Sunday, June 11, 2023

That Weird Time When You're Mentally Still on a Trip

Hi everyone. Happy end of your weekend or start of the new week to you.

I'm still in a post trip mood. First of all I am dealing with the time change. Four hours may not be a lot, but I am wide awake by 4 AM and half asleep by 6 PM. I've been forcing myself to stay up though, but because I start a summer job tomorrow/Monday, (more about that later), and because I need to get up to be there for 7,  I'm trying not to get into the sleep too late mode. 

I'm also a bit addicted to going through my photos, which I unloaded onto my computer yesterday. I haven't done much with any of them, but since I'm getting back into the groove of being home, let me share a few more random photos with you from Iceland. 

Many of the roads in Iceland are gravel, even if they have route numbers. We did a few of those just to see the country off the Ring Road. 

One day we started off with a lot of sunshine, but as the afternoon went on the clouds and some fog rolled in. It made some dramatic views. 

I haven't done anything with these photos so I hope they're not too dark. 

The morning is getting away from me so I'm going to stop it here. Thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. Happy Sunday Erika
    Remember to link to
    Sunday Smiles


  2. I really do not know anything about Iceland except I figured it was pretty cold there-lovely photos.
    good luck with your new job too-hugs

  3. ...gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!! Jet lag come do weird things to you.

  4. Going off on holidays is easy, usually planned in detail long in advance. But coming home might mean a sudden change in: time zones, seasons, currencies, languages, side of the road for driving etc. Just as well you have heaps of wonderful photos to remind you of the excitement.

  5. You will probably need a few das to get back to normal, whatever that is! Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Hugs, Valerie

  6. Oh, these photos are a great preview of more to come! I look forward to reading more about your trip!

  7. Hi Erika.
    Thanks for linking to Sunday Smiles. Have a good week


  8. Wonderful pics. Our gravel roads were red and I loved them (if not too tricky, which happened, too).
    You love the cold, I love the heat, so nice this world offers it all to us!
    Jet lag is horrible, gah, as getting old! When young I took it, now... a pain, LOL.
    A new job? Good luck, I join you soon, sadly... Hugs

  9. I am anxious to see every shot you took in Iceland, Erika, so keep on posting! I hope there are some images from the seabird colonies there. Did you rent a car or was this an organized tour? Hugs - David

  10. The Monday WRites linky is on again

    Today you can link up with something stormy


  11. This is beautiful, I love the clouds in the fifth photo.

  12. Stark, desolate, and barren. Beautiful, though.

  13. Hi Erika! I am chuckling at your post title (along the lines of "This one time at band camp"). I imagine you were/are pretty jet-lagged. Great photos, the land is quite interesting. I'm intrigued about this summer job of yours so I so hope you will spill the beans soon. Tonite on the news I saw an outfitted beekeeper removing a huge hive in NYC Times Square and thought, is that Erika and her new job? Heeheehee Good week ahead wishes, XOX

  14. That's gorgeous topgraphy and skies. I can see why you are addicted to reviewing your photos. I'm the same when I travel! It's time well spent and enjoyed.


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