Saturday, July 1, 2023

July is Here

 Hi everyone. Happy July to you. And Happy Canada day to my friends north of the border.

Since it is July 1, it is time for a new challenge at Art Journal Journey. First of all, let me thank Matilde for hosting during June. Numbers was a great challenge, and seems many of you thought so  also since we had so many great link ups. Thank you to everyone who joined in Matilde's challenge.

This month we have a new host and a new theme. I want to welcome Alison who you might know from her blog Craftytrog's Arty Adventure. This month Alison has picked the theme

Come Fly With Me

Think about birds, butterflies, planes,  or anything that flies. Alison can fill you in on the details to her challenge over at the Art Journal Journey home page.

Here's my first page for July.  It's a 2 page spread from my bee journal.

My background is made with some napkin pieces and some tissue paper pieces.  Then I traced a small circle several times with a Sharpie and colored in the circle with a yellow marker.

The girl is cut out of a magazine image, glued down and then colored in. Her hand was in the perfect position to add a small chipboard  bee.

On the right side I added a partial bee anatomy diagram. This is a copy of a bee diagram from an old illustrated dictionary. I added the part of that diagram that fit on my page.
And finally I added the quote. 

Alison's challenge runs for the month of July, and please remember we are looking for art journaling. Cards, ATCs, tags and other forms of art are not accepted, but you can link art journaling that’s made in any format.

I hope you'll be inspired by July's theme and will join us at Art Journal Journey. Have a great weekend, and thanks for checking out my blog.


  1. What a wonderful way to start this month, Erika. And it is perfect for you, too. I really LOVE that bee from that dictionary that you even carried onto the left side of the spread. This is a wonderful first entry using Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.

  2. This is wonderful, Erika, great idea with that huge bee, and all the little ones in the background. Beautiful, sunny colours, too! Have a great July! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Thanks for your lovely welcome to the challenge Erika! I absolutely love your gorgeous bee page, just perfect for you 😊
    I'm looking forward to seeing your artwork this month.
    Happy July!

  4. Beautiful - to bees! Great background, too - have a wonderful start into July, hugs

  5. ...have a buzzing good day!

  6. This is truly beautiful. I like it very much. Have a nice weekend.

  7. Lovely collage work ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. So glad July is here. Thought of you yesterday while I was at Tower Hill. Overheard a conversation while getting lunch. The woman in front of me said she saw 4 of the 6 species of bees in the TH gardens. She was very excited. I hope your fog lifted and the sun came out for you today

  9. This is quite wonderful, Erika. If it features bees it has my seal of approval. This morning we were visiting a new local wetland and there was a whole legion of pollinators - so good to see. Hugs - David.

  10. What a wonderful page, love the bees :)

    Enjoy your weekend, and have a happy month of July.

    All the best Jan

  11. This is a fun spread and great theme!

  12. A very nicely done and sweet spread, great way to progress in that journal. Hope your weekend is going well, xoxo

  13. Wonderful pages, Erika. So appropriate for you too with your bees and can do spirit. Love the details! Great job on this challenge!!! Hugz

  14. I love your beautiful art journal spread, Erika! The girl, the bees, the colors, the background made with a napkin, all of the details look amazing here. I really like the sentiment, too. It's so true!! I still always think that until a project is done to this day. Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us. Hugs, Sharon

  15. Sorry I have been MIA.
    Love your page - should I say double page spread? The little girl is so cute and how opportune that she had her hand in that way so you could add a bee.
    I do hope we get to see more of your bee journal and that your bees are doing well and thriving now.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. What a brilliant start to Alison's AJJ theme. I love how big the bee looks hugs, Chrisx


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