads exploring (always the best part of a trip), and we found this hot spring spot that was used for baptizing people  starting around the year 1000 when Iceland became Christian. You could take a little walk into where the spring is located. Since the spring was on private property, someone, at some point, had been selling rhubarb jam, this sign was up.

Our Reykjavik studio hotel room was near this wine bar.

And to find our way back when out on a walk, I took a photo of  our hotel's street sign.

Here's a rock sign at the geysers in Geyser, and 

here's another sign that could use a bit of straightening and cropping. This sign was at the Bridge Between the Continents where you could walk from the European geologic plate to the North American plate.  

I'll be back with more Iceland photos next week since I have new AJJ posts scheduled for this weekend. Have a  great end of June, start of July, weekend and celebration if you country celebrates a holiday over the next few days.


  1. Where are the hotsprings located and where does the heat come from? Did you sit in one? It all sounds very exotic!

  2. ...Erika, you have amassed quite a collection.

  3. Ha ha! I always take pictures of road signs when I am on a trip. I took so many road sign photos on my first vacation to Mexico. My friend rented a car and we drove around a lot. As neither of us spoke Spanish at the time, I was using a translation device to see what they said.

  4. It is amazing to me that there are signs everywhere showing us how to wash our hands, as though that is a new skill requiring direction. I have been washing my hands all my life, and routinely do it when I come into the house, and as far as I know I managed okay without an infographic to direct me step by step. Hugs - David

  5. Interesting signs and good face off photos!

  6. Such fun signs. I like the whale tail sign and the ice cream sign is understood in any language. Looks like a beautiful day today. Enjoy the sunshine.

  7. Hi Erika, love the faces of your hubby! Great shots. the signs in Iceland are very interesting. I hope you sat at the table to eat your breakfast after washing your hands. Hugs, Valerie

  8. Hi Erika. Happy you dropped by Art For Fun Friday.
    I bought new scissors today.
    Remember to drop by on Sunday and link up to Sunday Smiles


  9. This was fun-capturing the different signs Happy friday and long holiday weekend
    Hugs Kathy

  10. Iceland is certainly interesting. I live in Florida and there is so much foliage everywhere. Iceland doesnt seem to have many trees and seems windblown. Of course I have never been there, so I have no clue what its really like except for your photos. I'm curious to know why you chose Iceland to visit. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Dear Erika,
    I also have to plan the trips here (or my friend Brigitte), our husbands don't have much imagination, but they also like to travel πŸ˜‰. Iceland is of course an exciting place to travel anyway. You have collected many signs! I look forward to your further reports 😍 By the way, we've been to several places that you've seen, including Husavik. Did you do a whale watching tour there?
    Warm July greetings and all the best, Traude

  12. Dear Erika, I also have to plan the trips here (or my friend Brigitte), our husbands don't have much imagination, but they also like to travel πŸ˜‰. Iceland is of course an exciting place to travel anyway. By the way, we've been to several places that you've seen, including Husavik. Did you do a whale watching tour there? You have collected many signs! I look forward to your further reports.
    Warm July greetings and all the best, Traude

  13. Some fun signs, I like esp. that rock one. It has been raining on and off over here too. Today we finally had some serious sun. Awesome!

  14. what a fine trip! Love your face today... your beloved

  15. Great photos! I love the ones of hubby, and all those interesting signs.

  16. This looks like a fun trip ... I have to ask, what language do they speak in Iceland. Silly me, I always assumed it would be English ... hmmmm :(
    The sights are wonderful and the signs, those that were translated are interesting. It is good to tell people how to wash their hands. You would be surprised at how many people wash their hands and walk away with them still dirty. It is an art that every nurse or medical personnel learns as part of their curriculum. And clean hands can make a world of difference in one's life, simple but true. I look forward to more on Iceland a country that is on my Bucket list for sure :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  17. Wow! Amazing number of signs.

    All the best Jan

  18. That's a perfect Friday face! I love your Icelandic signs -- so different from what I am used to seeing!

  19. I had to laugh at your husband and how he felt about the trip at several stages. Sounds like in the end, he really enjoyed himself.

    You found some great signs. I liked the ones about the bridge and the Geyser rock. So glad you had a good time in Iceland and I'm still loving your photos from your trip.

  20. Erika, it was fun seeing the faces of your husband, Dave, and hope he had as much of a fun trip as you seemed to. I also noticed that he was wearing a jacket in the photos so a heat wave wasn't an issue during your travels. Glad that many of the signs were also in English and I would recognize the ice cream one in ANY language!

  21. lol, Iceland is a great place to visit. Lots of geoligical features, birds and gorgeous nature. I have been there three times and would be happy for another time. Nice to see your shots. And read about it. :)


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