Saturday, August 12, 2023

More Iceland Photos

 Hi everyone. Happy weekend. 

I'm back with some more Iceland photos from day 3 of the trip. We're still in the northeast area of the island, near Lake Myvatn. I liked this area, and I wish I had planned to spend more time here.  If I ever get back to Iceland (and there are so  many other interesting places to see in the world so returning to Iceland is not  on the top of my list), I would try to get back to this area.

Let me start with a couple of more waterfalls. We almost missed these because we didn't notice the sign. Then we saw 2 tour buses turn off onto a dirt road heading across the lava fields. We figured if tour buses were going that way, then there must be something good to see. We turned around and followed them. Smile.

It was almost a kilometer walk in from the parking area. This photo shows us getting close to the first waterfall.

Dettifoss is the second most powerful waterfall in Europe. And it did not disappoint.

There was another route that we missed which would take you to the other side of the river and falls with better viewing. Oh well, we still saw enough of the falls to be satisfied. Below you can see a viewing platform you can walk up onto. The  view was much better up there.

You can see the people on the other side. I don't like heights, so that other viewing side looks a little precarious to me.

Then if you continued along the trail loop, you could visit a second waterfall. Dettifoss is known as the Beast.  Selfoss is known as the Beauty.

To get there we passed some interesting rock formations. 
And here is Selfoss.

Here's more rocks on the way back towards the parking lot. I liked all the rock piles as you can probably guess. 

Looking back toward Dettifoss the spray coming up reflected a cool rainbow. We were almost back to the parking lot to get this view.

Our next stop,  just down the Ring Road from the waterfalls turn off,  was this interesting geologic area.
I'm glad we stopped here, but on the other hand, having been in Yellowstone last September, this area wasn't quite as exciting as I'd hoped.  (But it did make some interesting photos.)

In my next Iceland post I will share some photos from the discovery of a set of trails across the road from the hotel where we stayed at in Myvatn (which is  also the general area where all of today's photos come from). That walk may not have been quite as dramatic as any of today's post's photos, but was a favorite walk of mine.

Enjoy the start of your weekend.


  1. Isn´t the idea of "Highlander" a wonderful at "times"?
    You have endless of it and can return to a place as often as you like - if your loved one is one, too...
    You are right. If Ingo wan´t sick I would not go to Perth but the Outback. Always new.
    I looks like you really love this place. It´s raining again (after the summer yesterday) soI am a little fed up with that ;-)

    The Beauty sounds good.
    It reminds me of Pipe-Organ NP in Australia. Just the stones were not surprisingly red.

    Wow on the rainbow! Beautiful. You´re a great photographer. Thank you for sharing, made me smile big (and thinking of our wedding day, where we had one, too).
    Very interesting uncommented pics as well.
    Looking forward to your favorite.
    Have a great day, hugs and thank you!

  2. That is an impressive volume of water, Erika, and I would imagine that the experience is far better than Niagara with all its modern tawdriness, neon signs, casinos and the like. Great memories! Hugs - David

  3. The waterfall is really amazing! I love the rainbow reflection.

  4. Thankfully the sky is largely blue :) I don't mind heights too much, but it all looks so harsh and unforgiving - the rocks of course, but the flat ground and even the water falls. Are visitors perfectly safe there?

  5. Lovely waterfalls. I will say there seems to be a lack of sunshine there in Iceland

  6. Good morning, J enjoyed your post awesome waterfalls and all those rocks too thanks for sharing I have been enjoying your Iceland posts I did buy a used book about Iceland that won the pulitzer prize that you shared awhile back a little hard to get into but the writing is good
    enjoy your weekend Kathy

  7. Wonderful photos, dear Erika, I love them all. Waterfally, rocks, sky rainbow - al the delights were there. And in real life it must have been even more stunning! Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  8. What a wonderful opportunity! Stunning landscape! The waterfall photos are impressive.

  9. That rainbow is cool, refracted light does miraculous things. So much of that country seems desolate, like another planet. XOX

  10. this area looks so desolated. The waterfalls and the mist are both so beautiful, eneigmatic.

  11. What an interesting landscape. I cant get over how different it is. Like another planet. I would love to visit.

  12. Mysterious type photos of Iceland ~ does the sun shine much I wonder,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Stunning. Stunning. Stunning. Also, I LOVE the magical rainbow there. How cool is that?

  14. I 've had another super catch up Erika, fantastic art and wonderful photos, the one you shared on this post are amazing what awesome scenery you must have seen on this trip.
    Hop all is well with you and yours.
    Yvonne xx

  15. The beauty of Earth never ceases to amaze me. Great photos. - Anne (Cornucopia)


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