Friday, July 14, 2023

Faces at Bedrock Gardens

Hi everyone. Happy Friday to you.

Today I have some face photos taken last week on a trip to my local botanical garden. I'm linking them up to Nicole's Friday Face Off  and also to Gillena's Friday Lunch Break. Hope you enjoy these photos.

My local botanical garden is called Bedrock Gardens.  Originally they were  the private yard of an artist and her husband.  The couple then decided to share their gardens with everyone, and that is how Bedrock Gardens came to be. This artist  is still creating new sculptures for the garden, and a lot of it is just plain fun.

This sculpture is headless but it certainly looks like the garden monster to me.

And this little piece is a new one in a series of industrial people.

Of course in a garden nature is number one. These little tree swallows were fledging the nest, one by one. We spent a lot of time watching them.

And here's mom (or dad) on top of the birdhouse. They would fly in with a bit of food to entice the babies out.

This guy on top of the birdhouse tried to get out of the nest and landed on the ground. We let him be  and watched him stretch his wings and hop around. He managed to hop out onto the dirt track where people walk. Then something terrible made all 3 of us take a deep breath. A golf cart full of garden supplies driven by one of the workers came down the path towards us and the fledgling.  The three of us audibly gasp at the same time. Luckily the golf cart turned off before it came to us, but we decided that if we walked away and left this guy on the ground something bad was bound to happen. We used the map one of my friends was carrying to lift him onto the top of the birdhouse. 

We then decided we could do no more, and we didn't want to be heart broken by anything happening to this baby, so we walked away and left the fledglings and their parents in peace to do what they've evolved to do. I hope he is now flying and swooping through the clouds.

 And back to the sculptures in the garden, this  family sculpture was another new one to me. 

The dog was pretty cute.

And the little child certainly has an expression of not being an easy kid. But he does love his Mom, as you can see if you open up his chest.

Either the child is wearing Mom out, or she is rather a tough lady.

Dad's pretty funny too.

Dad's chest didn't open but Mom's did. Smile.

And how about a face in the tree?

And finally for today, here's a couple of artist imagined insects (or maybe it's better to say Arthropods than insects) in another part of the garden.

That's all for me today. Hope you're having a great Friday and have a nice weekend too.



  1. What fun! I love all these faces.

  2. awesome sculptures, what a fun place to visit-and good you were able to get the little one to safety-she may have put those nest boxes in a poor area.
    on Instagram I am seeing photos and videos of a volcano erupting in Iceland what a combination of hot and cold in those mountains.
    enjoy your weekend Hugs Kathy

  3. Wonderful Bedrock Garden 👏, thanks for sharing,
    Happy weekend 😊🦚

  4. Fabulous faces, fun and wonderful. Had to laugh at 'Mom'! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Those sculptures are pretty cool! I love that garden monster.

  6. Wow!! Fantastic faces. Happy you linked up to AFFF


  7. Oh this is a fabulous post. I love all the art and especially that first photo. Thank you for sharing with FFO. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. I love all those metal sculptures and the Buddha's head too! Thanks for these fun photos.

  9. Glad you helped the baby, not touching him.
    Great sculptures, the monster indeed looks creepy and awww to the Mom-lover.
    I don´t think we will find sculptures in ours, let´s see if it´s too hot today for the "0ld man" ;-)
    To a great weekend, hugs

  10. That's really a great face to start with, dear Erika - it reminds me of our trips to Asia. The garden generally offers a lot of exciting things - I love strolling through artists' gardens. I think you gave the bird a solid chance - and it will take the chance!
    All the best and have a nice weekend, Traude

  11. Loved the story about the fledgling and the sculptures are awesome. Looks like today is starting out as a decent day. Enjoy

  12. All these have very imagination. My prefered photographs are the first, the buddha, and the.metalical dog, that is so beautiful. A lof of they are beautifuls. These are my prefereds.

  13. Great photos Erika, looks like a fabulous place.
    Avril xx

  14. It's amazing what can be made with junk parts and a little welding. We have several of these types of assemblies at our nature center, always fun. XOX

  15. Wow! Unique faces ~ great photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Oh dear Erika! These arts are very nice and beautiful! Even from the dead tree that looked really like human figures I loved it so much! Thank you for sharing these to us and greetings from Spain!

  17. That's a place I certainly would love to explore. The tree swallows are the cream on top, even with that heart stopping moment. I really don't know whether we're supposed to help fledglings out of harm's way or let nature run its course - I bet David would know. The photos are fabulous, and I love all the faces that you shared with us.

  18. I loved walking through this sculpture garden with you. One never knows what an artist will dream up. These are fascinating! So glad you saved that little birdie!

  19. Fabulous photos of this wonderful place and the tree swallows were a special treat, hugs, Chrisx

  20. I do like the sculptures you've shown in your photographs.
    In fact I enjoyed seeing all of the photographs in this post :)

    Have a happy weekend.

    All the best Jan

  21. Wonderful to see the Tree Swallows doing so well. I am visiting my daughter in Ottawa, Erika, so I’ll keep my comment brief this time around. Hugs - David

  22. Many fun sculptures and faces ... I smiled at Mom's opened chest :) I love the Tree Swallows and thank you for helping the little fella out of harms ways. This is a privately owned Botanical Gardens ... a gift to mankind. Hopefully it will teach the need to respect nature and savor it for future generations. Lovely post, Erika ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  23. These are such fun. I love that opening face.

  24. Fantastic sculptures, each and every one of them. I did like the idea of the face in the tree too, shows great imagination.
    How wonderful to watch the baby birds but how sad to have one flop to the ground. Thankfully you saved him but I think you were wise after that to move on.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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