Sunday, June 18, 2023

Roman Numerals (and Iceland Photos)

Hi everyone. Happy Sunday.  And
Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there too.
Here's a couple of very old snapshots of my Dad, long before he even thought about me being in his life. Smile.

I'll be thinking of you today Dad, like I do most days.

Today I have a page for Matilde's challenge at Art Journal Journey. Don't you just love this lady? I found her in the pile of magazine pages sitting on the floor next to my work table. One day I'll finally have used up all my magazine images...maybe-smile.

I also love the background on this page.  I started by stamping the big numbers with black ink. They are from an old and long defunct stamping company called Ma Vinci. It's sad how so many great old stamp companies are long gone; not that there aren't new ones to replace them.  

 I used a circle stencil and drew some circles that I painted with this pink-purple acrylic paint. Once that dried I inked my page with some matching pink- purple and some purple ink. Finally I used that pink-purple ink and stamped some Roman numerals. To finish this page, I went with the books under this lady's arm and  stamped the quote.

It's been a pretty wet spell since before I came home from Iceland, and this weekend has been a bit of a wash out. I've had a few outdoor projects I've wanted to get done last week, and now I'm just hoping I can get them finished this upcoming week. You can't change the weather, so what can you do but wait?

There's also a lot of water in Iceland, and a lot of waterfalls. We saw maybe (and I'm not exaggerating) several hundred. If not more. Most of them were just small flows over cliff sides, but a few were really spectacular. Today let me share another waterfall with you. Here's one where you can actually walk behind the waterfall. It's called Seljalandsfoss.  It's not too far from the one I shared with you yesterday that was called Skogafoss. 

The hubby needed to bring an actual  raincoat-smile. He thought his travel poncho would be enough. I think he looks like a bad version of batman, but I love this photo of him.

Of course we had to climb up and walk behind it.

I love photos of falling water.

I am linking this post up to Gillena's Sunday Smiles. Hope you enjoyed these. And
enjoy what's left to your weekend. 


  1. ...Erika, it sounds like what Iceland lacks in trees, it makes up for with waterfalls.

  2. Fantastic photos Erika!
    A wonderful page too.
    Happy Sunday!

  3. Those falling water shots are so beautiful! p.s you and your dad share the same smile!

  4. Iceland looks gorgeous. Nice page and Happy Father's Day to all the Dads!

  5. I am taking notes about the kind of clothing I will need to take to Iceland if ever I get there. It will impart a whole new meaning to a "Man for All Seasons"! Hugs - David

  6. Gorgeous photos. Luv your journal page for the numbers.
    Thanks for linking to Sunday Smiles
    Have a nice Sunday


  7. Great pics of your dad, and from Iceland. Love the waterfall Batman! And your journal page is fabulous, love the fun lady and the wonderful colours! Hugs, Valerie

  8. You captured awesome photos of the waterfall. I love waterfalls too, but have not seen too many close up, just in photos. I agree your husband does look a bit like batman-smiles.
    Great photos of your father too-
    Hugs Kathy

  9. Lovely photographs of your Dad.
    Wishing all who celebrate Fathers Day a happy one.

    Love your photographs from Iceland.

    Have a good new week.

    All the best Jan

  10. OMGosh, Erika. Maybe this is the waterfall I read you could walk behind. I may need to get my Iceland art journal pages out and review them. Yours are even more magical because they are not made from travel magazines, but from your real life experiences.

    I also thoroughly enjoyed the journal page you created for Matilde's theme at AJJ, too. I am working on a numeral entry, too. Great minds and all!! Thanks for the inspiration. That is one impressive focal image, too. You get much better magazines than I get!

  11. Aww, you look aLOT like your Dad. And HFD to your hubby.
    Such a sweet aj page and the Flaubert quote is so YOU.
    It blows my mind that all those waterfalls do that constantly (above freezing). And of course you had to get behind it, lol.
    Good week ahead to you! XXO

  12. Sweet pics of your Father.
    Love the lady a lot, very beautiful(ly done), and oh, Batman, LOL!!!
    I love waterfalls, too, beautiful sight, thank you for sharing.

  13. Wonderful page. The lady is dressed so chic for the trip to the library or the bookstore. Maybe stopping for a Starbuck's too. The waterfall is spectacular! So cool to see the water from behind. It sure looked like we were in the middle of a waterfall on Saturday. Hopefully, no heavy rains for the week.

  14. Wow, the Iceland pictures are beautiful.

    I love that lady on your page - she is fun. I love the quote too - I love to read and feel it seriously can add to life. Great colors and design.


  15. How cool that you could get behind the waterfall, that is so neat. I did this once in Zion at the Emerald Falls, but these ones seem to be much bigger - and wetter! I love the picture of your batman husband.

  16. The iceland photos are so wonderful and this Number page, i love it!!!
    Have a happy week!
    Hug Elke

  17. Those waterfalls are great. I love that pic of your husband, too!

  18. Your dad looks like a great human being. I miss my dad every day too. I do love your reading lady! Terry and I visited Seljalandsfoss too, although I don't have a photo of him that matches the fun photo of your hubby.


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