Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Big Adventure

 Hi everyone. Happy Sunday. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

My weekend has been quiet for a switch, and it's been a bit of a disappointment. No Friday boating with my husband, and a cookout I was going to yesterday was cancelled due to storms and one of the hosts catching covid. 😟  

Even though my post title says The Big Adventure, you can see that I'm not off on any adventures this weekend (except of course life's daily adventure).  I do have an art journal page about an adventure for you. The ladies on my page are ready to leave on their latest travel adventure.

My page is for Chris' Where in the World challenge at Art Journal Journey  and also for Gillena's Sunday's Smiles

I'm not certain Where in the World these 2 ladies are headed, but they certainly look ready to go. Look at that stack of luggage they are sitting on. 

I decided to keep this page mostly neutral except for the confetti flowers they've added to their hats. 

I started with a piece of 8x11 (inch) designed paper. 
 I die cut and inked the suitcases. I stamped the train on some deli paper and then added that to the page.  I like how stamping it on the deli paper created a kind of smokey effect around it. I also added some background  stamps, as well as an actual postmark from an envelope. It wasn't a clear 100% round postmark which is why I tucked the unstamped side under the right hand lady.

I attached the whole page onto some white watercolor paper and then stamped an edge around it.

And there you have it. I wonder where these 2 are heading off to and what they will do when they get there. Wherever it is, I hope they have a good time.

Thanks for visiting, and enjoy the rest of your weekend. 


  1. Lovely piece, love the neutral colours. Sorry your weekend didn't go as well as you wanted. Mine neither! hugs, Valerie

  2. Sorry to hear that your plans got cancelled, Erika, but I’m sure you found ways to occupy your time, as evidenced by this lovely piece. Those two ladies look like they are set go off and have a good time. Maybe they’ll even have a few adventures they’ll want to keep a secret! Hugs - David

  3. ...yep, Covid ain't over. Will it ever be? Stay safe and well.

  4. I love the vintage look of this page. Have a great Sunday, Erika!

  5. Happy Sunday Erika

    Sunday Smiles isHERE🇹🇹

    Happy Sunday

  6. Are those two brave ladies going far on their adventure? The suitcases are big, so they must have been carrying a lot of stuff. But their coats are suitable for winter, so I hope they aren't going to India.

  7. Lovely page! Sorry the weekend didn't go according to plan

  8. They look like they are going on the Grand European tour. Enjoy your day

  9. Beautiful art page. - Anne (Cornucopia)

  10. Hi Erika...Machel is a Soca artiste not soccer. Soca is a music of T&T🇹🇹
    Listen to one of his videos


  11. A fabulous page Erika, love the image of these ladies, obviously waiting for their train to arrive and whisk them off on adventures.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  12. Bummer about the no boat and no cook-out. Love the hats they're wearing.

  13. I think or should I say I know Covid is part of our world.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  14. Love the colors you used Erika, I'm a fan of all things brown! And those ladies up on that register is super cuteness!!!!

  15. Well I went high up here, despite of my fear of heights! ;-)
    Two happy ladies, those are!
    To happy days!

  16. Covid is still with us, even though most folks act like it's gone. Around here everything is back to behavioral normal.

  17. I like the idea of life's daily adventure! Sorry about your husband's friend. My pal Kate has Covid now and we have postponed art camp till she's well. It's back.

  18. With that huge stack of luggage they must surely be about to have a great trip! This is a fabulous page Erika and definitely just the ticket ( Sorry, couldn't resist) for my 'Where In The World' theme at AJJ. Covid is definitely still with us, quite a few folk we know have had it recently- we are being cautious once again! Enjoy the rest of the week, hugs, Chrisx

  19. Your page is too cool for school, Erika. That sucks about your plans for they sounded fun. But glad you found out about the Covid before getting exposed. I think folks need to get back to defense on that for awhile and I know some have a really defiant attitude about it so we may see another mini-epidemic this fall/winter. I apologize for being so behind in reading/commenting. We've had some real action this week on the whole house generator install. And it's left me wilted for lack of a better word. When our power's been on to use my computer. We began this over 2 months ago and it's almost done. Centerpoint comes to hook up the gas meter to the generator today, then Thursday we get an operating walk-thru on it, so by Friday the hurricanes can come, haha. And it looks like there's a chance for that late next week, so talk about nick of time! XOX

  20. A gorgeous page with those lovely vintage images. I love the little pops of colour from the flowers.

  21. Love the fact that you kept this page neutral, looks better than in colour, sepia tones seem to work with these images. The flowers having colour is just the perfect touch.
    I love the humour behind the words - how on earth did those two get up there in the first place?
    Hugs Neet xx


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