Friday, August 18, 2023

A Morning Walk in Iceland

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday. 

Today I want to share some photos from Iceland for Nicole's  Friday Face Off  and also for Gillena's Friday Lunch Break ..

Today's photos take us to Lake Myvatn. We are in northeast Iceland, just off the Ring Road and not  at the shore. In this first photo you can see the view from our hotel room. I took this first photo at about 5 AM since I was up and wide awake. 

You can see the lake and some pseudo-craters in the background. There were also some  great walking trails across from the parking lot. 

The traveling and the time change  had caught up with my husband the night before.  I was more awake and had been thinking of going out walking on these trails that previous evening.  However, the translation of Myvatn is midge lake, and since there was no wind to blow the bugs away, I made due with the evening view from my window.  (I could tell there were a lot of midges because of the number that were on the window of our hotel room.)

 At 5 that morning there was a good breeze blowing which would keep the midges at bay, so it seemed like a good time to explore the pseudo-craters.  Since I didn't know there were these great short trails across the street when I'd booked the hotel,  they were an unexpected treat. 

Here's some photos and faces from that walk.

a silhouette of an arctic tern

part of my hubby and some "locals" who were snoozing on the trail

the sky was constantly changing and created some great views

I know you might not want to see the back end of a sheep,😃 but they finally decided to move as we walked closer. Smile.

I'm not sure what type of birds these 2 are. I think tufted ducks.  I can't seem to find a good match on the internet.  David, if you read this post perhaps you could let me know.

There were a whole lot of sheep along the trail. In Iceland sheep are free-ranging from spring until early fall.

From the top of one of the pseudo-craters

More faces for Friday Face Off.

I must say the little lambs were very cute.

More sky and landscape views, including the addition of a crow to one of the photos

It was a great morning walk. We were back just in time for the breakfast buffet to begin.  And we were ready to eat at that point too. 😀

That's all for me today. I'll be back with more photos some other post. Have a great start to your weekend, and thanks for stopping by my blog. 


  1. ...thanks for taking me along on your Iceland adventure. I enjoyed the sights.

  2. Thanks for sharing your great Iceland photos 👍
    Happy weekend 😘

  3. This is a haunting, beautiful place. That first photo is stunning. All of the photos are beautiful. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a lovely weekend.

  4. I am in love with those sky views. Iceland is so beautiful!

  5. The lake, the sky, ducks and snow look beautiful, even at 5 am. But what is the temperature then?

  6. Iceland is so starkly beautiful! Always wanted to visit but I don't think I'll get there now.

  7. The light is really..... big WOW to the lake-pic!
    I love sheep. I have a photo of one right here - from the front ;-)
    Thank you for showing that beautiful morning-walk! Made me smile big! To a happy weekend, hugs

  8. the scenery is just gorgeous and the baby lambs are so cute. Did you get the thunderstorm with the heavy downpours this morning? Stay dry!

  9. Iceland is really beautiful, I would love to visit there. Have a great Friday, take care, hugs, Valerie

  10. Luv luv the artic tern.
    Happy Friday. Thank you for linking up to AFFF


  11. Hi Erika: Thanks for another great ramble in Iceland. The two ducks flying are either Tufted Duck or Great Scaup. There is just no quite enough detail for me to be absolutely sure.
    Hugs - David

  12. Awesome series of Iceland photos and especially the sheep ~ adorable ~

    Wishing your good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Nothing like hanging around with the locals.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  14. A lovely selection of photographs, wonderful skies and so nice to see the sheep.

    All the best Jan

  15. The sheep and the skies. That alone is good reason for your early morning hike. It's a very emotional kind of setting, isn't it? So "out there." Really beautiful.

  16. Unexpected trails are sometimes the best part of a trip :) That landscape is stunning. I wanna pet the sheep!

  17. Beautiful pictures!


  18. lovely, I thought I recognized it. :) I have been there, seen it! :)


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