Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Let It Bee

Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week to you.

Today I have a page for 2 challenges. First of all I am joining Matilde at Art Journal Journey. Her challenge this month is All About Numbers.  You can see the clock which is hopefully not ticking down the time that we have pollinators like bees on left on our planet.

I am also joining Sparkles monthly challenge with this page. This month they want art with No Stamping Allowed.  I didn't use any rubber stamps on this page, but hopefully the paper bee postage stamp doesn't disqualify me-smile.

This page is in my bee journal where I have some art pages as well as where I'm  keeping info about my 2 hives of honey bees  this year.

I made my page with a sheet of printed paper for the background. I cut the large sunflower and the bee postage stamp out of a sheet of printed Graphic45 paper.  I also added a few bits of deli paper that I used to paint on, and I liked the gold pops here and there-although sadly it doesn't really show up in the photo as I would have hoped. I also added some gold metallic paper flower trim and some scrape hexagons from when I die cut some honey comb for a different page. And finally I added a few little confetti bits which don't do much in the photo but do add texture to the actual page.

I also have a tag for Wendy's Circle challenge at Tag Tuesday I'm sad I missed the nautical theme from the last challenge as I love making nautical art, but I wasn't home to make any tags for it. Keeping to this post's bee theme, here's my latest tag.

I made this tag by inking my background, tracing some circles, stamping some images and finishing it off with some little confetti circles and a stamped and cut out quote.

And I hope no one is squirmy because I'll also show you my latest hive photos.

First my Italian bees. They are doing great.  And in this next photo you can see that there are more babies on the way.

And I am also happy to report the few of my Saskatraz bees that survived the shipping journey are still holding on. I was crushed when about 90-95% of them arrived dead, and it was too late in the season to get a replacement package (but I did get reimbursed.)

However I'm rooting for the few that were left, so I put them into my second hive with hopes they'd make it.

With these low numbers they are not yet out of the woods (especially come fall), but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Hope you have a great day.


  1. Oh, I absolutely love both of your works - and also to see the real ones - thank you for sharing this! And have a bee-youtiful day, hugs

  2. Awesome that your Italian bees are doing good! The bee page looks excellent.

  3. Good to see the bees, Erika, and to know that at least one hive is doing well. Fingers crossed for the hardy survivors from the second hive. My fingers are crossed along with yours. Hugs - David

  4. Lovely summery pages. Glad the bees are thriving

  5. I love your art and I love seeing your bees. So glad you got reimbursed. Have a great day today.

  6. Love your bee art, the journal page with bees and sunflowers, and the lovely tag for Wendy's circle challenge. And great to get a look into your hives, it's really fascinating. Glad some of your new ones survived and are thriving. Thanks for taking the time to show and photograph them! Hugs, Valerie

  7. What a fun take on Matilde's theme at AJJ. I like how you tied it in with your bees, too. I also like your tag. I wish I had time to make a circle tag, but with my ICADs, it is just impossible at the moment.

    Your Italian bees seem to be doing wonders. They are just so healthy looking, too. Great that you gave us this update. I sure hope your other bees make it through autumn and winter this year.

  8. Fabulous tag and journal page, love them. Hugs Wendy

  9. So good to see the bees, may they all thrive :)
    Love your art.

    All the best Jan

  10. Beautiful artwork and I hope your bees do okay.

  11. Both your page and tag are beautifully done, Erika. But I was more mesmerized by your bees - the first hive looks gorgeous and it seems that the Italian bees are doing really well. I keep my fingers crossed for the survival of the second hive.

  12. Lovely lovely...bravo


  13. So glad you had some bee survivors from that shipment. Hope they make it all the way through -- looks like your gang is going strong!

  14. Wow it always amazes me to see bees hard at work!! Your tag is the perfect homage to them and you have incorporated the circle theme so beautifully! Thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday this fortnight Erika.

  15. Your art piece makes me sad, Erika, because our pollinators are in distress around the world. Thank goodness there are people like you trying to do something for our bees. I can't have hives where we live. We did have a colony establish itself in one of the pillars holding up our deck. We lived with those bees for almost three years until we could find a humane bee catcher to collect the bees for a rescue apiary and who could fix our pillar so wild bees couldn't build another colony. There are farmers living in our area who are trying to raise bees, but it's very challenging.

  16. Pretty page and I love the sunflowers. Thanks for joining us at Sparkles Monthly Dawn S DT x


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