Monday, June 5, 2023

The Movies

 Hi everyone.

I'm still on my Iceland vacation excursion.    This is a scheduled post that I wrote before we left. Hopefully it's not too cold or too wet, and hopefully the hubby and I  are having a great time on our trip. (But I’m sure  that we are.) Smile. 

Let me interrupt my scheduled post-Smile. I’ll add from my phone  that we are having beautiful weather and enjoying Iceland a lot! Let me also share a few photos taken with my phone of one morning’s adventure.

Besides driving the Ring Road and seeing some amazing a scenery, we decided to take a zodiac boat tour out to the head of a glacier.  It was pretty cool! 

I’ll share more when I get home since most of my photos are on my camera not my phone. 

I did want to share another page for Matilde's Numbers challenge at Art Journal Journey so that's the focus of my post today.

I have this page that is inspired by watching old movies or TV shows. Some of you might remember when films or shows started with numbers counting down at the beginning. The numbers that flashed on the screen looked similar to these:

The numbers would count down until the film/show began. 

This is my take on this inspiration. I had this old photo of the woman and the movie camera that was in my stash. 

I painted my background with watercolors and then I used a stencil and some acrylic paint to add the numbers. My numbers should have gone with 7 on the left and 1 on the right, but none of my stencils did that, so instead I am counting up. I also wanted to add some circles to represent the circles on the original film countdown. And since I had scoffed up and brought home a couple of  old filmstrips that were getting tossed out back during my teaching days, I added a small section of that. 

And after stamping the 2 small quotes and adding a couple of film images, I was finished.  😀

Before we left on our trip I also did a bee check. I was worried about my second box of bees who arrived  mostly dead. So far, the small group that was living is hanging on. Hurrah. They hadn’t  cleaned out many of the dead ones yet, but I don't think that was high on their hive set up priority list

I'm keeping my fingers crossed they start to reproduce soon.
My other box of bees is busy doing their bee things as you can see in this next photo.

There's been lots of babies starting too by the look of the comb you can see on the top of this frame.

Since I'm away and enjoying the VERY long days of the far north, I'm visiting only blogs if time and internet connection allows. If you haven't heard from me, that is why. Please don't think I am ignoring you. 😁I'm gone for most of this week, but I do have a couple of other scheduled posts at the end of the week. 

 I hope you have a great start to this new week. And thanks for visiting. 


  1. Hi Erika, lovely photos, you look so happy! And great to hear from you! Your bees look busy, that's good, hope all goes well. Your journal page is lovely, and I do remember that countdown before the films, some TV programmes use it, too, fun idea for a page. Keep enjoying Iceland, take care, hugs, Valerie

  2. Have a great time in Iceland, Erika, and put blogging out of your mind until you return. It's too great an adventure not to devote your full time and attention to it. Be sure to get to some of the fabulous seabird colonies there and take LOTS of pictures. Hugs - David

  3. ...last night we saw a story about Iceland, it sure was interesting. BEE happy!

  4. Your page captured that sense of excitement when the film began counting down. You've having much better weather than we are. It's cold and rainy again today. Go, bees, go. Have fun on today's adventure

  5. Cool that your bees are doing better! And you looked so happy in that picture :-) A vacation is for sure doing you good!

  6. Wow, I don´t think I would hop in such a boat.... You sure look very happy!
    Certainly do I remember the number-countdown :-)
    Very clever idea!
    And to the bees! Hugs and enjoy Iceland :-)

  7. Iceland is beautiful. I'm sorry to hear about your bees.

  8. Lovely page. Waiting to hear more about Iceland

  9. Very interesting artwork with numbers! I like your background :) And the photos of bees are amazing!

  10. Fab photos - just keep enjoying. Love the way you have used the start of films for your inspiration for your journal page - a great idea and a super page.
    Do hope your bees recover, such a shame to read about them. Good that one lot are fine and reproducing. hurry up the second lot - you have to catch up now.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  11. Clever page, yes to remembering the movie countdowns especially when watching silent films. Love your big grin, you seem excited to go on your tour. I completely forgot that the days would be long now. We were in England in June years ago and saw the Northern Lights, Paris was lit up too. Enjoy! XOX

  12. cool this page , Great idea!!!
    Beautiful Photos! hug Elke

  13. Dear Erika, the sight of the dead bees makes me sad, but I hope all the other bees stay healthy! I like your artwork - and I'm very happy that you're having a great time in Iceland. We were there in 2017 (and like you, I wonder where all the years have gone 😉. But I think when you travel, you definitely make good use of your life time!)
    All the best and a good first week of June 🌻🌼🌻!

  14. Fabulous pictures from Iceland.
    Continue having a good trip.

    All the best Jan

  15. Lovely photos Erika, it was good to read that you are having a lovely holiday.
    Yvonne xx

  16. You picked a good time to be gone from New England with the smoke from the fires coming down. I hope the bees will be OK with that. Your trip sounds fabulous and can't wait to hear more!

  17. Fabulous photos - I would love to visit Iceland.
    Your journal page definitely brings old films to mind - it's brilliant inspiration and great for Matilde's AJJ theme. Hugs, Chrisx

  18. Hi Erika! YAY! So happy to hear that you are having a wonderful time in Iceland! The photos are absolutely beautiful! And I remember those numbers being shown counting down to a movie or tv show! (Does that mean that I am old??? Yes it does! LOLOL!) Anyway, I love your beautiful and ingenious page made with that inspiration. I especially like the vintage images you added! And I really hope your bees will thrive, too. Have a wonderful rest of your vacation. Hugs, Sharon

  19. Great photos Erika, and I love your page too!
    Glad the bees are doing well.

  20. I am SO jealous you got to drive the Ring Road. That is definitely on my bucket list. Love the photos of the hives. I sure hope the second group makes it.

    What a clever take on Matilde's theme at AJJ. Finding that lady behind the camera in your stash was brilliant. Sorry I am late visiting. Trying to catch up today because tomorrow begins silly season for me (grin).


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