Sunday, August 20, 2023

I Didn't Like the Green

 Hi everyone. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend. After a grey wet week, it's cooled off and feels like September.  It definitely makes fantastic sleeping weather, but a sunny day would be really nice right now. ❤

Today I have a page to share for Chris' Where In The World challenge at Art Journal Journey  It's another page from my Iceland journal that I'm working on.

I made this page using some blue  and also some grid paper. I added a postcard I picked up in Iceland, as well as the little paper envelope that a hotel passkey came in. I cut out the map of Iceland from a brochure, and also used some of the words from another travel brochure on my page. I stamped the directional compass, drew in the arrows and added the little plastic gemstone dots on the map and on other places around my page. The little welcome elf was cut out of a playing card, and I used a few sticker letters on my page also. 

I really like the little elf though. He makes me smile so I am going to link this page up to Gillena's Sunday Smiles.

The little plastic dots show approximate places of where our hotels were. This time I also wrote them down since I found it very hard to remember place names in the Icelandic language.

You might also wonder why my title is I Didn't Like the Green. Here's the page as I originally finished it.

The map of Iceland in the brochure was green. It works, so I glued it down and finished it off. I also finished my page. Only I kept going back to my page because there was something that was bugging me about it.

It took me several days to realize it was the green map. OK, that was an easy fix. I pulled off the hotel marker dots, and then I used a red paint pen to color in the map. Once that was done, I finished off the map as it had been finished before. 

Now I like my page. I'm sure many of you will think the green was just fine and you would have left it. Who worries over such small details?
I guess that's me. 😌

And before I sign off, here's another page from my Iceland journal. I saved the wrappers on some candy I tried while traveling. That's one of the fun things about traveling, not only trying new foods but also checking out the junk food. Grin.  Not only was this type of candy a new treat for me, but it seemed to be  very popular  as I saw it in many stores.

I also wish I had a few bags of it at home as a special treat. I did bring home a bag, but that is  now sadly long gone. 

That's all from me today. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. 



  1. No. I am SO with you - but admit I would´ve been too lazy to do it "properly" - I´d just painted around.
    Love how you saved the sweet memory, too!
    (believe it or not ... a sweet post is in the making here).
    Have a great Sunday, hugs!

  2. ...stop by today, we will have a hot sunny day.

  3. I agree that the red looks much better. That’s why you do this kind of stuff, so that you can get it just right - until the next time that is! It’s great that your visit to Iceland continues to provide so many memories and opportunities to ply your craft. Hugs - David

  4. Love your page. The red map is much better, details are so important. Those candies are good, and you can get good liquorice candy here, too, and of course in Holland and England. Have a sweet day, hugs Valerie

  5. Luv your red map. Happy you dropped by my blog today Erika


  6. I like the title of your post. The green looked ok, but the red is definitely better. Oh, licorice! Was it covered in chocolate? Looks like a nice day is shaping up. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  7. A good work making the postcards. My prefered one is the first, with blue colors. The two are nice.

  8. Little gnome is cute.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  9. Dear Erika,
    I can understand you well - I also think that red fits much better than green. Even if green is more authentic (you see a lot of green on Iceland), it doesn't look perfect in the red-blue context, and that bothers an aesthete like you apparently are.
    I also know it like this: When I redecorate a room at home, it sometimes happens that I see something that isn't perfect out of the corner of my eye. Sometimes it's just a little thing that needs adjusting, but mostly it's because of the color of an accessory that isn't right (or I don't think it's right - because often it really only bothers ME and nobody else ;-D).
    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. YES, the smile works - I'm glad you feel the same way. Thumbs up!
    All the best and have a good start into the new week!
    PS:In Austria it's hot and sunny again since some days...

  10. We can definitely tell Fall is near, though our temps this week are predicted to have highs over 100. That's August for you lol

  11. It is so annoying when something is bugging you and you know exactly what but don't really have the time to remedy it yet you still cannot rest until you have changed things.
    It looks great in either colour but I see where you arek coming from and appreciate what you did for us all. I'm with you on the little elf guy too - he really has that appeal hasn't he.
    Just got back fro our caravan again and yesterday was a cheese and wine party (annual). Day started wet and overcast but by the time of the party it was brilliant sunshine. Today it rained again! Funny weather!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  12. No, I totally get why you changed it to red, although sometimes when I'm faced with that I just lazily add other green stuff to my page. heehee

  13. Yes, it does suit the red better, It's a great page for my AJJ theme thanks Erika, hugs Chrisx


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