Monday, July 17, 2023

T Stands for It's A 10 Year Party

Hi everyone. Here in New Hampshire we’re having soupy weather.  Maybe it's not as hot as some places, but for it to be 72 degrees (22 degrees C) at 5 AM when I got up for work this morning, it is hot for us. Plus we've had more  heavy rain. Sunday we received about 5 inches (almost 13 cm) of rain in a very short period of time. Luckily my home is high and dry, but a lot of roads (including state roads) in the area flooded or sustained heavy damage.  There are many closures around me (the town next to me has 50% of its roads damaged), and now my gravel road has turned into a 2 lane highway as cars are rerouted around washed out roads.  We also had a tornado warning Sunday morning, but luckily nothing came of that. What a weather impact summer for so many people in so many places so  far. Stay safe whatever your crazy weather.

 It's another T day, but today is a special day as it is the 10 year T Party celebration over Beluebeard's and Elizabeth's blog

You can see some boxes of tea from my cabinet, including my latest summer infusion "tea" bags from Bigelow. These  infusions make some very flavorful water and have been my go to drink for the last few weeks.

These 2 are my favorites. 

And for this year's celebration we could join a swap. My partner was Amila and look at this beautiful and fascinating postcard as well as some tea bags from Singapore.

And the book mark she included didn't photograph well in my other photo, so here it is.

It has such a beautiful image on it. 
Thank you so much (again) Amila. It was fun swapping with you.

My envelope to Amila and her envelope to me didn't use postage stamps, so I have nothing to share. After it took 3 months for a Christmas card to arrive from Europe, my postal clerk recommended to me that I ship using a postal label, especially since I needed to include a customs slip on my brown envelope. (And luckily it didn't take 3 months for either of our envelopes to arrive 😀).

And before I forget to write this, Thank You Elizabeth and Bleubeard for hosting every week. T Day is something I always look forward to, and I can guess many others do also. 

That's all for me this week. I hope everyone has a fantastic T day and week ahead.


  1. Happy 10th T anniversary
    Beautiful postcard and bookmark-I really like those.
    we are in the middle of rain and a bad storm right now-at least we finally got rain smiles.
    Hugs Kathy

  2. ...lovely, but I'll stick with ice water!

  3. Erika, happy special T-day to you. I am glad the rain has not impacted you too much and sad about those towns near you.

    What a fun 10 picture - you have a lot of tea!

    Great package from Amila. Fun to get things from different countries and from fun friends.

    I wish I had stuck with the boring postage label and saved Elizabeth the cost of extra postage to get my package....urgh!

    Stay safe and cool! Hugz

  4. Hi Erika, very creative way to show the number 10, I bet Elizabeth is very happy about that. Is the water infusion tea or not? It sounds interesting, but I'm not sure whether it is actually tea or not (I'm not exactly a fan of tea). All the goodies you received from Amila look beautiful, and what a fabulous bookmark. The postcard is fantastic as well. Happy T day, my friend!

  5. Hi Erika what a great post and a lovely way to celebrate 10 yuears with Elizabeth. I'm going to have to look for these botanicals. The look so good. Have a lovely evening.

  6. Hi Erika, glad to see the things that I sent to you. Happy to hear that you are happy with the card and bookmark and teas. The way you showed number 10 with tea boxes is really interesting. Thanks for all the sharing. Happy 10th T Tuesday anniversary!

  7. I loved that there were actually 10 boxes of teas that made up the number 10. Very clever.

    What a beautiful postcard and bookmark you received from Amila. I know you will put that bookmark to good use, too. Thanks for sharing your 10 teas and your swap items with us on this very special 10th anniversary T Tuesday, dear Erika.

  8. My husband would enjoy those fruity tea!

  9. That sounds real bad with your weather...
    Here it´s too cold for my liking. Only 11C right now...
    Hmmm, your teas look yummy and such a beautiful postcard/bookmark - happy T and hugs to that!

  10. The two Botanicals Cold Water Infusion boxes both look delightful. But I wonder about them being caffeine-free.

  11. Happy 10 years of Tea Tuesday! - Anne (Cornucopia)

  12. Sorry I am late coming by, I have a monster headache which is slowing me down a lot. Love your ten made of the litle packets, very fitting for today.Your gifts from Amila are beautiful, love that bookmark - enjoy your teas.
    Happy Anniversary T Day, hugs, Valerie
    Stay safe where there's flooding!

  13. Stay safe in these awful conditions, Erika. And get used to it, unfortunately. I recently read projections made by climate scientists almost fifty years ago and their calculations were spot on. Yet no one listened. No one did anything. They’re alarmists, they said. It’s just the planet going through one of its regular cycles. And give or take a token nod to climate change, the people we elect to lead, still ignore it. Again, stay safe. Hugs - David

  14. Those water infusions look delicious, beautiful postcard and bookmark from Amila
    Happy T Anniversary. Jan S

  15. Happy TSFT 10th Anniversary wishes! Loving your postcard and goodies, such a fabulous swap - perfect 😊. We started off with sunshine but now have rain here, making it a little cooler. Seems our postal service is the same, I was told if I used a postal label that it would arrive quicker than using postage stamps (so that's what I chose when I sent a couple of ATCs to Bluebeard and Elizabeth although I know that she prefers postage stamps). Take care and Happy T Day celebrations! Hugs, Jo x

  16. Happy 10th T Anniversary Erika!! What lovely gifts you received from your swap partner. I really like that bookmark! Hugs! deb

  17. 72 is cooler than our lows lately, but I agree it's all in what you're used to. What a gorgeous postcard! I'd be tempted to frame it. And the bookmark is lovely. Happy 10th T Anniversary

  18. Lovely post card and those cold teas look rather yummy!I love getting postage stamps too, but my local postoffice doesn't do the 'pretty ones'! (meanie) Happy 10th Anniversary T day! Its still Tuesday here, so I'm not that late!

  19. I enjoyed seeing your beautiful art work. Too bad the international post offices are really not encouraging the use of their stamps.
    best, mae at

  20. What a fabulous colourful 10! Your postcard from Amila is fabulous and although you say the bookmark didn't photograph well I can see that it is beautiful! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  21. Love your ten. So glad that you didn't get tornado. Happy T-versary!

  22. What beautiful post cards Amila sent you! Love how you did your #10 to celebrate our 10th anniversary! Hugs!

  23. Ugh on the soupy weather. we were also in the tornado watch, but fortunately nothing came of it. Beautiful treasures from Singapore. There are two global stamps each with a value of $1.30 (and they can be used for domestic mail) I used 3 of them on the packages I sent to Elizabeth and my swap partner along with extra postage. I had the clerk weigh the package so I would know how much to add. When I went to mail the package, the postmaster helped me. He added a tracking sticker and gave me a tracking slip so I would know when the packages arrived. For future reference. 😉 Happy Tenth T Day Anniversary

  24. The weather is crazy all over the place. Stay cool!
    What a nice post from Singapore! I love the postcard. I don't know what they are doing, but my guess is washing clothes.
    Very clever idea to photograph ten tea boxes. Yes, I occasionally use cold infusions. I can't get them here but I was given a box last year. I still have a few bags left.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  25. Happy 10th Anniversary to you. I love the selection of teabags you are showing us. I only drink tessanes so am particularly interested in fruit teas.
    Loving the post card and bookmark you got.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  26. I loved your 10 boxes of tea. Some look familiar as I have tried them. Loving the postcard and the bookmark, they are colorful and I really enjoy the scenes. Enjoy those teas, I wonder what flavor they are?
    Happy Belated Tea Day,

  27. Ooh your teasss may be delicious Erika ! I like tea very much too.
    You have received a lovely postcard from Amila, the bookmark is also beautiful, it was a great 10th anniversary.
    Have a nice day, and
    Big hugs, Caty
    (nota... here it´s also veeeery hot, but without tornado, take care)


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