Saturday, June 10, 2023

Home Again

 Hi everyone. Happy weekend. 

I’m home from my travels, and it’s good to be home. It was a busy week and a half away, as well as it being a great adventure too. But nothing is as good getting home again.  And I must admit I was starting to miss the dogs a lot too. 

Those of you who have read my blog for several years might remember I traveled to Iceland with some friends back in 2016. At that time my husband had health issues, and he couldn’t travel. 

Back in 2020 my daughter and I were going to go to Iceland for a short visit to try to see the Northern Lights.  We all know what happened in 2020. I had  a travel voucher that needed to be used before August of this year, and my husband, since he couldn't travel with me in 2016, wanted to go to Iceland rather than using the voucher to go elsewhere. I also wanted to drive the Ring Road, which is the road the circles this island nation. When I visited with friends we spent our time (mostly) in the capital west coast region. 

And that's what my husband and I did. We drove the Ring Road and took a few side trips along the way. We had  a fantastic adventure, and once I  go through my photos, I will have a lot to share. The scenery in Iceland is just amazing! My impressions of Iceland are that  it is very clean: the food is delicious, and if you speak English there is no language barrier (but reading and definitely speaking those Icelandic words is tough). It is expensive though, more than we expected, but I do highly recommend it if you're ever looking for an adventure. And traveling when we did, it never really got dark.  I'll write more about that in future posts.

Here's a few random photos off my phone just to show you what I mean. (I haven't lightened or straightened out any of these so they may not be the best.)

The Eastern Fjords-above
One of the glaciers-below

A view towards Selfoss-above
A view into Reykjavik-below 

This fabulous Viking ship statue in Reykjavik
me waving to you on a rainy morning from out in the lava fields

And finally a couple of views in a geothermal park south of Reykjavik

Today I want to share another page for Matilde's All About Numbers challenge at Art Journal Journey. This one is made in a journal that is getting fat and therefore my left hand pages (in the journal) are not laying flat very nicely.

And no, it's not my birthday or anyone's in particular. I used some messy deli paper as part of my background.  It had some colorful splatters on it and that made me think of celebrations.
I only used the deli paper on half the page, and I left parts of it wrinkly for some texture. Now looking at the finished page, I'm not sure the texture does much, but it is what it is.

I also had some bingo playing card cards with these circle numbers on them.  I cut out the circle numbers from 3 cards and decided they would make great balloons. They had red edges and white centers so I colored them in to be more festive.

I looked through some TH people and found these 2  who I'll call Mom and Tommy. Tommy looks ready for a party so I have him holding the balloons. I'm not sure it's his  birthday, but he is going to a special person's party and bringing them a balloon bouquet.  I also glued down a few little plastic sprinkles to liven up the color eventually more, and I added a scrap of green paper and some gold daisy paper trim to finish off the page. And I stamped the Happy Birthday quote too. 

I am also going to link up to Elle’s pick this month at More Than Words. This month it’s all about your favorite art supplies.  I love using stamps, messy deli paper, and various ephemera on my pages. 

I hope everyone is enjoying your weekend. And  of course thanks for visiting. 


  1. So glad to see you safely back home again after your adventure. The pics are fabulous, and I am sooooo looking forward to seeing all of the photos! your journal page is lovely, too, good idea with the birthday theme. This year I will be 77, it sounds awful! Hope all is well at home, have a good weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. Welcome home and thanks for the glimpse of Iceland. Nice page too

  3. I´m always sad when a holiday ends.
    Maybe because we nearly always flee the cold and coming back from sunshine and heat to dark and cold is awful, also leaving friends behind...
    Yes, 2020. Seems so long ago now!
    I´m looking forward to see more of Iceland also because... "no ten horses" could get me there ;-)
    Glad you had a great adventure and bet your dogs were more than happy to have you back, hugs

  4. ...I'm glad that you had a fun trip. Home will always be a great place for me to be.

  5. Glad you are back after a great trip. Amazing to see the pictures!

  6. Awesome that you had a great time with your husband this time in Iceland. East, west, home is the best. So, welcome back, Erika.

  7. Gorgeous scenery! I'm so glad your husband was able to go with you this time!

  8. So beautiful photos and page 💐👏👍🤩💐 i like numbers ballons
    Happy weekend, hugs from Chile

  9. Although I would not like to holiday in a very cold country, your first photos are very beautiful. Do you think cold equals serene?

  10. What a clever way to get those numbers on there, love it.
    Welcome home!
    Happy to hear y'all enjoyed, glad your hubby got to go this time.
    I did also read your books post but the computer has been off and on so many times at the wrong moment (lightning/thunderstorms every evening, it is getting old!), so I will just comment about them here. I have a newly discovered skin allergy to raw tomatoes so that book interests me. My grandfather and mother had it as well, but it just began bothering me. Enjoy getting back to your life! XOX

  11. What fabulous photos from your vacation.. I'm glad you're home safe and sound!
    Your journal page is so pretty!
    happy day, hug Elke

  12. Your pictures of Iceland only rekindle my desire to go there, Erika. Such an interesting country! Hugs - David

  13. I love your photos of Iceland Erika! I'd love to visit there one day. Looks like you had a great trip. I've just read a book that was set there, The Christmas Lights by Karen Swan. She's an author I recently discovered, and I'm reading all her books that I found on my library app :D
    A wonderful page too, you used some great elements.
    I'm off to catch up with more of your posts.

  14. Looking forward to seeing more of your Iceland pictures and hearing about your adventure. Tommy's balloon bouquet reminds me of the Eldest when asked what she wanted for her birthday and she said balloons. So Himself granted her request. You came home in time for better weather this weekend.

  15. Iceland looks and sounds so fabulous, Erika. One of those trips of a lifetime and you got to go twice! Wow. Glad you are home safe and sound.

    Great numbers page for the numbers theme at AJJ - I need to get going on my page. I love the TH dolls and your colorful baloons. The background works perfectly.

    Fun post. Hugz

  16. Hi Erika, wow is that 10 days already? It seems like not time at all! Love the photos, I've always wanted to go - those thermal springs! I love your balloon numbers and that messy deli paper, Thanks for joining us at More Than Words - Elle xx

  17. I have never been to Iceland, but would very much like to go there. My husband was there several years ago and really liked it - except for the exorbitant prices of everything. Maybe one day we'll go there. Glad you made it home safely and your dogs were probably very happy to have you back again as well.

  18. Beautiful photographs of your home in Iceland. It is an interesting country. With very beautiful mountains, and a very beautiful sea.

  19. Nice to know you are back home, but I am so envious of you driving the Ring Road. Did you have to get used to filling the car with liters of gas, rather than gallons? Quite a difference when it comes to cost, I'm sure.

    That Viking ship statue is wondrous. Majestic in fact. I look forward to seeing more of your time on the Ring Road. It seems the temperature difference between north and south would be different, too.

    Those are some clever balloons you shared with us for Matilde's theme at AJJ. I hope Tommy's friend likes the bouquet.

  20. Great idea of the numbers in balloons 😃 And I like how you combine them with the paper dolls. Beautiful photos as well. Hugs, Matilde ☺

  21. Iceland does look amazing! I can imagine the language is difficult just from the names of some of the places.
    Your page is absolutely brilliant - what a great idea for Matilde's AJJ theme, hugs Chrisx

  22. Finally catching up! I remember your earlier trip and I'm glad you got back. It looks like a wonderful journey! I hope you'll share more!

  23. This sounds like one of those holidays of a lifetime. How fascinating - I am so glad you two got to do this.
    Love the journal page - what a great idea to use those balloons with numbers.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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