Monday, August 28, 2023

T Stands for Three Tickets for T

Hi everyone.  It's time for T again over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.  For T day you just need to link up a drink in your post. In this post I have 3 links to drinks. 

Last Thursday my husband had to go to Belfast, Maine for a meeting. Belfast is a 3 hour drive from my house, part way up the Maine coast, and is a really charming little town. The hubby asked me if I wanted to come along for the ride, and I did.

We left just after 5:30 AM. Stop one was just before we got on the Maine turnpike, about an hour away, in Biddeford (Maine) for a quick  break and to grab some breakfast to go.

I rarely go to McDonald's  so I didn't know they had these fun little quotes on their drink cup lids. Here's my wake me up Diet Coke.

While my husband was at his meeting I took  a short walk and mostly read in the car. 
After my husband's meeting ended, he and I went downtown and had lunch. It was  a perfect summer day so we sat outside.

We had only a little bit of a water view from our table, but we did have a nice mural view.

I had unsweetened iced tea to drink, and this is my second ticket for T this week.

I was debating whether to have a lobster roll since I was in Maine (home of the Maine lobster, even though you can find them at the New Hampshire coast too), but they also had a grilled cheese crabmeat sandwich on special. I haven't had crabmeat for a long long time as you hardly ever see it on the menu at home, so I went with that. The hubby was surprised I didn't order the lobster roll, but since he was buying lunch, I bet he was happy I went with the special. ๐Ÿ˜‰

After lunch the hubby had to catch up on some work calls from the car, so that gave me time to walk around downtown. I didn't take a lot of photos since I was busy browsing, but here's a few I did take.

I didn't check out the story behind this oldest shoe store in the US, but it makes a good photo.

This boating bear isn't a great photo, as I snapped it inside the restaurant as we walked out. 
It's also a good thing we didn't have the truck with us, as I would have wanted one of these cool metal arbors for my garden.

Do you need to sit a minute and relax? The car is an uphill walk. And I know, this post is rambling on a bit.

Here's one view of downtown Belfast. It's not a very big downtown, but there's some artsy stores in the mix. 

I loved these mugs in the kitchen shop, but they were way too pricey for my budget. These are ticket #3 for T this week.

When I got back to the car my husband said he saw a woman walking by with a huge bag stuffed with yarn. Had I found the yarn shop? ๐Ÿ˜‰

My ears perked up like the dogs do when you say the word treat. Yarn shop? 

No I hadn't found it. He was done with the phone calls so he headed out with me. I didn't need any yarn, but I did actually need a 40 inch sized 10 1/2  knitting needle (for knitting in the round) to work on my Icelandic sweater.  

They had just what I needed, and even though they had some very nice yarn, I walked out with just my needles.๐Ÿ‘

Since it was Thursday and my husband had to work on Friday, we headed home fairly early. We did have to make one more stop though.

It had been a few hours since lunch-grin.

What flavor would you choose? I had a cup with half mocha chip and half espresso anise swirl. And since espresso is usually a drink, I might be able to count that as ticket #4 for T. Smile. 

Thanks for reading this far and visiting my blog. And thank you Elizabeth for hosting.  Have a great T day and week ahead.



  1. ...what a neat area, did you hug?

  2. YOur day in Maine sounds very idyllic, except for the extremely difficult and challenging choice between a lobster roll and a crab sandwich. Torture!

    You really managed to find a lot of drinks for T.

    best... mae at

  3. ... I'd go for raspberries and cream :)
    Loved your post and photographs.

    All the best Jan

  4. Yum! All those flavors but I think I would have to pick the raspberries and cream or the Chocolate Black cherry. Anything fruity for me.
    Looks like a great adventure! Belfast is an adorable little place and I like that they have some crafty shops. Always a plus!
    Glad you had a fun outing with your Hubby. The perfect date.
    Happy Tea Day,

  5. Hi Erika, sounds like a fun day out-except for Hubs meeting-enjoyed all the photos I think that maple walnut ice cream sounds really good
    Happy new week Hugs Kathy

  6. Looks like a wonderful little community.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  7. A perfect perfect day! So glad you shared it with us. Aloha!l happy t day!

  8. looks like that you two had a great time in Belfast. I love that mural..

  9. Hi Erika, sounds like a great day with different food and beautiful surroundings. Beautiful mugs too. It seems like a great area for walking, browsing shops and for relaxing.
    Happy T-Tuesday!

  10. I haven´t been to Maccas in ages! Fun lid :-)
    See? "He and I"... here people wonder when I do it that way, also, but I grew up with never mentioning yourself first, that not polite. ("The pig goes first" or such a saying...).
    Beautiful mural.
    I wish I would like seafood!
    Cool! The oldest shoe shop!! And the ducky on the bear! Yes to the chairs. Awwww to the heart! Sad you were by yourself!
    Dangerous store with the mugs.
    LOL. Your hubby is like me. I always tell Ingo of things he likes, even if I don´t want more stuff in our condo...
    You´re a strong person! Looking forward to see the sweater!
    You just woke up my sweet tooth and though it cooled down I sit here bare feet. but Ingo ate up all the ice-cream...
    Can´t decide. Had Pistachio as kid in summer in Tornesch each Wednesday (three weeks only haha). From the ice-cream truck. Once ran barefoot into still warm dog-poo, fell and lost my ice-cream. My cousin laughed. I cried. Still remember the feeling of the warm... I´d go for ginger!
    Happy T-Day :-) Hugs

  11. I keep hoping today will be the day I can leave a comment without getting an error message. Once again, fingers crossed.

    You certainly gave us a ton of drinks. And your meal looks good. I would eat all those onion rings, that's for sure.

    What a fun mural. I love historic murals that show the area. I would love to know more about the shoe store. I bet there is a story there.

    My choice of ice cream is Quadruple Chocolate and Pistachio. Thanks for sharing your trip to Belfast, ME and your wonderful drinks with us for T this Tuesday. PLEASE, blogger. Let today be the day I can leave a comment.

  12. Oh wow. Has the blogger curse been broken?

  13. Sounds like a good day out! So glad you didn't starve and found plenty of places to eat and drink! Things always seem to taste better on a journey. And a nice ice cream is always special! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  14. There is such a difference from the East coast to the West. Here, we have the worst eateries. The sea food is NOT fresh and most of it is just awful. Not lobster rolls or crap grilled cheese. I've been up and down the Oregon coast and if you do find a sea food place it is either so expensive you have to take a loan out or it is a chain called Mo's and it is crap. OK, sorry about that, I didn't know I was going to go off. I wanted to say that your trip was delight. What a nice looking town with some history and art. Thanks for sharing and have a great day today.

  15. What a delightful outing! That looks like a pleasant town for a bit of a wander around. I'll have mocha chip, please :) Happy T Tuesday

  16. What a fun trip! Crabmeat grilled cheese sounds good. I didn't have a lobster roll in Newport because they didn't have the lobster roll served hot with drawn butter. They just have the lobster mixed with mayo and celery and stuff. In my experience more mayo and salad than lobster. I enjoyed the walk around town. So nice your hubby took you to the yarn shop. He's a keeper. For ice cream, I'll have the chocolate coconut almond. Happy T Day

  17. I'm so glad you found a yarn shop! Pity it wasn't earlier! I think Belfast is where Sketchbook Wandering lives. Did you see any urban sketchers out there? I'm glad you were able to make that trip with him -- it looks like a very cute town!

  18. Not surprised you took the chance to go out with hubby even if he was going to a meeting. What a great opportunity for eating your favourites and having one or two of those ice creams. Some of those flavours ~I have never tasted so I'd have a great time there.
    Thanks for the photos from your day, love those chairs
    Hugs, Neet xx

  19. Thanks, Erika, for reminding me of what a nice town Belfast, ME, is to visit. We have been there a few times and Colburn’s Show Store is also fun to visit, even though we didn’t buy anything. I can’t remember where we dined, but do know we stopped at John’s Ice Cream and enjoyed the stop๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿฆ

  20. What a great post. I traveled with you. Loved the Iceland photos obviously, but also Belfast is interesting. I always find it fascinating to hear the names of the towns as I only know the originals. Like Belfast ( in Ireland) and Biddeford in Devon ( which is spelled Bideford, but pronounced Biddeford)
    How you getting on with your Iceland sweater? Have you started yet or is it a winter project?


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