Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Sing a Song

 Hi everyone. Happy Tuesday to you.

The last 2 weeks have flown by once again, and I want to thank everyone who joined in our  Pretty Papers challenge at Try It on Tuesday. I also want to thank Gerrina for having been our lovely guest designer.

And now it's time for a new challenge that runs for the next 2 weeks. This time we'd like you to make some art on the theme of

Sing a Song

I made a journal page that was inspired by an old 1982 concert ticket. Recently my husband and his sister have been cleaning out his mother's boxes and files of paperwork.  Let's just say she wasn't the most organized of people. 😕In one of those boxes, they came across this old ticket to a Liberace concert. I immediately thought it would be great for some art, so I grabbed it before it went into the trash bag.

I started with a page of 8x11 printed paper that I mounted onto some white watercolor paper. Then I used some yellow, brown, black and pink inks along the edge to not only color my white watercolor paper but to also tie the 2 pieces of paper together.

Then I randomly stamped  the TH instrument stamps.  Years ago, when this set of rubber stamps came out, I didn't want them thinking I would never use them. Later I found this set    marked way down, and I picked them up thinking I might use them.  They have become my most used TH set.  Does this happen to you? Sometimes you buy  stamp sets, thinking since you love them you will use them a lot. And you don't. Funny how that can happen.  Or maybe it only happens to me.
I also stamped the piano bar, notes and G clef with images from an old Kim Hughes set. The quote is stamped from an old Technique Tuesday set.

I added the ticket, along with some photo booth faces from TH that have been in my stash for quite a while also. 

And that's my page. 

I hope you have a song in your soul and are inspired by music. We'd love for you to join us for this next challenge at Try It On Tuesday.

Thanks for visiting my blog.



  1. This business of buying things you like only to find they are not used crosses lines with all creative people. My wife has stashes upon stashes of fabric, and there are items there that she thought at the time was just right for this or that, yet years later it sits there still. It even happens with appliances. Years ago I bought a juicer. I had the recipes for various healthy combinations I would make from fresh fruit and vegetables, but the juicer has never left the box! It is here in the house somewhere or we gave it away. The coffee pot gets used a lot though! Hugs - David

  2. ...life would be bleak without music, keep it playing.

  3. The page feels so nostalgic. I love the instrument stamps.

  4. Fab page, love the old ticket and all the musical stamps


  5. This is a great page, Erika. How nice to have a Liberace ticket. My mum used to love all of his shows! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  6. A fabulous page Erika, love the musical background with the happy faces and what a great find that ticket was - maybe these were some of the folks who went to the concert.
    Avril xx

  7. I LOVE this, Erika and it gives me a chance to use some images I found as I was reorganizing a few weeks ago. Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. I never heard of try it on Tuesday.
    I will check it out, maybe some Tuesday I will give it whirl.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  9. Nice commemoration of the happy event! Aloha!

  10. Life without music would be very sad! Great page pointing that out! Have a singy day, hugs

  11. Finding the concert ticket and using it on the page has stored a family memory for you all about your MIL, Its a fantastic take on the theme Erika.
    Hope all is well with you.
    Yvonne xx

  12. What a find for you. Great how something like that can be used when it triggers off inspiration on a topic. I remember Liberace but I don't think I recognise any of the photos but I am sure they were well known in \america.
    A great page Erika.
    Hugs, ~Neet xx

  13. This is one of my favorite pages of yours, Erika. Love the old stamps, photos and especially that ticket. Date it back to 1952 and those kids would probably have died to have it. He was a teenybopper's crush back in the 50's, had his own TV show too. Vegas was his career second act -- ha! What a character, bet that's why your m-i-l liked him. Anyway, great page, perfect synthesis of elements. XOX

  14. This will be a fun theme. It's a really nice page.

  15. Absoluty gorgeous page🤩💐👏👏👏 happy day

  16. A fabulous page! What a great piece of ephemera that ticket is!

  17. How fun you made this whole design around the old concert ticket you found! You've got something genuinely retro on this vintage looking design. I love how it turned out!


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