Sunday, July 16, 2023

South Eastern Iceland- The Fjords

 Hi everyone. I hope you're having a nice weekend.

I am slowly working my way through my photos from Iceland.  I'm finally up to  our drive through the southeastern fjords. This area was amazing (but then so was Iceland overall). If you ever drive this way be sure you have plenty of time since you can't exactly go speeding along, nor would you want to. The road literally wound back and forth along each fjord for a good part of an afternoon drive.

Google loaded my photos in backwards order. It really doesn't make a big difference. The fog, which we drove in and out of,  did make some of the views less than perfect, but in another way really made it quite photogenic and interesting.

This next photo was taken through the car window as there was no place to stop, but I found these round netted areas interesting. I never did find out what they were "growing" in them.  Perhaps salmon?  In college I worked for the Maine Cooperative Fisheries Unit, so I've always had a bit of an investment in fishing techniques, whether they are for the good or not so good.

The further south we were on the Ring Road, the more blue sky we had. But I still love that fog bank. It's one we eventually drove into.

Here's a view of the Ring Road and the fog. Sorry for the squashed bug spot in the photo, but it was part of the trip.

And as in most places in Iceland, you can find lots of waterfalls.

And lots of birds (common or not so common) nesting on cliffs.

The Ring Road itself with the speed limit sign in kilometers.  (For my US friends that's 55 mph.)

This section of the Ring Road is not for the timid driver, as you can see in the next photo. Notice the road right along the mountain dropping off into the water.

This was one of my favorite scenic areas, but then again, it was all scenic so it is hard to pick an absolute favorite. 
I'm also linking up to Gillena's Sunday Smiles.
Have a great rest of your weekend or start to the new week!


  1. Your photos are lovely, and remind me of our trips to Iceland in 2021 and 2022. Kayaking in one of the fjords was a real highlight on one trip. I look forward to your further photo posts.
    best, mae at

  2. ...this sure is a magical place. Thanks for taking me along for the tour.

  3. It is spectacular and very rugged, Ericka. I am getting used to the fact that there are no trees. As you says you would want to drive slowly in those areas and take it all in. Hugs - David

  4. What heavy fog! I guess waterfalls are everywhere in Iceland.

  5. I am really enjoying your Iceland trip posts-what a beautiful country Happy weekend and new week ahead
    Hugs Kathy

  6. Fabulous post, Erika, with so many things that I love - mountains, waterfalls, fog and mist, and breathtaking scenery. I would love to visit Iceland, I prefer cold places to hot ones! Hugs, Valerie

  7. I wonder if tourists run extra risks because a) they aren't used to the roads and b) they are mesmerised by the scenery.

  8. Absolutely stunning. Tornado watch up until this afternoon. I hope you weren't in the tornado warning. Stay safe and dry.

  9. Thisis really beautiful territory, Erika. The fog is very moody!

  10. Happy Sunday Erika. Your link up today at my linky has another glitzt. Its sending to Lunch Break not to Bioartgal 😊

  11. Both fog and sun, very dramatic landscape.

    Harvee at

  12. What fantastic photos. I love the way you captured the fog bank in some of them and the misty ones are so atmospheric. They are truly delightful and must hold such memories for you.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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