Monday, June 19, 2023

T Stands for Squeezing in Projects

Hi everyone. Happy Tuesday. It's time once again for T. 

It's been a pretty wet spell in my area since before I came home from Iceland. I had a few outdoor projects I wanted to get done last week, and most of them have been put onto the to-do-another-day list. However,  Thursday I was home, and we had sunshine (😀) so I started one of them.

It's time to do one of my favorite things- set up my screen porch. In the fall we replace the screen panels with plastic for the winter, and those plastic panels finally came down just before we left on our adventure north. Of course with all the rain that we've been having, it is not yet set up, but hopefully soon.

The floor was in pretty tough shape, and all last year I thought about painting it. Well this year I decided I had better paint it before I set up the porch or all I would do this season is think about painting it again.

This first photo shows the before view. I don't know if you can see all the stains on it, and there were also a couple of spots where the paint had chipped. I pushed all the furniture to one side since no one else was home to help me move it.  After I painted this part and after the paint dried, the hubby helped me move the furniture to the other side so I could finish it. 
I also decided it had been grey long enough, and it was time for a change.

And now it's green!

Besides my painting supplies and the start of my painting, you can see my drink for this week in this next photo. It's my ticket for T day over at  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog. I opened a bottle of Diet Coke to drink while I painted.

The new color is called fern canopy. It looks a little splotchy in these photos because some of the paint had dried and some was still wet. It also needed a second coat.

I'm loving this green though.

I finished up my painting Sunday, and now I need to find some time  to get everything back into their spots and set up so I can use it.

And here's a couple of more T day related photos from Iceland.  First of all, I found soda bottle tops interesting, as the cap was designed not to come off the bottle. I think it's smart and maybe one of the reasons why Iceland had such little litter. It's easy to lose the top of a bottle but not so easy to lose the whole bottle.

Perhaps other places have this type of cap, but I've never seen it before.

It was also tricky to find as many Coke products as we have here in the US. This makes sense since Coca-cola is an American product. Pepsi seemed to have the market in Iceland. I like a Diet Coke on occasion. I did see regular Coke, but that's a lot of sugar for me. I could find Coke Light at a couple of places, but it didn't taste quite like Diet Coke to me. Instead I went to drinking Coke Zero when I wanted something bubbly, which tasted more like Diet Coke to me than Coke Zero does at home. My husband said it tasted just like Coke Zero to him.

The best while driving drink was this next one.

I wish I had noticed more water bottle fillers as we drove around the country, but I did enjoy this water.

And I also discovered a favorite sweet nibble when I was there too.

It's like an M&M with a crunchy coating, chocolate and a bit of black licorice inside.  

And when I went to Iceland I went yarn shopping. The Lopi Icelandic yarn was about 60% cheaper than buying it here in the US. If you ship it, you don't need to try to squish it into an already too full suitcase, and you save the 14% VAT tax they charge if you buy it and take it with you. 😀
This week my yarn arrived, which was a lot faster than I expected it would.

My husband wondered why I just didn't buy a finished sweater which are one of the hot souvenirs. Here's an example of one in case you aren't familiar with the style.

I told him buying yarn is better, because 1) I could use the colors and pattern I wanted, 2) I could think about my trip not only when I wear the sweater but also while I knit it and 3) knitting a classic Icelandic sweater is fairly fast and easy as you make it on big needles and in the round. I've knitted a few in the past. It will make a good cold weather project, if I can wait that long to start it. Smile.

I think this post has gotten long enough, so I'll end it here. Have a wonderful T day and week ahead.


  1. I love Icewool sweaters. I considered buying one when I was there but we keep our house so warm that.I wouldn’t wear it much. Knitting your own from Icelandic yarn sounds great, though I don’t know how to knit so it was not an option.
    best, mae at

  2. ...I like the green paint, I just don't like painting!

  3. Wonderful color for your porch - I so need to do that to mine!

    Wonderful pictures of fun stuff in Iceland too - that water looks super cool. Love hearing about the differences in drinks between countries.

    I am super impressed you can make the sweater and the yarn looks lovely!

    Happy T-day! Hugz

  4. Ohhhh I love what you did with the floor. The color is fabulous. Wonderful sweater too. Have a very nice evening.

  5. I enjoyed your post-I Love the new color for your floor-a perfect green color too. It will look really nice with all of your furniture back in place. I love this space very much. If we ever get organized to get our woods house sold we need a new deck here badly-it's falling apart-and would like to set up and so we can enjoy being outside more.
    I don't remember seeing caps like that on a bottle-really good idea I like it. I never drank much coke type products-my Mom never bought them for us, I do like a root beer float once in awhile though or a diet 7 up
    I love that you bought some yarn in Iceland-I love the colors you chose too. Since you can knit-I agree with you more fun to knit your own and enjoy the memories.
    Hugs and happy new week Kathy

  6. The green color on the floor of your screen porch is awesome, I ike it much better than the gray one. You did a great job, Erika! And like you, I would have bought yarn as well, lots of - how could you not! Happy T day to you!

  7. The green you chose for your porch is really nice. I am sure you will enjoy sitting there and not always having the nagging need to paint. I really like your yarn. Be sure to show us your finished sweater. I've knit some colorwork but not an Icelandic sweater.

  8. Fun treats from Iceland. I love the green paint

  9. Wow I just absolutely LOVE your new floor! And the porch in general :-)
    Interesting bottle cup. But... when you wear glasses, isn´t it in the way, I wonder. The water-bottle sure looks "cool". And the LAKKRIS I would not say no to :-)
    Good idea knitting yourself for all three reasons :-)
    As teenager I knitted, too (weird, huh). Have a happy T-Day, hugs

  10. I think the green is perfect for summer. Can't wait to see the sweater you are going to knitt :-)

  11. I love the sweater pattern, I used to knit for our boys when they were young but didn't have time when I went back to work.
    I love the new colour you've used, nice to have a change.
    The sweets sounds yummy as I love liquorice.
    Happy T Day Jan s

  12. It's too hot here and my computer is playing tricks again! Love the green floor paint, great colour. I need to paint my balcony, too, it looks awful. Loe the wool you brought from Iceland, looking forward to seeing the finished pullover! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  13. The green looks good. A natural colour for a deck it seems to me. We have never painted our deck. We just let it weather and assume whatever colour nature decides on. Years ago I had a summer cottage and made the mistake (I thought) in painting the deck. Whatever the quality of the paint within a few years it needed repainting, whereas my deck here at my house, now going on nine years old, has a wonderful natural weathered look without maintenance. The only painting a I have done in recent years was last year when I did the frame around the garage and the front door. Painting never was, nor ever will be my favourite chore. That sweater in Iceland looks fabulous. How did you resist? You could have had the sweater AND the wool! Hugs - David

  14. Sorry I'm late visiting. Lightening took out the electricity last night in my neighborhood. I spent the night in sweltering heat and only the electricity of my portable OTT light.

    It's great you got that porch painted. I am sure you will like the new cool color you have chosen. Now the fun begins. Decoration time! Thanks for sharing your painting skills and your diet Coke while you were painting.

    You really lucked out on that yarn. And of course, any left over yarn can be used for other small projects. That is a beautiful sweater and I look forward to seeing you complete it in time to wear it for possibly Christmas??

    I am also in awe of that lid on those plastic drink bottles. That is amazing and definitely had a human factor/ergonomic design behind it. I always put a lid back on my drink, but I notice so many others do not. Thanks for sharing the ice water, snacks, and awesome recyclable lid with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  15. Oh Erika, I am loving that green porch floor! Great job, too! Coke Zero Sugar is what I drink too. Gotta have that throat sting, ok? KWIM? hahaha I do cans though. Bottles always go flat too quickly for me for some reason. Well, I am so nervous now, Tropical Storm already in the Caribbean and even though they are saying it won't affect us, there's another one behind it. Thankfully the Centerpoint Energy guy is coming today to mark the gas line at back of property for the lines to be dug to the generator and the gas meter. I'm now praying to get that baby going yesterday! My nerves are frayed and hotter than heck, although I have gotten used to the heat now as long as I can go back inside as soon as I need to, lol. Hope you get your to-do's done so you can sing Ta-Da and Hurrah! XXO

  16. So smart of you to do yarn shopping while in Iceland, and even smarter having it shipped. So fun that you got to go to Iceland. Looks like you did a good job painting.
    Happy T Day.

  17. That green is perfect for the porch floor. Like having the outside lawn inside. I hope you get a chance to set up the furniture and use the porch. Not the greatest weather so far. I don't drink much soda anymore, but when I do have some, I prefer Pepsi. I love licorice and chocolate together. I heard about that from my friend, Andy. He found it when he was in Japan. I'll look forward to seeing the sweater you knit. Happy T Day

  18. I do like that shade of green you've chosen for your porch ... very nice.

    All the best Jan

  19. I used to knit with Lopi all the time -- it's a great yarn and it goes fast! Lovely colors there. Your porch is great -- I bet it feels good sitting there. We haven't had rain for over a month. They're threatening for this weekend. I hope so.

  20. Love the green color of your floor, Erika. Good luck as you knit your Icelandic sweater.

  21. Love the colour of your floor Erika, it looks great. I would love a space like that, I just have a very small enclosed porch but it would be great to have a screen option. I don't drink coke or pepsi so I had no idea there were different types except for diet versions lol. Loving your wool too, can't wait to see your jumper when it's done. I would be in trouble if I went there too as I would have a suitcase full of yarn haha. Posting it back would not be an option for me as we have 20% VAT on anything over $15. Sorry for my lateness, I've been out all week. Happy belated T Day Elle/EOTC xx


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