Monday, August 7, 2023

T Stands for Views of the Sky

Hi everyone. Happy T day once again. 

Last week flew by, and other than Friday, in New Hampshire we had some lovely weather. We finally had a week where the days-long rain periods were gone. It was great to see the sun, and I even had 2 days with nothing on my agenda so I could putter outside in the gardens. Here in New Hampshire we don't normally get the long period of very high humidity we had for almost all of July, and my gardens are/were sorely in need of some TLC. My fingers are crossed that August's weather gives ALL of us less high heat/high humidity days and more wonderfully cool  nights for sleeping. What a crazy summer it's been weather-wise at least.

You might remember me mentioning that I'm working a couple of mornings a week this summer. I'm a Lake Host, and I check boats and boat trailers for any aquatic visitors that might be clinging to them. These visitors are not native plants and animals. They can become invasive, taking over and squeezing out the native species if they get into a waterbody.  In my area it is most likely from 1 of 2 plants called either invasive Eurasian or Variable milfoil, but there are some other species I have to keep my eyes open for also.

State law says that it is illegal for boats to transport any invasive species, but I've still found 2 potential milfoil samples so far. They get sent off to the state for final verification. 

I work at the state boat ramp at this beautiful lake in my town. It is a clean lake, both for water quality and for unwanted growth. And it is a really beautiful place to plop a chair and enjoy the view too.  Many mornings the view is really interesting. I thought for T this week I'd share some photos I've taken during the last few weeks.

I hope you like these lake views. 😉 

These final shots are from last Monday, July 31st. You can tell it was chilly that morning with all the smoke rising off the water.

When I go for my shift (which is 5 hours) on Monday and Tuesday mornings, I use one of my "tea" infusers and fill my jug with some cold water. There is no running water at this boat ramp and only a couple of porta potties which can get a bit disgusting, but are better than nothing.

This is my drink and my ticket for T this week over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

That's what's going on with me.  Have a great T day and week ahead.


  1. Beautiful images of the lake, especially the ones with the mist rising near the little boats.
    best, mae at

  2., what a gorgeous place!

  3. Your photos of the lake are beautiful. I love how it looks different every time. The reflections are gorgeous as well. I hope that when it is hot and humid you have a shady place to sit, otherwise it would be miserable. How much longer are you going to do this job? Until the end of August? I hope and wish for you that the weather in August will be much more to your liking. Happt T day and a lovely week to you, Erika. Hugs, Carola

  4. These lake views are really beautiful. I enjoyed different views of the sky over the lake including sunrise. Thanks for the share, Happy T day!

  5. The lake view is just magnificent, Erika!

  6. Oh my gosh, that tea is my cuppa for sure. Hard for me to see the brand. Which one is it? Thanks in advance. I llooooooooveeee teas like this. I have a raspberry that I make cold for work and right now, drinking a hot peach tea. Delightful.

    The views you showed us ... also delightful.

  7. I sure do love the lake pics!
    Glad you help protect it still!
    Porta potties, oh. I have a book, "Aussie Loos with Views" - think of that, maybe ;-)
    Happy T-Day and hugs

  8. What a beautiful spot! (When it doesn't rain. Can you sit in your car when it rains?)
    Portapotties.... sigh... sometimes behind a bush is preferable.
    Happy T-Day,

  9. Fabulous pictures of the lake! Sooooo pretty. Wow. Love your drink too - smart idea to make a fun drink while working. Happy T-day and hugz

  10. The views at the lake are wonderful, what a wonderful place to be able to work, yesssss. I coud look at the views all day. Porta Potties are not my faves either, but as you say, better than nothing. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  11. When you love your job, you will never work a day in your life. That must be especially true for you and these beautiful views you shared of that lake.

    That cold water infused tea sounds wonderful. I like all three of these. Thanks for sharing your stunning photos of the lake and your tea with us fr T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  12. Drinking on the job can be a good thing, lol. Sounds like a delish blend. The lake looks nice too. XOX

  13. Sounds like an interesting job. And what a wonderful place to be!

  14. Your lake views are beautiful, and it certainly looks very clean. How interesting that you found some unusual species, I wouldn't know where or how to look. That sounds like an important job.
    Your tea sounds delicious!
    Have fun at the lake!
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. Your lake views are breathtaking. I hear about invasive aquatic species on boats, here, too. Your tea sounds good, but I would be afraid to drink too much as then I would have to use those disgusting porta potties. LOL Happy T Day.

  16. Hi Erika,
    Interesting job you have. It's not Lake Winnipesauke, is it? NH sure takes its lakes seriously. Florida and Tennessee do not check at all! Our marina on the TN River is clogged with milfoil, and up in the hills, kudzu has taken over. The kudzu looks lush but they are invasive, killing native plants.

    Thanks for visiting my blog (mvmaithai).

  17. Despite being a Brit I don't like 'tea' to drink but prefer the tessanes, especially if they are red fruit based. Yours looks interesting and would be something I would try. I can just imagine sitting at the edge of your lake and just enjoying the solitude and silence. When you are on duty are you alone or do you do it in pairs?
    How interesting to hear about your voluntary work - could do with a scheme like that up here where we are on holiday as there is/has been a lot of controversy about the English Lakes.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  18. You're lake looks beautiful -- so clear. I love what you are doing and that they have this role. We have had a bit of milfoil on our lake. I don't know much about it but I know it isn't good and I'm glad you caught it! Well done, Erika!

  19. Awesome views from your job. I like how sometimes it's hard to tell where the lake ends and the sky begins. Happy T Day


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