Friday, August 25, 2023

Random August Photos

Hi everyone. Happy Friday. I just realized as I wrote this post that it's the last Friday of August too. What? It can't be. I think it's always  bittersweet that (meteorological) summer is almost over.

It is raining again here today. I'm happy we had at least 5 days rain free this past week though, which is better than it has been most weeks. 😀 

August is always a busy season in my yard, so today for Nicole's Friday Face Off   and also for Gillena's  Friday Lunch Break  let me share some random garden photos, as well as a few other assorted photos from this month. There are a lot of faces in this post too.

I know some people don't like spiders, so I'll get these 2 out of the way. These arachnids were sitting on  leaves in my potted plants. I found them both when I was watering one day.

I've also had dragonflies in my yard, which is great because this year (with all the rain) there seems to be an abundance of mosquitoes. This Blue Dasher posed for me long enough to get a good photo.

This tree frog was hanging out on the outside of our sliding door one night.

And hopefully I've identified this butterfly correctly. It's an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail.

And I believe this next one is a Cabbage White.

Some of my dahlias are blooming. This photo doesn't show it, but this flower has a diameter of just about 10 inches (25 cm). It's huge!

This year I put my dahlia bulbs into some of those fabric  planting bags that are often used for planting potatoes. I did this since dahlia bulbs need to be dug in and put inside for the winter where I live. This way I can find them in October when I dig them up. This dahlia is on its second giant flower, and there's more buds too. 😀

The milkweed pods are forming.

 I also found this monarch caterpillar on one of the milkweed plants.

I've left some goldenrod growing in my gardens for the bees. At this time of year we can be in a pollen dearth.  Not only does the goldenrod attract my honey bees, but here's one of the many bumblebees  that like it too.

And here's a similar bee on a zinnia. 

This next photo just makes me smile. It's Miss Maddie at doggie daycare where she goes twice a week. She loves to go, so even though I am now retired I hate taking that away from her.  She doesn't look very comfy though, does she? Smile!

Here's an upside down photo (grin) of some cherry tomatoes in a pot on my deck.

My garden tomatoes are still mostly green.

Most of the cucumbers are still tiny, but I have picked a couple.

The second batch of kale is growing.

And the wild blackberries along my driveway are ripening. Boy these are so much better than store bought ones.

Not only do the tree frogs hang out on my sliding door, but the grasshoppers do too. 

And finally,
 I took this photo of Miss Maddie in my husband's truck. She  looks even more uncomfortable than  the other photo of her in this post. You'd think she's get a stiff neck sleeping in this position.

That's all for me. Have a great weekend!



  1. ...Miss Maddie is enjoying the dog days of summer!

  2. I have an irrational fear of spiders so I scrolled quickly through those photos without looking. 😺 I love all the other photos especially those of Maddie. I love a girl who can sleep anywhere. Your garden looks spectacular. Even though we've had so much rain this Spring and Summer it's nice to see the lawns still green and not death brown. Stay dry today

  3. Beautiful photos. Happy Friday friend.

  4. I love dragonflies and bees -- probably my most favourite insects! And that dahlia -- wow! Last week I went to a local botanical garden that has a large display of dahlias -- heaven!

  5. I am not a fan of spiders, but some are very handsome creatures. Your garden is doing really well, and what huge blooms on your dahlia, wow! Strange that the frog and grasshopper can hang onto the glass like that. Dogs always seem to have strange feelings for what is comfortable, I always wonder about their strange sleeping positions. Have a happy Friday, hugs, Valerie

  6. Ohhh so many wonderful garden photos with the faces of nature. Ohhh and the cutest dogs. Most of my tomatoes are green too. It's just too cold to grow them here. But a few are rippening. I made jam the other day with the wild blackberries that grow around my fence line. You are right they are so much better than store bought. Thank you for joining FFO and have a lovely weekend.

  7. You took some really good photos, Erika. Had to LOL at Miss Maddie...she had a rough day.

  8. Thanks for showing us your vegetables/flora and fauna.
    Happy you linked to Art For Fun Friday.


  9. Your insect photos are wonderful, Erika! I don't like spiders. One scrambled up my arm yesterday, and I freaked out. I thought it was a trick of my eyes, but it wasn't. Tolkien and Shelob didn't help either. I've seen a lot of Blue Dasher dragonflies along Piney Creek, but I can't catch them fast enough with my camera. You captured a spectacular shot! Dogs amaze me with their ability to crash anywhere and snooze. It looks like Miss Maddie is making sure that your husband doesn't drive off and leave her behind lol! xox

  10. Erika, my Friday Funnies post featured several doggie pics today, so Miss Maddie would fit in perfectly. The tree frog was my favorite in today's images; spiders not so much and snakes never.

  11. This Blue Dasher dragonfly posed for you beautifully, and spread his wings enough to see the extremely fine decoration. It is magical.

  12. Great series from your backyard, Erika. I am especially impressed with the spiders. Your post reminds me that I haven’t seen a Monarch caterpillar this year. We have two Black Swallowtail pupae that have gone into diapause and they will spend the winter in the garage to emerge next spring.hugs - David

  13. That looked like a nice walk yesterday and today lots of wonderful things growing. So nice to see. Hope you are having a fab weekend, xoxo

  14. Maddie must be mega-exhausted to sleep in that position. It's a great photo! Your camera is great, too. Beautiful captures of those bugs. That one spider looked like a teenage mutant ninja starfish!

  15. Ms. Maddie 'steals the show' ~ sweet doggie ~ Great nature photos!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Even with the heat we can feel Fall approaching. I'm covered with mosquito bites, and am always happy to see the dragon flies. Your blackberries look delicious. I buy mine at the store.

    I want frogs! We never see them on the patio. Miss Maddie has a sweet face. Total contentment.

  17. Wonderful photos (except for the spiders).

  18. That last photo of Maddie is so funny, yes, how on earth can she be comfortable like that - but it's rather cute isn't it?
    Gosh Erika, you are reaping a lovely harvest, lots of goodies there and I love the tomatoes bet they taste wonderful.
    Can't get over that dahlia, it is fantastic! You must be over the moon with that.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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