Thursday, June 1, 2023

The Kiss

Happy June everyone. Meteorological summer has arrived. Hurrah. I don't always like the high heat and humidity, but I do love the long days of summer. 

I'm away right now, so this is a scheduled post. Thank you Elizabeth for linking me up to AJJ as you do every month. It is always appreciated.

I also want to once again thank Aimeslee for hosting at Art Journal Journey last month.  And I want to thank everyone who joined us also. Flowers was a great theme, and I for one had lots of fun journaling with blossoms on my pages.

As it is a new month, it is time for a new challenge.  This month I want to welcome Matilde, who many of you know from her blog 100% Handmade (Craftaowie).

This month Matilde has picked the theme

All About Numbers 

I used some used painted deli paper ( I had put it under what I had been  painting and outlining) and part of a sheet of 8x8 paper with lots of numbers on it.  I cut the butterflies off a sheet of paper, and my image and quote come from some old FLOW magazine scraps. The magazine page pile is slowly getting smaller. 

  This image looks like it comes from an old movie still because I don't usually see people kissing in such a dramatic position. But maybe more should-smile.

I hope this couple kisses as much as the all the numbers on my page add up to, if not even more.

Numbers should be a fun theme as you can use them in so many ways. Just remember that at Art Journal Journey we accept any kind of art journaling, but only art journaling. Please no cards, ATC's, tags...unless they are on an art journal page. And if you link up with a Facebook post or other social media platform, we may not be able to comment.

Have a fantastic start to June. I'm looking forward to seeing lots of number themed pages too. 



  1. I love this background made of numbers! You page is really wonderful.

  2. LOVE your fun page, Erika, really lovely. And yes, people should hug and kiss more and perhaps the world would be better for it! The quote is fabulous, too. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  3. It looks like I was the only person who didn't include a butterfly with my journal page. You certainly have a plethora of numbers on your page. I like the route you took. So different, yet so appealing. Thanks for this first great entry you have given us at AJJ using Matilde's theme.

  4. What a great journal page with the numbers background, very antique photos to go with it, so pretty, hug Elke

  5. What a fabulous combination of numbers and great images. Hugging and kissing is so important for our well-being. I hope you're enjoying your time away, hugs Chrisx

  6. Fabulous page and sentiment, love it. Have a great month, hugs Wendy.

  7. ...based on the temperatures this week, summer has arrived here.

  8. Those Hollywood smoochers really knew how to make it look dramatic didn't they? I mean, a kiss became a major event. Try doing that with your husband, Erika, and one of you will wind up in therapy! I can clearly remember the first time I kissed a girl in the back seat of a movie theatre, and I am quite convinced I had the flair of a Clark Gable. She never did tell me what she thought, but the relationship only survived a couple of dates, so the story is probably told right there. Thank goodness there have been other girls and other kisses since! Hugs (or maybe even kisses) - David

  9. Fun page. I really like the butterflies

  10. Wonderful page, a beautiful kiss. Interesting theme, looking forward to see more! Hugs

  11. Lovely page, thinking of you in Iceland

  12. What a lovely looking page.
    Enjoy your time away.

    All the best Jan

  13. That kiss so typical hollywood! Have a great time in Iceland, Erika.

  14. Lovely page 👏💐
    Happy day

  15. Great page, Erika and Happy June. I'd say these two are giving it the old college try, as your background numbers look varsity-inspired. A winning combo. Ah yes, meteorological as opposed to astronomical if I remember correctly. I use both interchangeably, I'm that shameless. :) Hope Icelandia is treating you well! XOX

  16. It's always exciting to have a new month arrive and with it the hope of weather that will not be too hot as I dislike that as well, Erika. I hope that wherever you are traveling that it is fun and look forward to reading more on your return.

  17. A beautiful page Erika! Such a fabulous image, I love it.
    Hope you're having a good weekend.

  18. Can't wait to see the next entries in your travel journal!

  19. Love the way you have used numbers to create such a striking background and married with the various other elements. I had to smile at the "kiss" - just thinking if DH got me like that he would probably drop me on the floor.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. I bet this couple kisses like this all the time! They must be living happily ever after!!! Your page is absolutely beautiful, Erika! The numbered background is perfect here! And I love your sentiment, too. Thanks so much for sharing your gorgeous page with all of us. Hugs, Sharon

  21. A fabulous page, with a wonderful background and focal image!


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