Thursday, August 24, 2023

A Nice Day for a Walk

 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. This is a scheduled post as today I'm riding with my hubby  part way up the coast of Maine  to Belfast. He needs to be  there for a business meeting this morning. You might possibly remember I drove up with him to Belfast back in April. That time we went on a Friday and spent the night. This time we're only making this a day trip so we're off bright and early  and will be getting home later tonight. I probably won't get to commenting on people's blogs  until tomorrow.

The other day I went for a lovely walk down by the shore after a doctor's appointment. I hope you enjoy the views.

There were a couple of other trails, but I decided to continue on the paved trail.

Have a great day.


  1. What a great walk you had, Erika. Almost makes going to the doctor worthwhile. Hugs - David

  2. Thank you for the wonderful walk! Hope you had a great day with your Hubby! Hugs

  3. Such beautiful photos, TFS! Enjoy your walk, have a great day with your hubby! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Looks very sunny and beautiful!
    p.s you have mentioned on my blog that my posts only pop up occasionally...since the blogger discontinue their email sub. service, I cannot find another free email service to send the updates. Where do you usually read your blog subs? I always get your updates from Feedly.

  5. Good morning enjoy your day today and thanks for taking us along on your hike hugs Kathy

  6.'s time for things to fruit and go to seed.

  7. I hope you have weather for your day trip as lovely as that on the day this post was done! Some florious photos here! Happy travels!

  8. Beautiful nature shot.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  9. I too love walking every weekday, as long as the gardens and trees en route are beautiful and the sun is shining. It is healthy, and life affirming! And the coffee at the end is worth every step :)

  10. Beautiful post, Erika! The photos speak of autumn coming. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Looks like a nice walk and paced paths would be my preference as well, Erika. I think we even took part of this walk when we stayed in the area years ago.

  12. What a lovely walk! Summer is fading...

  13. I certainly enjoyed the walk with you today. Especially liked the white blossom. I have a question about the yellow flowers, are they Rudbeckia? They look like them and if so are they growing wild? How lovely anyway to see them and everything else growing so profusely.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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