Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Magical Ladies

 Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week.

I'm here today with some art for a couple of different challenges. The first challenge  is Tag Tuesday. This round Michele is hosting and her challenge is Mermaids/ Merpeople. It was fun to pull out my ocean stamps for this challenge.

I used an older set of stamps by Hero Arts that had all these images. I added some details and color. I also used 2 different watercolor paints to color the background, as well as using my finger to add a light coat of Stickles glitter glue. The quote from another set of mermaid stamps. I thought the hair was one of the most obvious traits on these sea people so that's why I picked that quote.

My next piece is for Alison's Come Fly with Me challenge at Art Journal Journey.

I’ve been really focused on birds as well as butterflies, bees, and other insects for this challenge, so while looking through a punch out image Art By Marlene booklet I had a minor epiphany when I saw this flying witch. 

I started my page in my almost finished journal with this scrap of painted and drawn on deli wrap. I thought the colors would be perfect for moonlight. Once the matte medium dried I used some grey ink and a wet-wipe to finish the night sky.  I like the bit of texture some wrinkles in deli wrap and some ink lines created.

The moon is a layered die cut. I started with shiny gold paper. After die cutting I sanded that down a little bit and rubbed some black acrylic paint on it. Before the paint was totally dry I wiped most of it off to create this shadow like effect.  I then added  some Art By Marlene punch out dots, some small clear stars, and Art by Marlene punch out quote, and I doodled in some funky bats.

That's all for me today. I'm having a quiet week, finally. This is the first week since I’ve come home from Iceland in early June that the only thing on my calendar was 2 mornings of work.  I'm definitely loving some me time even if the last several weeks have been lots of fun. 😉
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I love the mermaids with wild hairs :-) Enjoy your me time, Erika.

  2. ..."Don't ;et anyone clip your wings," amen sister!

  3. I love your mermaids having fun in the sea! Thanks so much for linking to Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday. And I LOVE your flying witch on her broomstick and the great quote. Now I feel like flying! Yes, on a broomstick! But I would need a padded seat and a back rest! Have a good and restful week, take care, hugs, Valerie

  4. Love the mermaids! In Perth are (or were) three Mermaids. One you could book for events and the other two always came to Fringe World in water tanks, fun!
    2015 big Niece was 100% sure they were real Mermaids she saw on my video :-)
    Great which. And interesting background! Hugs and to a great rest-week

  5. Such fun pages. My favorite is the witch. I hope it feels a little cooler for you today.

  6. Dear Erika, today you get a comment for TWO posts, because I looked at your magical ladies and I have to write to you how much I like them. Really pretty and adorable.
    ORIGINALLY I came to you because of the T-Day and would like to wish you a happy (belated) T-Day! 😊 Very pretty what Amila sent to you and I hope you enjoy the tea!
    Thank you for your lovely comments on my Costa Rica Travel Report. You asked "What village did you stay in?" in my Osa-Corcovado report. - I'm not sure if the village has a different name than Drake Bay. In any case, this is the address of our lodge there:
    Pirate Cove Hotel
    Bahia Drake, Costa Rica
    The nice owners will surely give you more detailed information if you want, here is the e-mail address:
    All the best from Austria, Traude

  7. I love that "don't let anyone clip your wings" witch :)

  8. Absoluty gorgeous 🤩👏👏👏 have a great day 👍

  9. Every time I am down at the sea, I look for mermaids. I keep looking but without success. I may just have to be content with your picture, Erika! Hugs - David

  10. I love the mermaids Erika, and your witch on a broomstick is perfect for my AJJ theme!

  11. Always love seeing mermaids, nice ocean bottom on that tag. And a surprise to see a witch, but the quote does goes well with her and your lovely deli paper background. I read your comment about all the rain you got. I'm so glad you fared well through it. Can't say I'm not a tad jealous, though. This is as bad in my memory as the summer of 1998 with lots of cracked foundations and dried up vegetation and dead trees. Feast or famine, eh? Enjoy your well-earned quiet time! XXO

  12. A beautiful pages with the mermaids and the witch. These are wonderful ideas, I love them!
    Happy days, hug Elke

  13. I think she is obviously a good witch she is too pretty to be otherwise. Great idea to use her for flying.
    Love the background you have made and the moon is brilliant. I found my deli paper the other day and am now tempted to add some paint to a piece if it produces results like you got. Must try out a moon like you did too. Love it all.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. ah, mermaids! Who does not love them :) Nice!

  15. Those are beautiful mermaids. I like the fins on the one and both their hair. Nicely done. I really like your take on Alison's theme. I've also been thinking butterflies, birds, and airplanes. A flying witch totally alluded me. This is a cute concept and one that surprised me. Thanks for this fun entry for Alison's theme at AJJ.

  16. I don't see how you manage to do art for all the challenges and groups you belong to, Erika. I have trouble finishing one project!

  17. Two great projects Erika. Those mermaids do look like they haven't a care in the world lol, even with their hair! I love your journal piece. No one should ever have their wings clipped!! Thanks for playing along with us at Tag Tuesday this week.


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